// @flow import { set, observable } from "mobx"; export default class BaseModel { @observable id: string; @observable isSaving: boolean; store: *; constructor(fields: Object, store: *) { set(this, fields); this.store = store; } save = async (params: ?Object) => { this.isSaving = true; try { // ensure that the id is passed if the document has one if (params) params = { ...params, id: this.id }; const model = await this.store.save(params || this.toJS()); // if saving is successful set the new values on the model itself set(this, { ...params, ...model }); return model; } finally { this.isSaving = false; } }; fetch = (options?: any) => { return this.store.fetch(this.id, options); }; refresh = () => { return this.fetch({ force: true }); }; delete = async () => { this.isSaving = true; try { return await this.store.delete(this); } finally { this.isSaving = false; } }; toJS = (): Object => { return { ...this }; }; }