This repository has been archived on 2022-08-14. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

716 lines
18 KiB

// @flow
import removeMarkdown from "@tommoor/remove-markdown";
import { compact, find, map, uniq } from "lodash";
import randomstring from "randomstring";
import Sequelize, { Transaction } from "sequelize";
import MarkdownSerializer from "slate-md-serializer";
import isUUID from "validator/lib/isUUID";
import { MAX_TITLE_LENGTH } from "../../shared/constants";
import parseTitle from "../../shared/utils/parseTitle";
import unescape from "../../shared/utils/unescape";
import { Collection, User } from "../models";
import { DataTypes, sequelize } from "../sequelize";
import slugify from "../utils/slugify";
import Revision from "./Revision";
const Op = Sequelize.Op;
const URL_REGEX = /^[0-9a-zA-Z-_~]*-([a-zA-Z0-9]{10,15})$/;
const serializer = new MarkdownSerializer();
export const DOCUMENT_VERSION = 2;
const createUrlId = (doc) => {
return (doc.urlId = doc.urlId || randomstring.generate(10));
const beforeCreate = async (doc) => {
if (doc.version === undefined) {
doc.version = DOCUMENT_VERSION;
return beforeSave(doc);
const beforeSave = async (doc) => {
const { emoji } = parseTitle(doc.text);
// emoji in the title is split out for easier display
doc.emoji = emoji;
// ensure documents have a title
doc.title = doc.title || "";
// add the current user as a collaborator on this doc
if (!doc.collaboratorIds) doc.collaboratorIds = [];
doc.collaboratorIds = uniq(doc.collaboratorIds.concat(doc.lastModifiedById));
// increment revision
doc.revisionCount += 1;
return doc;
const Document = sequelize.define(
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
defaultValue: DataTypes.UUIDV4,
primaryKey: true,
urlId: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
primaryKey: true,
title: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
validate: {
len: {
args: [0, MAX_TITLE_LENGTH],
msg: `Document title must be less than ${MAX_TITLE_LENGTH} characters`,
version: DataTypes.SMALLINT,
template: DataTypes.BOOLEAN,
editorVersion: DataTypes.STRING,
text: DataTypes.TEXT,
// backup contains a record of text at the moment it was converted to v2
// this is a safety measure during deployment of new editor and will be
// dropped in a future update
backup: DataTypes.TEXT,
isWelcome: { type: DataTypes.BOOLEAN, defaultValue: false },
revisionCount: { type: DataTypes.INTEGER, defaultValue: 0 },
archivedAt: DataTypes.DATE,
publishedAt: DataTypes.DATE,
parentDocumentId: DataTypes.UUID,
collaboratorIds: DataTypes.ARRAY(DataTypes.UUID),
paranoid: true,
hooks: {
beforeValidate: createUrlId,
beforeCreate: beforeCreate,
beforeUpdate: beforeSave,
getterMethods: {
url: function () {
const slugifiedTitle = slugify(this.title);
return `/doc/${slugifiedTitle}-${this.urlId}`;
// Class methods
Document.associate = (models) => {
Document.belongsTo(models.Collection, {
as: "collection",
foreignKey: "collectionId",
onDelete: "cascade",
Document.belongsTo(models.Team, {
as: "team",
foreignKey: "teamId",
Document.belongsTo(models.Document, {
as: "document",
foreignKey: "templateId",
Document.belongsTo(models.User, {
as: "createdBy",
foreignKey: "createdById",
Document.belongsTo(models.User, {
as: "updatedBy",
foreignKey: "lastModifiedById",
Document.belongsTo(models.User, {
as: "pinnedBy",
foreignKey: "pinnedById",
Document.hasMany(models.Revision, {
as: "revisions",
onDelete: "cascade",
Document.hasMany(models.Backlink, {
as: "backlinks",
onDelete: "cascade",
Document.hasMany(models.Star, {
as: "starred",
onDelete: "cascade",
Document.hasMany(models.View, {
as: "views",
Document.addScope("defaultScope", {
include: [
{ model: models.User, as: "createdBy", paranoid: false },
{ model: models.User, as: "updatedBy", paranoid: false },
where: {
publishedAt: {
[]: null,
Document.addScope("withCollection", (userId) => {
if (userId) {
return {
include: [
model: models.Collection.scope({
method: ["withMembership", userId],
as: "collection",
return {
include: [{ model: models.Collection, as: "collection" }],
Document.addScope("withUnpublished", {
include: [
{ model: models.User, as: "createdBy", paranoid: false },
{ model: models.User, as: "updatedBy", paranoid: false },
Document.addScope("withViews", (userId) => {
if (!userId) return {};
return {
include: [
{ model: models.View, as: "views", where: { userId }, required: false },
Document.addScope("withStarred", (userId) => ({
include: [
{ model: models.Star, as: "starred", where: { userId }, required: false },
Document.findByPk = async function (id, options = {}) {
// allow default preloading of collection membership if `userId` is passed in find options
// almost every endpoint needs the collection membership to determine policy permissions.
