* WIP - got one API test to pass yay * adds group update endpoint * added group policies * adds groups.list API * adds groups.info * remove comment * WIP * tests for delete * adds group membership list * adds tests for groups list * add and remove user endpoints for group * ask some questions * fix up some issues around primary keys * remove export from group permissions Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * remove random file * only create events on actual updates, add tests to ensure * adds uniqueness validation to group name * throw validation errors on model and let it pass through the controller * fix linting * WIP * WIP * WIP * WIP * WIP basic edit and delete * basic CRUD for groups and memberships in place * got member counts working * add member count and limit the number of users sent over teh wire to 6 * factor avatar with AvatarWithPresence into its own class * wip * WIP avatars in group lists * WIP collection groups * add and remove group endpoints * wip add collection groups * wip get group adding to collections to work * wip get updating collection group memberships to work * wip get new group modal working * add tests for collection index * include collection groups in the withmemberships scope * tie permissions to group memberships * remove unused import * Update app/components/GroupListItem.js update title copy Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update server/migrations/20191211044318-create-groups.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update server/api/groups.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update server/api/groups.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/menus/CollectionMenu.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update server/models/Group.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * minor fixes * Update app/scenes/CollectionMembers/AddGroupsToCollection.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/menus/GroupMenu.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/menus/GroupMenu.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/menus/GroupMenu.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/Collection.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/CollectionMembers/CollectionMembers.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/GroupNew.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/GroupNew.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/Settings/Groups.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update server/api/documents.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * Update app/scenes/CollectionMembers/components/CollectionGroupMemberListItem.js Co-Authored-By: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com> * address comments * WIP - getting websocket stuff up and running * socket event for group deletion * wrapped up cascading deletes * lint * flow * fix: UI feedback * fix: Facepile size * fix: Lots of missing await's * Allow clicking facepile on group list item to open members * remove unused route push, grammar * fix: Remove bad analytics events feat: Add group events to audit log * collection. -> collections. * Add groups to entity websocket events (sync create/update/delete) between clients * fix: Users should not be able to see groups they are not a member of * fix: Not caching errors in UI when changing group memberships * fix: Hide unusable UI * test * fix: Tweak language * feat: Automatically open 'add member' modal after creating group Co-authored-by: Tom Moor <tom.moor@gmail.com>
190 lines
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190 lines
5.7 KiB
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