// @flow import { AdminRequiredError } from "../errors"; import { Group, User, Team } from "../models"; import policy from "./policy"; const { allow } = policy; allow(User, "createGroup", Team, (actor, team) => { if (!team || actor.isViewer || actor.teamId !== team.id) return false; if (actor.isAdmin) return true; throw new AdminRequiredError(); }); allow(User, "read", Group, (actor, group) => { // for the time being, we're going to let everyone on the team see every group // we may need to make this more granular in the future if (!group || actor.teamId !== group.teamId) return false; return true; }); allow(User, ["update", "delete"], Group, (actor, group) => { if (!group || actor.isViewer || actor.teamId !== group.teamId) return false; if (actor.isAdmin) return true; throw new AdminRequiredError(); });