// @flow import ArrowKeyNavigation from "boundless-arrow-key-navigation"; import { debounce } from "lodash"; import { observable, action } from "mobx"; import { observer, inject } from "mobx-react"; import { PlusIcon } from "outline-icons"; import queryString from "query-string"; import * as React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import keydown from "react-keydown"; import { withRouter, Link } from "react-router-dom"; import type { RouterHistory, Match } from "react-router-dom"; import { Waypoint } from "react-waypoint"; import styled from "styled-components"; import breakpoint from "styled-components-breakpoint"; import { DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT } from "stores/BaseStore"; import DocumentsStore from "stores/DocumentsStore"; import UsersStore from "stores/UsersStore"; import Button from "components/Button"; import CenteredContent from "components/CenteredContent"; import DocumentPreview from "components/DocumentPreview"; import Empty from "components/Empty"; import Fade from "components/Fade"; import Flex from "components/Flex"; import HelpText from "components/HelpText"; import LoadingIndicator from "components/LoadingIndicator"; import PageTitle from "components/PageTitle"; import CollectionFilter from "./components/CollectionFilter"; import DateFilter from "./components/DateFilter"; import SearchField from "./components/SearchField"; import StatusFilter from "./components/StatusFilter"; import UserFilter from "./components/UserFilter"; import NewDocumentMenu from "menus/NewDocumentMenu"; import { type LocationWithState } from "types"; import { meta } from "utils/keyboard"; import { newDocumentUrl, searchUrl } from "utils/routeHelpers"; type Props = { history: RouterHistory, match: Match, location: LocationWithState, documents: DocumentsStore, users: UsersStore, notFound: ?boolean, }; @observer class Search extends React.Component { firstDocument: ?React.Component; @observable query: string = decodeURIComponent(this.props.match.params.term || ""); @observable params: URLSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(); @observable offset: number = 0; @observable allowLoadMore: boolean = true; @observable isFetching: boolean = false; @observable pinToTop: boolean = !!this.props.match.params.term; componentDidMount() { this.handleTermChange(); if (this.props.location.search) { this.handleQueryChange(); } } componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (prevProps.location.search !== this.props.location.search) { this.handleQueryChange(); } if (prevProps.match.params.term !== this.props.match.params.term) { this.handleTermChange(); } } @keydown("esc") goBack() { this.props.history.goBack(); } handleKeyDown = (ev) => { // Escape if (ev.which === 27) { ev.preventDefault(); this.goBack(); } // Down if (ev.which === 40) { ev.preventDefault(); if (this.firstDocument) { const element = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.firstDocument); if (element instanceof HTMLElement) element.focus(); } } }; handleQueryChange = () => { this.params = new URLSearchParams(this.props.location.search); this.offset = 0; this.allowLoadMore = true; // To prevent "no results" showing before debounce kicks in this.isFetching = true; this.fetchResultsDebounced(); }; handleTermChange = () => { const query = decodeURIComponent(this.props.match.params.term || ""); this.query = query ? query : ""; this.offset = 0; this.allowLoadMore = true; // To prevent "no results" showing before debounce kicks in this.isFetching = !!this.query; this.fetchResultsDebounced(); }; handleFilterChange = (search) => { this.props.history.replace({ pathname: this.props.location.pathname, search: queryString.stringify({ ...queryString.parse(this.props.location.search), ...search, }), }); }; handleNewDoc = () => { if (this.collectionId) { this.props.history.push(newDocumentUrl(this.collectionId)); } }; get includeArchived() { return this.params.get("includeArchived") === "true"; } get collectionId() { const id = this.params.get("collectionId"); return id ? id : undefined; } get userId() { const id = this.params.get("userId"); return id ? id : undefined; } get dateFilter() { const id = this.params.get("dateFilter"); return id ? id : undefined; } get isFiltered() { return ( this.dateFilter || this.userId || this.collectionId || this.includeArchived ); } get title() { const query = this.query; const title = "Search"; if (query) return `${query} – ${title}`; return title; } @action loadMoreResults = async () => { // Don't paginate if there aren't more results or we’re in the middle of fetching if (!this.allowLoadMore || this.isFetching) return; // Fetch more results await this.fetchResults(); }; @action fetchResults = async () => { if (this.query) { this.isFetching = true; try { const results = await this.props.documents.search(this.query, { offset: this.offset, limit: DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT, dateFilter: this.dateFilter, includeArchived: this.includeArchived, includeDrafts: true, collectionId: this.collectionId, userId: this.userId, }); this.pinToTop = true; if (results.length === 0 || results.length < DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT) { this.allowLoadMore = false; } else { this.offset += DEFAULT_PAGINATION_LIMIT; } } finally { this.isFetching = false; } } else { this.pinToTop = false; } }; fetchResultsDebounced = debounce(this.fetchResults, 350, { leading: false, trailing: true, }); updateLocation = (query) => { this.props.history.replace({ pathname: searchUrl(query), search: this.props.location.search, }); }; setFirstDocumentRef = (ref) => { // $FlowFixMe this.firstDocument = ref; }; render() { const { documents, notFound, location } = this.props; const results = documents.searchResults(this.query); const showEmpty = !this.isFetching && this.query && results.length === 0; const showShortcutTip = !this.pinToTop && location.state && location.state.fromMenu; return ( {this.isFetching && } {notFound && (

Not Found

We were unable to find the page you’re looking for.
)} {showShortcutTip && ( Use the {meta}+K shortcut to search from anywhere in Outline )} {this.pinToTop && ( this.handleFilterChange({ includeArchived }) } /> this.handleFilterChange({ collectionId }) } /> this.handleFilterChange({ userId })} /> this.handleFilterChange({ dateFilter }) } /> )} {showEmpty && ( No documents found for your search filters.
Create a new document?
{this.collectionId ? ( ) : ( )}   
)} {results.map((result, index) => { const document = documents.data.get(result.document.id); if (!document) return null; return ( index === 0 && this.setFirstDocumentRef(ref)} key={document.id} document={document} highlight={this.query} context={result.context} showCollection /> ); })} {this.allowLoadMore && ( )}
); } } const Wrapper = styled(Flex)` justify-content: center; margin: 10px 0; `; const Centered = styled(Flex)` text-align: center; margin: 30vh auto 0; max-width: 380px; transform: translateY(-50%); `; const Container = styled(CenteredContent)` > div { position: relative; height: 100%; } `; const ResultsWrapper = styled(Flex)` position: absolute; transition: all 300ms cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1); top: ${(props) => (props.pinToTop ? "0%" : "50%")}; margin-top: ${(props) => (props.pinToTop ? "40px" : "-75px")}; width: 100%; `; const ResultList = styled(Flex)` margin-bottom: 150px; opacity: ${(props) => (props.visible ? "1" : "0")}; transition: all 400ms cubic-bezier(0.65, 0.05, 0.36, 1); `; const StyledArrowKeyNavigation = styled(ArrowKeyNavigation)` display: flex; flex-direction: column; flex: 1; `; const Filters = styled(Flex)` margin-bottom: 12px; opacity: 0.85; transition: opacity 100ms ease-in-out; overflow-y: auto; padding: 8px 0; ${breakpoint("tablet")` padding: 0; `}; &:hover { opacity: 1; } `; export default withRouter(inject("documents")(Search));