// @flow import { lighten } from "polished"; import * as React from "react"; import { useTranslation } from "react-i18next"; import { withRouter, type RouterHistory } from "react-router-dom"; import styled, { withTheme } from "styled-components"; import UiStore from "stores/UiStore"; import ErrorBoundary from "components/ErrorBoundary"; import Tooltip from "components/Tooltip"; import embeds from "../embeds"; import isInternalUrl from "utils/isInternalUrl"; import { isMetaKey } from "utils/keyboard"; import { uploadFile } from "utils/uploadFile"; const RichMarkdownEditor = React.lazy(() => import("rich-markdown-editor")); const EMPTY_ARRAY = []; type Props = { id?: string, defaultValue?: string, readOnly?: boolean, grow?: boolean, disableEmbeds?: boolean, ui?: UiStore, }; type PropsWithRef = Props & { forwardedRef: React.Ref, history: RouterHistory, }; function Editor(props: PropsWithRef) { const { id, ui, history } = props; const { t } = useTranslation(); const onUploadImage = React.useCallback( async (file: File) => { const result = await uploadFile(file, { documentId: id }); return result.url; }, [id] ); const onClickLink = React.useCallback( (href: string, event: MouseEvent) => { // on page hash if (href[0] === "#") { window.location.href = href; return; } if (isInternalUrl(href) && !isMetaKey(event) && !event.shiftKey) { // relative let navigateTo = href; // probably absolute if (href[0] !== "/") { try { const url = new URL(href); navigateTo = url.pathname + url.hash; } catch (err) { navigateTo = href; } } history.push(navigateTo); } else if (href) { window.open(href, "_blank"); } }, [history] ); const onShowToast = React.useCallback( (message: string) => { if (ui) { ui.showToast(message); } }, [ui] ); const dictionary = React.useMemo(() => { return { addColumnAfter: t("Insert column after"), addColumnBefore: t("Insert column before"), addRowAfter: t("Insert row after"), addRowBefore: t("Insert row before"), alignCenter: t("Align center"), alignLeft: t("Align left"), alignRight: t("Align right"), bulletList: t("Bulleted list"), checkboxList: t("Todo list"), codeBlock: t("Code block"), codeCopied: t("Copied to clipboard"), codeInline: t("Code"), createLink: t("Create link"), createLinkError: t("Sorry, an error occurred creating the link"), createNewDoc: t("Create a new doc"), deleteColumn: t("Delete column"), deleteRow: t("Delete row"), deleteTable: t("Delete table"), em: t("Italic"), embedInvalidLink: t("Sorry, that link won’t work for this embed type"), findOrCreateDoc: `${t("Find or create a doc")}…`, h1: t("Big heading"), h2: t("Medium heading"), h3: t("Small heading"), heading: t("Heading"), hr: t("Divider"), image: t("Image"), imageUploadError: t("Sorry, an error occurred uploading the image"), info: t("Info"), infoNotice: t("Info notice"), link: t("Link"), linkCopied: t("Link copied to clipboard"), mark: t("Highlight"), newLineEmpty: `${t("Type '/' to insert")}…`, newLineWithSlash: `${t("Keep typing to filter")}…`, noResults: t("No results"), openLink: t("Open link"), orderedList: t("Ordered list"), pasteLink: `${t("Paste a link")}…`, pasteLinkWithTitle: (service: string) => t("Paste a {{service}} link…", { service }), placeholder: t("Placeholder"), quote: t("Quote"), removeLink: t("Remove link"), searchOrPasteLink: `${t("Search or paste a link")}…`, strikethrough: t("Strikethrough"), strong: t("Bold"), subheading: t("Subheading"), table: t("Table"), tip: t("Tip"), tipNotice: t("Tip notice"), warning: t("Warning"), warningNotice: t("Warning notice"), }; }, [t]); return ( ); } const StyledEditor = styled(RichMarkdownEditor)` flex-grow: ${(props) => (props.grow ? 1 : 0)}; justify-content: start; > div { transition: ${(props) => props.theme.backgroundTransition}; } & * { box-sizing: content-box; } .notice-block.tip, .notice-block.warning { font-weight: 500; } .heading-name { pointer-events: none; } /* pseudo element allows us to add spacing for fixed header */ /* ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28824157 */ .heading-name::before { content: ""; display: ${(props) => (props.readOnly ? "block" : "none")}; height: 72px; margin: -72px 0 0; } .heading-name:first-child { & + h1, & + h2, & + h3, & + h4 { margin-top: 0; } } p { a { color: ${(props) => props.theme.text}; border-bottom: 1px solid ${(props) => lighten(0.5, props.theme.text)}; text-decoration: none !important; font-weight: 500; &:hover { border-bottom: 1px solid ${(props) => props.theme.text}; text-decoration: none; } } } `; const EditorTooltip = ({ children, ...props }) => ( {children} ); const Span = styled.span` outline: none; `; const EditorWithRouterAndTheme = withRouter(withTheme(Editor)); export default React.forwardRef((props, ref) => ( ));