// @flow import Router from 'koa-router'; import { AuthenticationError, InvalidRequestError } from '../errors'; import { Authentication, Document, User, Team } from '../models'; import { presentSlackAttachment } from '../presenters'; import * as Slack from '../slack'; const router = new Router(); router.post('hooks.unfurl', async ctx => { const { challenge, token, event } = ctx.body; if (challenge) return (ctx.body = ctx.body.challenge); if (token !== process.env.SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN) throw new AuthenticationError('Invalid token'); // TODO: Everything from here onwards will get moved to an async job const user = await User.find({ where: { service: 'slack', serviceId: event.user }, }); if (!user) return; const auth = await Authentication.find({ where: { service: 'slack', teamId: user.teamId }, }); if (!auth) return; // get content for unfurled links let unfurls = {}; for (let link of event.links) { const id = link.url.substr(link.url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); const doc = await Document.findById(id); if (!doc || doc.teamId !== user.teamId) continue; unfurls[link.url] = { title: doc.title, text: doc.getSummary(), color: doc.collection.color, }; } await Slack.post('chat.unfurl', { token: auth.token, channel: event.channel, ts: event.message_ts, unfurls, }); }); router.post('hooks.slack', async ctx => { const { token, user_id, text } = ctx.body; ctx.assertPresent(token, 'token is required'); ctx.assertPresent(user_id, 'user_id is required'); ctx.assertPresent(text, 'text is required'); if (token !== process.env.SLACK_VERIFICATION_TOKEN) throw new AuthenticationError('Invalid token'); const user = await User.find({ where: { service: 'slack', serviceId: user_id, }, }); if (!user) throw new InvalidRequestError('Invalid user'); const team = await Team.findById(user.teamId); const results = await Document.searchForUser(user, text, { limit: 5, }); if (results.length) { const attachments = []; for (const result of results) { const queryIsInTitle = !!result.document.title .toLowerCase() .match(text.toLowerCase()); attachments.push( presentSlackAttachment( result.document, team, queryIsInTitle ? undefined : result.context ) ); } ctx.body = { text: `This is what we found for "${text}"…`, attachments, }; } else { ctx.body = { text: `No results for "${text}"`, }; } }); export default router;