// @flow import { observable, action } from "mobx"; import { inject, observer } from "mobx-react"; import { LinkIcon, CloseIcon } from "outline-icons"; import * as React from "react"; import { Link, withRouter, type RouterHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import styled from "styled-components"; import AuthStore from "stores/AuthStore"; import PoliciesStore from "stores/PoliciesStore"; import UiStore from "stores/UiStore"; import UsersStore from "stores/UsersStore"; import Button from "components/Button"; import CopyToClipboard from "components/CopyToClipboard"; import Flex from "components/Flex"; import HelpText from "components/HelpText"; import Input from "components/Input"; import NudeButton from "components/NudeButton"; import Tooltip from "components/Tooltip"; const MAX_INVITES = 20; type Props = { auth: AuthStore, users: UsersStore, history: RouterHistory, policies: PoliciesStore, ui: UiStore, onSubmit: () => void, }; type InviteRequest = { email: string, name: string, }; @observer class Invite extends React.Component { @observable isSaving: boolean; @observable linkCopied: boolean = false; @observable invites: InviteRequest[] = [ { email: "", name: "" }, { email: "", name: "" }, { email: "", name: "" }, ]; handleSubmit = async (ev: SyntheticEvent<>) => { ev.preventDefault(); this.isSaving = true; try { await this.props.users.invite(this.invites); this.props.onSubmit(); this.props.ui.showToast("We sent out your invites!"); } catch (err) { this.props.ui.showToast(err.message); } finally { this.isSaving = false; } }; @action handleChange = (ev, index) => { this.invites[index][ev.target.name] = ev.target.value; }; @action handleGuestChange = (ev, index) => { this.invites[index][ev.target.name] = ev.target.checked; }; @action handleAdd = () => { if (this.invites.length >= MAX_INVITES) { this.props.ui.showToast( `Sorry, you can only send ${MAX_INVITES} invites at a time` ); } this.invites.push({ email: "", name: "" }); }; @action handleRemove = (ev: SyntheticEvent<>, index: number) => { ev.preventDefault(); this.invites.splice(index, 1); }; handleCopy = () => { this.linkCopied = true; this.props.ui.showToast("A link was copied to your clipboard"); }; render() { const { team, user } = this.props.auth; if (!team || !user) return null; const predictedDomain = user.email.split("@")[1]; const can = this.props.policies.abilities(team.id); return (
{team.guestSignin ? ( Invite team members or guests to join your knowledge base. Team members can sign in with {team.signinMethods} or use their email address. ) : ( Invite team members to join your knowledge base. They will need to sign in with {team.signinMethods}.{" "} {can.update && ( <> As an admin you can also{" "} enable email sign-in. )} )} {team.subdomain && (   

)} {this.invites.map((invite, index) => ( this.handleChange(ev, index)} placeholder={`example@${predictedDomain}`} value={invite.email} required={index === 0} autoFocus={index === 0} flex />    this.handleChange(ev, index)} value={invite.name} required={!!invite.email} flex /> {index !== 0 && ( this.handleRemove(ev, index)}> )} ))} {this.invites.length <= MAX_INVITES ? ( ) : ( )}
); } } const CopyBlock = styled("div")` margin: 2em 0; font-size: 14px; `; const Remove = styled("div")` margin-top: 6px; position: absolute; right: -32px; `; export default inject("auth", "users", "policies", "ui")(withRouter(Invite));