/* eslint-disable flowtype/require-valid-file-annotation */ import TestServer from "fetch-test-server"; import { Event } from "../../models"; import webService from "../../services/web"; import { buildUser, buildAdmin, buildGroup } from "../../test/factories"; import { flushdb } from "../../test/support"; const app = webService(); const server = new TestServer(app.callback()); beforeEach(() => flushdb()); afterAll(() => server.close()); describe("#groups.create", () => { it("should create a group", async () => { const name = "hello I am a group"; const user = await buildAdmin(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.create", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), name }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.name).toEqual(name); }); }); describe("#groups.update", () => { it("should require authentication", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { id: group.id, name: "Test" }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require admin", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const user = await buildUser(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, name: "Test" }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); it("should require authorization", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const user = await buildAdmin(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, name: "Test" }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); describe("when user is admin", () => { let user, group; beforeEach(async () => { user = await buildAdmin(); group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); }); it("allows admin to edit a group", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, name: "Test" }, }); const events = await Event.findAll(); expect(events.length).toEqual(1); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.name).toBe("Test"); }); it("does not create an event if the update is a noop", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, name: group.name }, }); const events = await Event.findAll(); expect(events.length).toEqual(0); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.name).toBe(group.name); }); it("fails with validation error when name already taken", async () => { await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, name: "test", }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.update", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, name: "TEST", }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(400); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); describe("#groups.list", () => { it("should require authentication", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.list"); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should return groups with memberships preloaded", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); await group.addUser(user, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.list", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken() }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data["groups"].length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data["groups"][0].id).toEqual(group.id); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"].length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"][0].groupId).toEqual(group.id); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"][0].user.id).toEqual(user.id); expect(body.policies.length).toEqual(1); expect(body.policies[0].abilities.read).toEqual(true); }); it("should return groups when membership user is deleted", async () => { const me = await buildUser(); const user = await buildUser({ teamId: me.teamId }); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); await group.addUser(user, { through: { createdById: me.id } }); await group.addUser(me, { through: { createdById: me.id } }); await user.destroy(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.list", { body: { token: me.getJwtToken() }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data["groups"].length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data["groups"][0].id).toEqual(group.id); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"].length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"][0].groupId).toEqual(group.id); expect(body.data["groupMemberships"][0].user.id).toEqual(me.id); expect(body.policies.length).toEqual(1); expect(body.policies[0].abilities.read).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("#groups.info", () => { it("should return group if admin", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.info", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.id).toEqual(group.id); }); it("should return group if member", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); await group.addUser(user, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.info", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.id).toEqual(group.id); }); it("should still return group if non-member, non-admin", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.info", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.id).toEqual(group.id); }); it("should require authentication", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.info"); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require authorization", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.info", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); }); describe("#groups.delete", () => { it("should require authentication", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.delete", { body: { id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require admin", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const user = await buildUser(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.delete", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); it("should require authorization", async () => { const group = await buildGroup(); const user = await buildAdmin(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.delete", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); it("allows admin to delete a group", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.delete", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.success).toEqual(true); }); }); describe("#groups.memberships", () => { it("should return members in a group", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); await group.addUser(user, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.memberships", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.users.length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data.users[0].id).toEqual(user.id); expect(body.data.groupMemberships.length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data.groupMemberships[0].user.id).toEqual(user.id); }); it("should allow filtering members in group by name", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const user2 = await buildUser({ name: "Won't find" }); const user3 = await buildUser({ teamId: user.teamId, name: "Deleted" }); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId }); await group.addUser(user, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); await group.addUser(user2, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); await group.addUser(user3, { through: { createdById: user.id } }); await user3.destroy(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.memberships", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, query: user.name.slice(0, 3), }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(body.data.users.length).toEqual(1); expect(body.data.users[0].id).toEqual(user.id); }); it("should require authentication", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.memberships"); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require authorization", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.memberships", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id }, }); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); }); }); describe("#groups.add_user", () => { it("should add user to group", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.add_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: user.id, }, }); const users = await group.getUsers(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(users.length).toEqual(1); }); it("should require authentication", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.add_user"); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); }); it("should require user in team", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const anotherUser = await buildUser(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.add_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: anotherUser.id, }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require admin", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const anotherUser = await buildUser({ teamId: user.teamId }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.add_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: anotherUser.id, }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("#groups.remove_user", () => { it("should remove user from group", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); await server.post("/api/groups.add_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: user.id, }, }); const users = await group.getUsers(); expect(users.length).toEqual(1); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.remove_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: user.id, }, }); const users1 = await group.getUsers(); expect(res.status).toEqual(200); expect(users1.length).toEqual(0); }); it("should require authentication", async () => { const res = await server.post("/api/groups.remove_user"); expect(res.status).toEqual(401); }); it("should require user in team", async () => { const user = await buildAdmin(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const anotherUser = await buildUser(); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.remove_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: anotherUser.id, }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); it("should require admin", async () => { const user = await buildUser(); const group = await buildGroup({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const anotherUser = await buildUser({ teamId: user.teamId, }); const res = await server.post("/api/groups.remove_user", { body: { token: user.getJwtToken(), id: group.id, userId: anotherUser.id, }, }); const body = await res.json(); expect(res.status).toEqual(403); expect(body).toMatchSnapshot(); }); });