# Architecture Outline is composed of a backend and frontend codebase in this monorepo. As both are written in Javascript, they share some code where possible. We utilize the latest ES6 language features, including `async`/`await`, and [Flow](https://flow.org/) typing. Prettier formatting and ESLint are enforced by CI. ## Frontend Outline's frontend is a React application compiled with [Webpack](https://webpack.js.org/). It uses [MobX](https://mobx.js.org/) for state management and [Styled Components](https://www.styled-components.com/) for component styles. Unless global, state logic and styles are always co-located with React components together with their subcomponents to make the component tree easier to manage. > Important Note: The Outline editor is built on [Prosemirror](https://github.com/prosemirror) and managed in a separate open source repository to encourage re-use: [rich-markdown-editor](https://github.com/outline/rich-markdown-editor). ``` app ├── components - React components reusable across scenes ├── embeds - Embed definitions that represent rich interactive embeds in the editor ├── hooks - Reusable React hooks ├── menus - Context menus, often appear in multiple places in the UI ├── models - State models using MobX observables ├── routes - Route definitions, note that chunks are async loaded with suspense ├── scenes - A scene represents a full-page view that contains several components ├── stores - Collections of models and associated fetch logic ├── types - Flow types └── utils - Utility methods specific to the frontend ``` ## Backend The API server is driven by [Koa](http://koajs.com/), it uses [Sequelize](http://docs.sequelizejs.com/) as the ORM and Redis with [Bull](https://github.com/OptimalBits/bull) for queues and async event management. Authorization logic is contained in [cancan](https://www.npmjs.com/package/cancan) policies under the "policies" directory. Interested in more documentation on the API routes? Check out the [API documentation](https://getoutline.com/developers). ``` server ├── api - All API routes are contained within here │ └── middlewares - Koa middlewares specific to the API ├── auth - Authentication logic │ └── providers - Authentication providers export passport.js strategies and config ├── commands - We are gradually moving to the command pattern for new write logic ├── config - Database configuration ├── emails - Transactional email templates │ └── components - Shared React components for email templates ├── middlewares - Koa middlewares ├── migrations - Database migrations ├── models - Sequelize models ├── onboarding - Markdown templates for onboarding documents ├── policies - Authorization logic based on cancan ├── presenters - JSON presenters for database models, the interface between backend -> frontend ├── queues - Async queue definitions │ └── processors - Processors perform async jobs, usually working on events from the event bus ├── services - Services start distinct portions of the application eg api, worker ├── static - Static assets ├── test - Test helpers and fixtures, tests themselves are colocated └── utils - Utility methods specific to the backend ``` ## Shared Where logic is shared between the client and server it is placed in this directory. This is generally small utilities. ``` shared ├── i18n - Internationalization confiuration │ └── locales - Language specific translation files ├── styles - Styles, colors and other global aesthetics ├── utils - Shared utility methods └── constants - Shared constants ```