// @flow import http from "http"; import Koa from "koa"; import { contentSecurityPolicy, dnsPrefetchControl, referrerPolicy, } from "koa-helmet"; import mount from "koa-mount"; import onerror from "koa-onerror"; import enforceHttps from "koa-sslify"; import api from "../api"; import auth from "../auth"; import emails from "../emails"; import env from "../env"; import routes from "../routes"; import Sentry from "../sentry"; const isProduction = env.NODE_ENV === "production"; const isTest = env.NODE_ENV === "test"; // Construct scripts CSP based on services in use by this installation const defaultSrc = ["'self'"]; const scriptSrc = [ "'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", "'unsafe-eval'", "gist.github.com", ]; if (env.GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_ID) { scriptSrc.push("www.google-analytics.com"); } if (env.CDN_URL) { scriptSrc.push(env.CDN_URL); defaultSrc.push(env.CDN_URL); } export default function init(app: Koa = new Koa(), server?: http.Server): Koa { if (isProduction) { // Force redirect to HTTPS protocol unless explicitly disabled if (process.env.FORCE_HTTPS !== "false") { app.use( enforceHttps({ trustProtoHeader: true, }) ); } else { console.warn("Enforced https was disabled with FORCE_HTTPS env variable"); } // trust header fields set by our proxy. eg X-Forwarded-For app.proxy = true; } else if (!isTest) { /* eslint-disable global-require */ const convert = require("koa-convert"); const webpack = require("webpack"); const devMiddleware = require("koa-webpack-dev-middleware"); const hotMiddleware = require("koa-webpack-hot-middleware"); const config = require("../../webpack.config.dev"); const compile = webpack(config); /* eslint-enable global-require */ const middleware = devMiddleware(compile, { // display no info to console (only warnings and errors) noInfo: true, // display nothing to the console quiet: false, watchOptions: { poll: 1000, ignored: ["node_modules", "flow-typed", "server", "build", "__mocks__"], }, // public path to bind the middleware to // use the same as in webpack publicPath: config.output.publicPath, // options for formatting the statistics stats: { colors: true, }, }); app.use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.webpackConfig = config; ctx.devMiddleware = middleware; await next(); }); app.use(convert(middleware)); app.use( convert( hotMiddleware(compile, { log: console.log, // eslint-disable-line path: "/__webpack_hmr", heartbeat: 10 * 1000, }) ) ); app.use(mount("/emails", emails)); } // catch errors in one place, automatically set status and response headers onerror(app); app.on("error", (error, ctx) => { // we don't need to report every time a request stops to the bug tracker if (error.code === "EPIPE" || error.code === "ECONNRESET") { console.warn("Connection error", { error }); return; } if (process.env.SENTRY_DSN) { Sentry.withScope(function (scope) { const requestId = ctx.headers["x-request-id"]; if (requestId) { scope.setTag("request_id", requestId); } const authType = ctx.state ? ctx.state.authType : undefined; if (authType) { scope.setTag("auth_type", authType); } const userId = ctx.state && ctx.state.user ? ctx.state.user.id : undefined; if (userId) { scope.setUser({ id: userId }); } scope.addEventProcessor(function (event) { return Sentry.Handlers.parseRequest(event, ctx.request); }); Sentry.captureException(error); }); } else { console.error(error); } }); app.use(mount("/auth", auth)); app.use(mount("/api", api)); // Sets common security headers by default, such as no-sniff, hsts, hide powered // by etc, these are applied after auth and api so they are only returned on // standard non-XHR accessed routes app.use(async (ctx, next) => { ctx.set("Permissions-Policy", "interest-cohort=()"); await next(); }); app.use( contentSecurityPolicy({ directives: { defaultSrc, scriptSrc, styleSrc: ["'self'", "'unsafe-inline'", "github.githubassets.com"], imgSrc: ["*", "data:", "blob:"], frameSrc: ["*"], connectSrc: ["*"], // Do not use connect-src: because self + websockets does not work in // Safari, ref: https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=201591 }, }) ); // Allow DNS prefetching for performance, we do not care about leaking requests // to our own CDN's app.use(dnsPrefetchControl({ allow: true })); app.use(referrerPolicy({ policy: "no-referrer" })); app.use(mount(routes)); return app; }