// @flow import { orderBy } from "lodash"; import { observable, action, autorun, computed } from "mobx"; import { v4 } from "uuid"; import Collection from "models/Collection"; import Document from "models/Document"; import type { Toast } from "types"; const UI_STORE = "UI_STORE"; class UiStore { // theme represents the users UI preference (defaults to system) @observable theme: "light" | "dark" | "system"; // systemTheme represents the system UI theme (Settings -> General in macOS) @observable systemTheme: "light" | "dark"; @observable activeDocumentId: ?string; @observable activeCollectionId: ?string; @observable progressBarVisible: boolean = false; @observable editMode: boolean = false; @observable tocVisible: boolean = false; @observable mobileSidebarVisible: boolean = false; @observable toasts: Map = new Map(); constructor() { // Rehydrate let data = {}; try { data = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(UI_STORE) || "{}"); } catch (_) { // no-op Safari private mode } // system theme listeners if (window.matchMedia) { const colorSchemeQueryList = window.matchMedia( "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" ); const setSystemTheme = (event) => { this.systemTheme = event.matches ? "dark" : "light"; }; setSystemTheme(colorSchemeQueryList); if (colorSchemeQueryList.addListener) { colorSchemeQueryList.addListener(setSystemTheme); } } // persisted keys this.tocVisible = data.tocVisible; this.theme = data.theme || "system"; autorun(() => { try { localStorage.setItem(UI_STORE, this.asJson); } catch (_) { // no-op Safari private mode } }); } @action setTheme = (theme: "light" | "dark" | "system") => { this.theme = theme; if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem("theme", this.theme); } }; @action setActiveDocument = (document: Document): void => { this.activeDocumentId = document.id; if ( document.publishedAt && !document.isArchived && !document.isDeleted && !document.isTemplate ) { this.activeCollectionId = document.collectionId; } }; @action setActiveCollection = (collection: Collection): void => { this.activeCollectionId = collection.id; }; @action clearActiveCollection = (): void => { this.activeCollectionId = undefined; }; @action clearActiveDocument = (): void => { this.activeDocumentId = undefined; this.activeCollectionId = undefined; }; @action showTableOfContents = () => { this.tocVisible = true; }; @action hideTableOfContents = () => { this.tocVisible = false; }; @action enableEditMode = () => { this.editMode = true; }; @action disableEditMode = () => { this.editMode = false; }; @action enableProgressBar = () => { this.progressBarVisible = true; }; @action disableProgressBar = () => { this.progressBarVisible = false; }; @action toggleMobileSidebar = () => { this.mobileSidebarVisible = !this.mobileSidebarVisible; }; @action hideMobileSidebar = () => { this.mobileSidebarVisible = false; }; @action showToast = ( message: string, options?: { type?: "warning" | "error" | "info" | "success", timeout?: number, action?: { text: string, onClick: () => void, }, } ) => { if (!message) return; const id = v4(); const createdAt = new Date().toISOString(); this.toasts.set(id, { message, createdAt, id, ...options }); return id; }; @action removeToast = (id: string) => { this.toasts.delete(id); }; @computed get resolvedTheme(): "dark" | "light" { if (this.theme === "system") { return this.systemTheme; } return this.theme; } @computed get orderedToasts(): Toast[] { return orderBy(Array.from(this.toasts.values()), "createdAt", "desc"); } @computed get asJson(): string { return JSON.stringify({ tocVisible: this.tocVisible, theme: this.theme, }); } } export default UiStore;