// @flow import nodemailer from "nodemailer"; import Oy from "oy-vey"; import * as React from "react"; import { type Props as CollectionNotificationEmailT, CollectionNotificationEmail, collectionNotificationEmailText, } from "./emails/CollectionNotificationEmail"; import { type Props as DocumentNotificationEmailT, DocumentNotificationEmail, documentNotificationEmailText, } from "./emails/DocumentNotificationEmail"; import { ExportFailureEmail, exportEmailFailureText, } from "./emails/ExportFailureEmail"; import { ExportSuccessEmail, exportEmailSuccessText, } from "./emails/ExportSuccessEmail"; import { type Props as InviteEmailT, InviteEmail, inviteEmailText, } from "./emails/InviteEmail"; import { SigninEmail, signinEmailText } from "./emails/SigninEmail"; import { WelcomeEmail, welcomeEmailText } from "./emails/WelcomeEmail"; import { baseStyles } from "./emails/components/EmailLayout"; import Logger from "./logging/logger"; import { emailsQueue } from "./queues"; const useTestEmailService = process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" && !process.env.SMTP_USERNAME; export type EmailTypes = | "welcome" | "export" | "invite" | "signin" | "exportFailure" | "exportSuccess"; export type EmailSendOptions = { to: string, properties?: any, title: string, previewText?: string, text: string, html: React.Node, headCSS?: string, }; /** * Mailer * * Mailer class to contruct and send emails. * * To preview emails, add a new preview to `emails/index.js` if they * require additional data (properties). Otherwise preview will work automatically. * * HTML: http://localhost:3000/email/:email_type/html * TEXT: http://localhost:3000/email/:email_type/text */ export class Mailer { transporter: ?any; constructor() { this.loadTransport(); } async loadTransport() { if (process.env.SMTP_HOST) { let smtpConfig = { host: process.env.SMTP_HOST, port: process.env.SMTP_PORT, secure: "SMTP_SECURE" in process.env ? process.env.SMTP_SECURE === "true" : process.env.NODE_ENV === "production", auth: undefined, tls: "SMTP_TLS_CIPHERS" in process.env ? { ciphers: process.env.SMTP_TLS_CIPHERS } : undefined, }; if (process.env.SMTP_USERNAME) { smtpConfig.auth = { user: process.env.SMTP_USERNAME, pass: process.env.SMTP_PASSWORD, }; } this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpConfig); return; } if (useTestEmailService) { Logger.info( "email", "SMTP_USERNAME not provided, generating test account…" ); try { let testAccount = await nodemailer.createTestAccount(); const smtpConfig = { host: "smtp.ethereal.email", port: 587, secure: false, auth: { user: testAccount.user, pass: testAccount.pass, }, }; this.transporter = nodemailer.createTransport(smtpConfig); } catch (err) { Logger.error( "Couldn't generate a test account with ethereal.email", err ); } } } sendMail = async (data: EmailSendOptions): ?Promise<*> => { const { transporter } = this; if (transporter) { const html = Oy.renderTemplate(data.html, { title: data.title, headCSS: [baseStyles, data.headCSS].join(" "), previewText: data.previewText, }); try { Logger.info("email", `Sending email "${data.title}" to ${data.to}`); const info = await transporter.sendMail({ from: process.env.SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, replyTo: process.env.SMTP_REPLY_EMAIL || process.env.SMTP_FROM_EMAIL, to: data.to, subject: data.title, html: html, text: data.text, }); if (useTestEmailService) { Logger.info( "email", `Preview Url: ${nodemailer.getTestMessageUrl(info)}` ); } } catch (err) { Logger.error(`Error sending email to ${data.to}`, err); throw err; // Re-throw for queue to re-try } } }; welcome = async (opts: { to: string, teamUrl: string }) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: "Welcome to Outline", previewText: "Outline is a place for your team to build and share knowledge.", html: , text: welcomeEmailText(opts), }); }; exportSuccess = async (opts: { to: string, id: string, teamUrl: string }) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: "Your requested export", previewText: "Here's your request data export from Outline", html: , text: exportEmailSuccessText, }); }; exportFailure = async (opts: { to: string, teamUrl: string }) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: "Your requested export", previewText: "Sorry, your requested data export has failed", html: , text: exportEmailFailureText, }); }; invite = async (opts: { to: string } & InviteEmailT) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: `${opts.actorName} invited you to join ${opts.teamName}’s knowledge base`, previewText: "Outline is a place for your team to build and share knowledge.", html: , text: inviteEmailText(opts), }); }; signin = async (opts: { to: string, token: string, teamUrl: string }) => { const signInLink = signinEmailText(opts); if (process.env.NODE_ENV === "development") { Logger.debug("email", `Sign-In link: ${signInLink}`); } this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: "Magic signin link", previewText: "Here’s your link to signin to Outline.", html: , text: signInLink, }); }; documentNotification = async ( opts: { to: string } & DocumentNotificationEmailT ) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: `“${opts.document.title}” ${opts.eventName}`, previewText: `${opts.actor.name} ${opts.eventName} a new document`, html: , text: documentNotificationEmailText(opts), }); }; collectionNotification = async ( opts: { to: string } & CollectionNotificationEmailT ) => { this.sendMail({ to: opts.to, title: `“${opts.collection.name}” ${opts.eventName}`, previewText: `${opts.actor.name} ${opts.eventName} a collection`, html: , text: collectionNotificationEmailText(opts), }); }; sendTemplate = async (type: EmailTypes, opts?: Object = {}) => { await emailsQueue.add( { type, opts, }, { attempts: 5, backoff: { type: "exponential", delay: 60 * 1000, }, } ); }; } const mailer = new Mailer(); export default mailer;