// @flow import "mobx-react-lite/batchingForReactDom"; import "focus-visible"; import { Provider } from "mobx-react"; import * as React from "react"; import { render } from "react-dom"; import { BrowserRouter as Router } from "react-router-dom"; import { initI18n } from "shared/i18n"; import stores from "stores"; import ErrorBoundary from "components/ErrorBoundary"; import ScrollToTop from "components/ScrollToTop"; import Theme from "components/Theme"; import Toasts from "components/Toasts"; import Routes from "./routes"; import env from "env"; initI18n(); const element = document.getElementById("root"); if (element) { render( <> , element ); } window.addEventListener("load", async () => { // installation does not use Google Analytics, or tracking is blocked on client // no point loading the rest of the analytics bundles if (!env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID || !window.ga) return; // https://github.com/googleanalytics/autotrack/issues/137#issuecomment-305890099 await import("autotrack/autotrack.js"); window.ga("require", "outboundLinkTracker"); window.ga("require", "urlChangeTracker"); window.ga("require", "eventTracker", { attributePrefix: "data-", }); });