// @flow import { formatDistanceToNow } from "date-fns"; import invariant from "invariant"; import { deburr, sortBy } from "lodash"; import { observable } from "mobx"; import { observer, inject } from "mobx-react"; import * as React from "react"; import type { RouterHistory, Match } from "react-router-dom"; import { withRouter } from "react-router-dom"; import parseDocumentSlug from "shared/utils/parseDocumentSlug"; import AuthStore from "stores/AuthStore"; import DocumentsStore from "stores/DocumentsStore"; import PoliciesStore from "stores/PoliciesStore"; import RevisionsStore from "stores/RevisionsStore"; import SharesStore from "stores/SharesStore"; import UiStore from "stores/UiStore"; import Document from "models/Document"; import Revision from "models/Revision"; import Error404 from "scenes/Error404"; import ErrorOffline from "scenes/ErrorOffline"; import HideSidebar from "./HideSidebar"; import Loading from "./Loading"; import { type LocationWithState, type NavigationNode } from "types"; import { NotFoundError, OfflineError } from "utils/errors"; import { matchDocumentEdit, updateDocumentUrl } from "utils/routeHelpers"; import { isInternalUrl } from "utils/urls"; type Props = {| match: Match, auth: AuthStore, location: LocationWithState, shares: SharesStore, documents: DocumentsStore, policies: PoliciesStore, revisions: RevisionsStore, auth: AuthStore, ui: UiStore, history: RouterHistory, children: (any) => React.Node, |}; const sharedTreeCache = {}; @observer class DataLoader extends React.Component { sharedTree: ?NavigationNode; @observable document: ?Document; @observable revision: ?Revision; @observable shapshot: ?Blob; @observable error: ?Error; componentDidMount() { const { documents, match } = this.props; this.document = documents.getByUrl(match.params.documentSlug); this.sharedTree = this.document ? sharedTreeCache[this.document.id] : undefined; this.loadDocument(); } componentDidUpdate(prevProps: Props) { // If we have the document in the store, but not it's policy then we need to // reload from the server otherwise the UI will not know which authorizations // the user has if (this.document) { const document = this.document; const policy = this.props.policies.get(document.id); if ( !policy && !this.error && this.props.auth.user && this.props.auth.user.id ) { this.loadDocument(); } } // Also need to load the revision if it changes const { revisionId } = this.props.match.params; if ( prevProps.match.params.revisionId !== revisionId && revisionId && revisionId !== "latest" ) { this.loadRevision(); } } get isEditing() { return this.props.match.path === matchDocumentEdit; } onSearchLink = async (term: string) => { if (isInternalUrl(term)) { // search for exact internal document const slug = parseDocumentSlug(term); try { const { document, }: { document: Document } = await this.props.documents.fetch(slug); const time = formatDistanceToNow(Date.parse(document.updatedAt), { addSuffix: true, }); return [ { title: document.title, subtitle: `Updated ${time}`, url: document.url, }, ]; } catch (error) { // NotFoundError could not find document for slug if (!(error instanceof NotFoundError)) { throw error; } } } // default search for anything that doesn't look like a URL const results = await this.props.documents.searchTitles(term); return sortBy( results.map((document) => { const time = formatDistanceToNow(Date.parse(document.updatedAt), { addSuffix: true, }); return { title: document.title, subtitle: `Updated ${time}`, url: document.url, }; }), (document) => deburr(document.title) .toLowerCase() .startsWith(deburr(term).toLowerCase()) ? -1 : 1 ); }; onCreateLink = async (title: string) => { const document = this.document; invariant(document, "document must be loaded to create link"); const newDocument = await this.props.documents.create({ collectionId: document.collectionId, parentDocumentId: document.parentDocumentId, title, text: "", }); return newDocument.url; }; loadRevision = async () => { const { revisionId } = this.props.match.params; this.revision = await this.props.revisions.fetch(revisionId); }; loadDocument = async () => { const { shareId, documentSlug, revisionId } = this.props.match.params; // sets the document as active in the sidebar if we already have it loaded if (this.document) { this.props.ui.setActiveDocument(this.document); } try { const response = await this.props.documents.fetch(documentSlug, { shareId, }); this.sharedTree = response.sharedTree; this.document = response.document; sharedTreeCache[this.document.id] = response.sharedTree; if (revisionId && revisionId !== "latest") { await this.loadRevision(); } else { this.revision = undefined; } } catch (err) { this.error = err; return; } const document = this.document; if (document) { const can = this.props.policies.abilities(document.id); // sets the document as active in the sidebar, ideally in the future this // will be route driven. this.props.ui.setActiveDocument(document); // If we're attempting to update an archived, deleted, or otherwise // uneditable document then forward to the canonical read url. if (!can.update && this.isEditing) { this.props.history.push(document.url); return; } // Prevents unauthorized request to load share information for the document // when viewing a public share link if (can.read) { this.props.shares.fetch(document.id).catch((err) => { if (!(err instanceof NotFoundError)) { throw err; } }); } const isMove = this.props.location.pathname.match(/move$/); const canRedirect = !revisionId && !isMove && !shareId; if (canRedirect) { const canonicalUrl = updateDocumentUrl(this.props.match.url, document); if (this.props.location.pathname !== canonicalUrl) { this.props.history.replace(canonicalUrl); } } } }; render() { const { location, policies, auth, match, ui } = this.props; const { revisionId } = match.params; if (this.error) { return this.error instanceof OfflineError ? ( ) : ( ); } const team = auth.team; const document = this.document; const revision = this.revision; if (!document || !team || (revisionId && !revision)) { return ( <> {this.isEditing && } ); } const abilities = policies.abilities(document.id); // We do not want to remount the document when changing from view->edit // on the multiplayer flag as the doc is guaranteed to be upto date. const key = team.collaborativeEditing ? "" : this.isEditing ? "editing" : "read-only"; return ( {this.isEditing && } {this.props.children({ document, revision, abilities, isEditing: this.isEditing, readOnly: !this.isEditing || !abilities.update || document.isArchived, onSearchLink: this.onSearchLink, onCreateLink: this.onCreateLink, sharedTree: this.sharedTree, })} ); } } export default withRouter( inject( "ui", "auth", "documents", "revisions", "policies", "shares" )(DataLoader) );