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// flow-typed signature: 003f6bf32e094d5bbd6ce9dd58e73b0c
// flow-typed version: c6154227d1/koa_v2.0.x/flow_>=v0.104.x
* Type def from from source code of koa.
* this:
declare module 'koa' {
declare type JSON = | string | number | boolean | null | JSONObject | JSONArray;
declare type JSONObject = { [key: string]: JSON, ... };
declare type JSONArray = Array<JSON>;
declare type SimpleHeader = {
[key: string]: string,
'set-cookie'?: Array<string>,
declare type RequestJSON = {
'method': string,
'url': string,
'header': SimpleHeader,
declare type RequestInspect = void|RequestJSON;
declare type Request = {
// props added by middlewares.
[key: string]: mixed,
app: Application,
req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
res: http$ServerResponse,
ctx: Context,
response: Response,
fresh: boolean,
header: SimpleHeader,
// alias as header
headers: SimpleHeader,
host: string,
hostname: string,
href: string,
idempotent: boolean,
ip: string,
ips: string[],
method: string,
origin: string,
originalUrl: string,
path: string,
protocol: string,
// always string
query: { [key: string]: string, ... },
querystring: string,
search: string,
// Shorthand for ctx.protocol == "https" to check if a request was issued via TLS.
secure: boolean,
socket: net$Socket,
stale: boolean,
subdomains: string[],
type: string,
url: string,
charset: string|void,
length: number|void,
// Those functions comes from
// request.js$L445
// return the old value.
accepts: ((args: string[]) => string|false)&
// ToDo: There is an issue
// if you meet some error here, temporarily add an additional annotation
// like: `request.accepts((['json', 'text']:Array<string>))` to fix it.
((arg: string, ...args: string[]) => string|false) &
( () => string[] ),
acceptsCharsets: ( (args: string[]) => buffer$Encoding|false)&
// ToDo:
// if you meet some error here, see L70.
( (arg: string, ...args: string[]) => buffer$Encoding|false ) &
( () => string[] ),
acceptsEncodings: ( (args: string[]) => string|false)&
// ToDo:
// if you meet some error here, see L70.
( (arg: string, ...args: string[]) => string|false ) &
( () => string[] ),
acceptsLanguages: ( (args: string[]) => string|false) &
// ToDo:
// if you meet some error here, see L70.
( (arg: string, ...args: string[]) => string|false ) &
( () => string[] ),
get: (field: string) => string,
* Check if the incoming request contains the "Content-Type"
* header field, and it contains any of the give mime `type`s.
* If there is no request body, `null` is returned.
* If there is no content type, `false` is returned.
* Otherwise, it returns the first `type` that matches.
// should return the mime type
is: ( (args: string[]) => null|false|string)&
( (arg: string, ...args: string[]) => null|false|string ) &
( () => string ),
toJSON: () => RequestJSON,
inspect: () => RequestInspect,
declare type ResponseJSON = {
'status': mixed,
'message': mixed,
'header': mixed,
declare type ResponseInspect = {
'status': mixed,
'message': mixed,
'header': mixed,
'body': mixed,
declare type Response = {
// props added by middlewares.
[key: string]: mixed,
app: Application,
req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
res: http$ServerResponse,
ctx: Context,
request: Request,
// docs/api/
// JSON contains null
body: string | Buffer | stream$Stream | JSONObject | null,
etag: string,
header: SimpleHeader,
// alias as header
headers: SimpleHeader,
headerSent: boolean,
// can be set with string|Date, but get with Date.
// set lastModified(v: string|Date), // 0.36 doesn't support this.
lastModified: Date,
message: string,
socket: net$Socket,
status: number,
type: string,
writable: boolean,
// charset: string, // doesn't find in response.js
length: number|void,
append: (field: string, val: string | string[]) => void,
attachment: (filename?: string) => void,
get: (field: string) => string,
// should return the mime type
is: ( (arg: string[]) => false|string) &
( (arg: string, ...args: string[]) => false|string ) &
( () => string ),
redirect: (url: string, alt?: string) => void,
remove: (field: string) => void,
set: ((field: string, val: string | string[]) => void)&
((field: { [key: string]: string | string[], ... }) => void),
vary: (field: string) => void,
toJSON(): ResponseJSON,
inspect(): ResponseInspect,
declare type ContextJSON = {
request: RequestJSON,
response: ResponseJSON,
app: ApplicationJSON,
originalUrl: string,
req: '<original node req>',
res: '<original node res>',
socket: '<original node socket>',
declare type CookiesSetOptions = {
// domain of the cookie (no default).
domain?: string,
// milliseconds from for expiry
maxAge?: number,
//cookie's expiration date (expires at the end of session by default).
expires?: Date,
// the path of the cookie (/ by default).
path?: string,
// false by default for HTTP, true by default for HTTPS
secure?: boolean,
// a boolean indicating whether the cookie is only to be sent over HTTP(S),
httpOnly?: boolean,
// and not made available to client JavaScript (true by default).
