// @flow import * as React from "react"; import { User, Collection } from "../models"; import Body from "./components/Body"; import Button from "./components/Button"; import EmailTemplate from "./components/EmailLayout"; import EmptySpace from "./components/EmptySpace"; import Footer from "./components/Footer"; import Header from "./components/Header"; import Heading from "./components/Heading"; export type Props = { actor: User, collection: Collection, eventName: string, unsubscribeUrl: string, }; export const collectionNotificationEmailText = ({ actor, collection, eventName = "created", }: Props) => ` ${collection.name} ${actor.name} ${eventName} the collection "${collection.name}" Open Collection: ${process.env.URL}${collection.url} `; export const CollectionNotificationEmail = ({ actor, collection, eventName = "created", unsubscribeUrl, }: Props) => { return (

{actor.name} {eventName} the collection "{collection.name}".