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266 lines
6.9 KiB

// @flow
import { darken, lighten } from "polished";
const colors = {
transparent: "transparent",
almostBlack: "#111319",
lightBlack: "#2F3336",
almostWhite: "#E6E6E6",
veryDarkBlue: "#08090C",
slate: "#9BA6B2",
slateLight: "#DAE1E9",
slateDark: "#394351",
smoke: "#F4F7FA",
smokeLight: "#F9FBFC",
smokeDark: "#E8EBED",
white: "#FFF",
white10: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)",
white50: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)",
black: "#000",
black05: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05)",
black10: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)",
black50: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.50)",
primary: "#0366d6",
yellow: "#FBCA04",
warmGrey: "#EDF2F7",
searchHighlight: "#FDEA9B",
danger: "#ff476f",
warning: "#f08a24",
success: "#2f3336",
info: "#a0d3e8",
brand: {
red: "#FF5C80",
pink: "#FF4DFA",
purple: "#9E5CF7",
blue: "#3633FF",
marine: "#2BC2FF",
green: "#42DED1",
yellow: "#F5BE31",
const spacing = {
padding: "1.5vw 1.875vw",
vpadding: "1.5vw",
hpadding: "1.875vw",
sidebarWidth: 260,
sidebarCollapsedWidth: 16,
sidebarMinWidth: 200,
sidebarMaxWidth: 400,
export const base = {
"-apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,'Segoe UI',Roboto,Oxygen, Ubuntu,Cantarell,'Open Sans','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif",
"'SFMono-Regular',Consolas,'Liberation Mono', Menlo, Courier,monospace",
fontWeight: 400,
backgroundTransition: "background 100ms ease-in-out",
zIndex: 100,
selected: colors.primary,
buttonBackground: colors.primary,
buttonText: colors.white,
textHighlight: "#FDEA9B",
textHighlightForeground: colors.almostBlack,
codeComment: "#6a737d",
codePunctuation: "#5e6687",
codeNumber: "#d73a49",
codeProperty: "#c08b30",
codeTag: "#3d8fd1",
codeString: "#032f62",
codeSelector: "#6679cc",
codeAttr: "#c76b29",
codeEntity: "#22a2c9",
codeKeyword: "#d73a49",
codeFunction: "#6f42c1",
codeStatement: "#22a2c9",
codePlaceholder: "#3d8fd1",
codeInserted: "#202746",
codeImportant: "#c94922",
blockToolbarBackground: colors.white,
blockToolbarTrigger: colors.slate,
blockToolbarTriggerIcon: colors.white,
blockToolbarItem: colors.almostBlack,
blockToolbarText: colors.almostBlack,
blockToolbarHoverBackground: colors.slateLight,
blockToolbarDivider: colors.slateLight,
blockToolbarIcon: undefined,
noticeInfoBackground: colors.warmGrey,
noticeInfoText: colors.almostBlack,
noticeTipBackground: "#fce5bb",
noticeTipText: colors.almostBlack,
noticeWarningBackground: "#ffadbf",
noticeWarningText: colors.almostBlack,
breakpoints: {
mobile: 0, // targeting all devices
tablet: 737, // targeting devices that are larger than the iPhone 6 Plus (which is 736px in landscape mode)
desktop: 1025, // targeting devices that are larger than the iPad (which is 1024px in landscape mode)
desktopLarge: 1600,
depths: {
header: 800,
sidebar: 900,
hoverPreview: 998,
// Note: editor lightbox is z-index 999
modalOverlay: 2000,
modal: 3000,
menu: 4000,
toasts: 5000,
popover: 9000,
titleBarDivider: 10000,
loadingIndicatorBar: 20000,
export const light = {
background: colors.white,
secondaryBackground: colors.warmGrey,
link: colors.primary,
text: colors.almostBlack,
cursor: colors.almostBlack,
textSecondary: colors.slateDark,
textTertiary: colors.slate,
placeholder: "#a2b2c3",
sidebarBackground: colors.warmGrey,
sidebarItemBackground: "#d7e0ea",
sidebarText: "rgb(78, 92, 110)",
backdrop: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
shadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)",
menuBackground: colors.white,
"0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05), 0 4px 8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), 0 30px 40px rgb(0 0 0 / 8%)",
divider: colors.slateLight,
titleBarDivider: colors.slateLight,
inputBorder: colors.slateLight,
inputBorderFocused: colors.slate,
listItemHoverBackground: colors.warmGrey,
toolbarBackground: colors.lightBlack,
toolbarInput: colors.white10,
toolbarItem: colors.white,
tableDivider: colors.smokeDark,
tableSelected: colors.primary,
tableSelectedBackground: "#E5F7FF",
buttonNeutralBackground: colors.white,
buttonNeutralText: colors.almostBlack,
buttonNeutralBorder: darken(0.15, colors.white),
tooltipBackground: colors.almostBlack,
tooltipText: colors.white,
toastBackground: colors.almostBlack,
toastText: colors.white,
quote: colors.slateLight,
codeBackground: colors.smoke,
codeBorder: colors.smokeDark,
embedBorder: colors.slateLight,
horizontalRule: colors.smokeDark,
progressBarBackground: colors.slateLight,
scrollbarBackground: colors.smoke,
scrollbarThumb: darken(0.15, colors.smokeDark),
export const dark = {
background: colors.almostBlack,
secondaryBackground: colors.black50,
link: "#137FFB",
text: colors.almostWhite,
cursor: colors.almostWhite,
textSecondary: lighten(0.1, colors.slate),
textTertiary: colors.slate,
placeholder: colors.slateDark,
sidebarBackground: colors.veryDarkBlue,
sidebarItemBackground: lighten(0.015, colors.almostBlack),
sidebarText: colors.slate,
backdrop: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)",
shadow: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)",
menuBorder: lighten(0.1, colors.almostBlack),
menuBackground: lighten(0.015, colors.almostBlack),
"0 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0 8px 16px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3), 0 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08), inset 0 0 1px rgba(255,255,255,.2)",
divider: lighten(0.1, colors.almostBlack),
titleBarDivider: darken(0.4, colors.slate),
inputBorder: colors.slateDark,
inputBorderFocused: colors.slate,
listItemHoverBackground: colors.black50,
toolbarHoverBackground: colors.slate,
toolbarBackground: colors.white,
toolbarInput: colors.black10,
toolbarItem: colors.lightBlack,
tableDivider: colors.lightBlack,
tableSelected: colors.primary,
tableSelectedBackground: "#002333",
buttonNeutralBackground: colors.almostBlack,
buttonNeutralText: colors.white,
buttonNeutralBorder: colors.slateDark,
tooltipBackground: colors.white,
tooltipText: colors.lightBlack,
toastBackground: colors.white,
toastText: colors.lightBlack,
quote: colors.almostWhite,
codeBorder: colors.black50,
codeString: "#3d8fd1",
embedBorder: colors.black50,
horizontalRule: lighten(0.1, colors.almostBlack),
noticeInfoBackground: "#252a37",
noticeInfoText: colors.white,
noticeTipBackground: "#a3840a",
noticeTipText: colors.white,
noticeWarningBackground: "#7a001b",
noticeWarningText: colors.white,
progressBarBackground: colors.slate,
scrollbarThumb: colors.lightBlack,
export const lightMobile = {
background: colors.white,
export const darkMobile = {
export default light;