// @flow import path from "path"; import File from "formidable/lib/file"; import { Attachment } from "../models"; import { buildUser } from "../test/factories"; import { flushdb } from "../test/support"; import documentImporter from "./documentImporter"; jest.mock("../utils/s3"); beforeEach(() => flushdb()); describe("documentImporter", () => { const ip = ""; it("should convert Word Document to markdown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "images.docx"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); const attachments = await Attachment.count(); expect(attachments).toEqual(1); expect(response.text).toContain("This is a test document for images"); expect(response.text).toContain("![](/api/attachments.redirect?id="); expect(response.title).toEqual("images"); }); it("should convert Word Document to markdown for application/octet-stream mimetype", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "images.docx"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/octet-stream", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); const attachments = await Attachment.count(); expect(attachments).toEqual(1); expect(response.text).toContain("This is a test document for images"); expect(response.text).toContain("![](/api/attachments.redirect?id="); expect(response.title).toEqual("images"); }); it("should error when a file with application/octet-stream mimetype doesn't have .docx extension", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "normal.docx.txt"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/octet-stream", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); let error; try { await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); } catch (err) { error = err.message; } expect(error).toEqual("File type application/octet-stream not supported"); }); it("should convert Word Document on Windows to markdown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "images.docx"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/octet-stream", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); const attachments = await Attachment.count(); expect(attachments).toEqual(1); expect(response.text).toContain("This is a test document for images"); expect(response.text).toContain("![](/api/attachments.redirect?id="); expect(response.title).toEqual("images"); }); it("should convert HTML Document to markdown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "webpage.html"; const file = new File({ name, type: "text/html", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); expect(response.text).toContain("Text paragraph"); expect(response.title).toEqual("Heading 1"); }); it("should convert Confluence Word output to markdown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "confluence.doc"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/msword", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); expect(response.text).toContain("this is a test document"); expect(response.title).toEqual("Heading 1"); }); it("should load markdown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "markdown.md"; const file = new File({ name, type: "text/plain", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); expect(response.text).toContain("This is a test paragraph"); expect(response.title).toEqual("Heading 1"); }); it("should handle encoded slashes", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "this %2F and %2F this.md"; const file = new File({ name, type: "text/plain", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", "empty.md"), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); expect(response.text).toContain(""); expect(response.title).toEqual("this / and / this"); }); it("should fallback to extension if mimetype unknown", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "markdown.md"; const file = new File({ name, type: "application/lol", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); const response = await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); expect(response.text).toContain("This is a test paragraph"); expect(response.title).toEqual("Heading 1"); }); it("should error with unknown file type", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const name = "files.zip"; const file = new File({ name, type: "executable/zip", path: path.resolve(__dirname, "..", "test", "fixtures", name), }); let error; try { await documentImporter({ user, file, ip, }); } catch (err) { error = err.message; } expect(error).toEqual("File type executable/zip not supported"); }); });