// whether the cookie is to be signed (false by default)
signed?: boolean,
// whether to overwrite previously set cookies of the same name (false by default).
overwrite?: boolean,
declare type Cookies = {
get: (name: string, options?: { signed: boolean, ... }) => string|void,
set: ((name: string, value: string, options?: CookiesSetOptions) => Context)&
// delete cookie (an outbound header with an expired date is used.)
( (name: string) => Context),
// The default props of context come from two files
// `application.createContext` & `context.js`
declare type Context = {
// props added by middlewares.
[key: string]: mixed,
accept: $PropertyType<Request, 'accept'>,
app: Application,
cookies: Cookies,
// ?
name?: string,
originalUrl: string,
req: http$IncomingMessage<>,
request: Request,
res: http$ServerResponse,
// should not be used, allow bypassing koa application.js#L193
respond?: boolean,
response: Response,
state: {...},
// context.js#L55
assert: (test: mixed, status: number, message?: string, opts?: mixed) => void,
// context.js#L107
// if (!(err instanceof Error)) err = new Error(`non-error thrown: ${err}`);
onerror: (err?: mixed) => void,
// context.js#L70
throw: (( statusOrErr: string|number|Error, errOrStatus?: string|number|Error,
opts?: {...}) => void) &
(( statusOrErr: string|number|Error, opts?: Object) => void),
toJSON(): ContextJSON,
inspect(): ContextJSON,
// ToDo: add const for some props,
// while the `const props` feature of Flow is landing in future
// cherry pick from response
attachment: $PropertyType<Response, 'attachment'>,
redirect: $PropertyType<Response, 'redirect'>,
remove: $PropertyType<Response, 'remove'>,
vary: $PropertyType<Response, 'vary'>,
set: $PropertyType<Response, 'set'>,
append: $PropertyType<Response, 'append'>,
flushHeaders: $PropertyType<Response, 'flushHeaders'>,
status: $PropertyType<Response, 'status'>,
message: $PropertyType<Response, 'message'>,
body: $PropertyType<Response, 'body'>,
length: $PropertyType<Response, 'length'>,
type: $PropertyType<Response, 'type'>,
lastModified: $PropertyType<Response, 'lastModified'>,
etag: $PropertyType<Response, 'etag'>,
headerSent: $PropertyType<Response, 'headerSent'>,
writable: $PropertyType<Response, 'writable'>,
// cherry pick from request
acceptsLanguages: $PropertyType<Request, 'acceptsLanguages'>,
acceptsEncodings: $PropertyType<Request, 'acceptsEncodings'>,
acceptsCharsets: $PropertyType<Request, 'acceptsCharsets'>,
accepts: $PropertyType<Request, 'accepts'>,
get: $PropertyType<Request, 'get'>,
is: $PropertyType<Request, 'is'>,
querystring: $PropertyType<Request, 'querystring'>,
idempotent: $PropertyType<Request, 'idempotent'>,
socket: $PropertyType<Request, 'socket'>,
search: $PropertyType<Request, 'search'>,
method: $PropertyType<Request, 'method'>,
query: $PropertyType<Request, 'query'>,
path: $PropertyType<Request, 'path'>,
url: $PropertyType<Request, 'url'>,
origin: $PropertyType<Request, 'origin'>,
href: $PropertyType<Request, 'href'>,
subdomains: $PropertyType<Request, 'subdomains'>,
protocol: $PropertyType<Request, 'protocol'>,
host: $PropertyType<Request, 'host'>,
hostname: $PropertyType<Request, 'hostname'>,
header: $PropertyType<Request, 'header'>,
headers: $PropertyType<Request, 'headers'>,
secure: $PropertyType<Request, 'secure'>,
stale: $PropertyType<Request, 'stale'>,
fresh: $PropertyType<Request, 'fresh'>,
ips: $PropertyType<Request, 'ips'>,
ip: $PropertyType<Request, 'ip'>,
declare type Middleware =
(ctx: Context, next: () => Promise<void>) => Promise<void>|void;
declare type ApplicationJSON = {
'subdomainOffset': mixed,
'proxy': mixed,
'env': string,
declare class Application extends events$EventEmitter {
context: Context,
// request handler for node's native http server.
callback: () => (req: http$IncomingMessage<>, res: http$ServerResponse) => void,
env: string,
keys?: Array<string>|Object, //
middleware: Array<Middleware>,
name?: string, // optionally give your application a name
proxy: boolean, // when true proxy header fields will be trusted
request: Request,
response: Response,
server: http$Server,
subdomainOffset: number,
listen: $PropertyType<http$Server, 'listen'>,
toJSON(): ApplicationJSON,
inspect(): ApplicationJSON,
use(fn: Middleware): this,
declare module.exports: Class<Application>;