// @flow import { observer } from "mobx-react"; import * as React from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { type Match } from "react-router-dom"; import Actions, { Action } from "components/Actions"; import CenteredContent from "components/CenteredContent"; import Empty from "components/Empty"; import Heading from "components/Heading"; import PageTitle from "components/PageTitle"; import PaginatedDocumentList from "components/PaginatedDocumentList"; import Tab from "components/Tab"; import Tabs from "components/Tabs"; import useStores from "hooks/useStores"; import NewTemplateMenu from "menus/NewTemplateMenu"; type Props = { match: Match, }; function Templates(props: Props) { const { documents } = useStores(); const { t } = useTranslation(); const { fetchTemplates, templates, templatesAlphabetical } = documents; const { sort } = props.match.params; return ( {t("Templates")} {t("Recently updated")} {t("Alphabetical")} } empty={ {t( "There are no templates just yet. You can create templates to help your team create consistent and accurate documentation." )} } fetch={fetchTemplates} documents={sort === "alphabetical" ? templatesAlphabetical : templates} showCollection showDraft /> ); } export default observer(Templates);