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// flow-typed signature: 53be1849af6037db65e90a7abc558afe
// flow-typed version: f4e99ca1ed/react-router-dom_v4.x.x/flow_>=v0.63.x
declare module "react-router-dom" {
import type { ComponentType, ElementConfig, Node, Component } from 'react';
declare export var BrowserRouter: Class<Component<{|
basename?: string,
forceRefresh?: boolean,
getUserConfirmation?: GetUserConfirmation,
keyLength?: number,
children?: Node
declare export var HashRouter: Class<Component<{|
basename?: string,
getUserConfirmation?: GetUserConfirmation,
hashType?: "slash" | "noslash" | "hashbang",
children?: Node
declare export var Link: Class<Component<{
className?: string,
to: string | LocationShape,
replace?: boolean,
children?: Node
declare export var NavLink: Class<Component<{
to: string | LocationShape,
activeClassName?: string,
className?: string,
activeStyle?: Object,
style?: Object,
isActive?: (match: Match, location: Location) => boolean,
children?: Node,
exact?: boolean,
strict?: boolean
// NOTE: Below are duplicated from react-router. If updating these, please
// update the react-router and react-router-native types as well.
declare export type Location = {
pathname: string,
search: string,
hash: string,
state?: any,
key?: string
declare export type LocationShape = {
pathname?: string,
search?: string,
hash?: string,
state?: any
declare export type HistoryAction = "PUSH" | "REPLACE" | "POP";
declare export type RouterHistory = {
length: number,
location: Location,
action: HistoryAction,
callback: (location: Location, action: HistoryAction) => void
): () => void,
push(path: string | LocationShape, state?: any): void,
replace(path: string | LocationShape, state?: any): void,
go(n: number): void,
goBack(): void,
goForward(): void,
canGo?: (n: number) => boolean,
callback: (location: Location, action: HistoryAction) => boolean
): void,
// createMemoryHistory
index?: number,
entries?: Array<Location>
declare export type Match = {
params: { [key: string]: ?string },
isExact: boolean,
path: string,
url: string
declare export type ContextRouter = {|
history: RouterHistory,
location: Location,
match: Match,
staticContext?: StaticRouterContext
declare type ContextRouterVoid = {
history: RouterHistory | void,
location: Location | void,
match: Match | void,
staticContext?: StaticRouterContext | void
declare export type GetUserConfirmation = (
message: string,
callback: (confirmed: boolean) => void
) => void;
declare export type StaticRouterContext = {
url?: string
declare export var StaticRouter: Class<Component<{|
basename?: string,
location?: string | Location,
context: StaticRouterContext,
children?: Node
declare export var MemoryRouter: Class<Component<{|
initialEntries?: Array<LocationShape | string>,
initialIndex?: number,
getUserConfirmation?: GetUserConfirmation,
keyLength?: number,
children?: Node
declare export var Router: Class<Component<{|
history: RouterHistory,
children?: Node
declare export var Prompt: Class<Component<{|
message: string | ((location: Location) => string | boolean),
when?: boolean
declare export var Redirect: Class<Component<{|
to: string | LocationShape,
push?: boolean,
from?: string,
exact?: boolean,
strict?: boolean
declare export var Route: Class<Component<{|
component?: ComponentType<*>,
render?: (router: ContextRouter) => Node,
children?: ComponentType<ContextRouter> | Node,
path?: string,
exact?: boolean,
strict?: boolean,
location?: LocationShape,
sensitive?: boolean
declare export var Switch: Class<Component<{|
children?: Node,
location?: Location
declare export function withRouter<WrappedComponent: ComponentType<*>>(
Component: WrappedComponent
): ComponentType<
$Diff<ElementConfig<$Supertype<WrappedComponent>>, ContextRouterVoid>
declare type MatchPathOptions = {
path?: string,
exact?: boolean,
sensitive?: boolean,
strict?: boolean
declare export function matchPath(
pathname: string,
options?: MatchPathOptions | string,
parent?: Match
): null | Match;
declare export function generatePath(pattern?: string, params?: Object): string;