const scope = this.scope(
method: ["withCollection", options.userId],
method: ["withViews", options.userId],
if (isUUID(id)) {
return scope.findOne({
where: { id },
} else if (id.match(URL_REGEX)) {
return scope.findOne({
where: {
urlId: id.match(URL_REGEX)[1],
type SearchResponse = {
results: {
ranking: number,
context: string,
document: Document,
totalCount: number,
type SearchOptions = {
limit?: number,
offset?: number,
collectionId?: string,
dateFilter?: "day" | "week" | "month" | "year",
collaboratorIds?: string[],
includeArchived?: boolean,
includeDrafts?: boolean,
function escape(query: string): string {
// replace "\" with escaped "\\" because sequelize.escape doesn't do it
return sequelize.escape(query).replace("\\", "\\\\");
Document.searchForTeam = async (
options: SearchOptions = {}
): Promise<SearchResponse> => {
const limit = options.limit || 15;
const offset = options.offset || 0;
const wildcardQuery = `${escape(query)}:*`;
const collectionIds = await team.collectionIds();
// If the team has access no public collections then shortcircuit the rest of this
if (!collectionIds.length) {
return { results: [], totalCount: 0 };
// Build the SQL query to get documentIds, ranking, and search term context
const whereClause = `
"searchVector" @@ to_tsquery('english', :query) AND
"teamId" = :teamId AND
"collectionId" IN(:collectionIds) AND
"deletedAt" IS NULL AND
"publishedAt" IS NOT NULL
const selectSql = `
ts_rank(documents."searchVector", to_tsquery('english', :query)) as "searchRanking",
ts_headline('english', "text", to_tsquery('english', :query), 'MaxFragments=1, MinWords=20, MaxWords=30') as "searchContext"
FROM documents
WHERE ${whereClause}
"searchRanking" DESC,
"updatedAt" DESC
LIMIT :limit
OFFSET :offset;
const countSql = `
FROM documents
WHERE ${whereClause}
const queryReplacements = {
query: wildcardQuery,
const resultsQuery = sequelize.query(selectSql, {
type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
replacements: {
const countQuery = sequelize.query(countSql, {
type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
replacements: queryReplacements,
const [results, [{ count }]] = await Promise.all([resultsQuery, countQuery]);
// Final query to get associated document data
const documents = await Document.findAll({
where: {
id: map(results, "id"),
include: [
{ model: Collection, as: "collection" },
{ model: User, as: "createdBy", paranoid: false },
{ model: User, as: "updatedBy", paranoid: false },
return {
results: map(results, (result) => ({
ranking: result.searchRanking,
context: removeMarkdown(unescape(result.searchContext), {
stripHTML: false,
document: find(documents, { id: }),
totalCount: count,
Document.searchForUser = async (
options: SearchOptions = {}
): Promise<SearchResponse> => {
const limit = options.limit || 15;
const offset = options.offset || 0;
const wildcardQuery = `${escape(query)}:*`;
// Ensure we're filtering by the users accessible collections. If
// collectionId is passed as an option it is assumed that the authorization
// has already been done in the router
let collectionIds;
if (options.collectionId) {
collectionIds = [options.collectionId];
} else {
collectionIds = await user.collectionIds();
// If the user has access to no collections then shortcircuit the rest of this
if (!collectionIds.length) {
return { results: [], totalCount: 0 };
let dateFilter;
if (options.dateFilter) {
dateFilter = `1 ${options.dateFilter}`;
// Build the SQL query to get documentIds, ranking, and search term context
const whereClause = `
"searchVector" @@ to_tsquery('english', :query) AND
"teamId" = :teamId AND
"collectionId" IN(:collectionIds) AND
options.dateFilter ? '"updatedAt" > now() - interval :dateFilter AND' : ""
? '"collaboratorIds" @> ARRAY[:collaboratorIds]::uuid[] AND'
: ""
${options.includeArchived ? "" : '"archivedAt" IS NULL AND'}
"deletedAt" IS NULL AND
? '("publishedAt" IS NOT NULL OR "createdById" = :userId)'
: '"publishedAt" IS NOT NULL'
const selectSql = `
ts_rank(documents."searchVector", to_tsquery('english', :query)) as "searchRanking",
ts_headline('english', "text", to_tsquery('english', :query), 'MaxFragments=1, MinWords=20, MaxWords=30') as "searchContext"
FROM documents
WHERE ${whereClause}
"searchRanking" DESC,
"updatedAt" DESC
LIMIT :limit
OFFSET :offset;
const countSql = `
FROM documents
WHERE ${whereClause}
const queryReplacements = {
teamId: user.teamId,
collaboratorIds: options.collaboratorIds,
query: wildcardQuery,
const resultsQuery = sequelize.query(selectSql, {
type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
replacements: {
const countQuery = sequelize.query(countSql, {
type: sequelize.QueryTypes.SELECT,
replacements: queryReplacements,
const [results, [{ count }]] = await Promise.all([resultsQuery, countQuery]);
// Final query to get associated document data
const documents = await Document.scope(
method: ["withViews",],
method: ["withCollection",],
where: {
id: map(results, "id"),
include: [
{ model: User, as: "createdBy", paranoid: false },
{ model: User, as: "updatedBy", paranoid: false },
return {
results: map(results, (result) => ({
ranking: result.searchRanking,
context: removeMarkdown(unescape(result.searchContext), {
stripHTML: false,
document: find(documents, { id: }),
totalCount: count,
// Hooks
Document.addHook("beforeSave", async (model) => {
if (!model.publishedAt || model.template) {
const collection = await Collection.findByPk(model.collectionId);
if (!collection) {
await collection.updateDocument(model);
model.collection = collection;
Document.addHook("afterCreate", async (model) => {
if (!model.publishedAt || model.template) {
const collection = await Collection.findByPk(model.collectionId);
if (!collection) {
await collection.addDocumentToStructure(model, 0);
model.collection = collection;
return model;
// Instance methods
Document.prototype.toMarkdown = function () {
const text = unescape(this.text);
if (this.version) {
return `# ${this.title}\n\n${text}`;
return text;
Document.prototype.migrateVersion = function () {
let migrated = false;
// migrate from document version 0 -> 1
if (!this.version) {
// removing the title from the document text attribute
this.text = this.text.replace(/^#\s(.*)\n/, "");
this.version = 1;
migrated = true;
// migrate from document version 1 -> 2
if (this.version === 1) {
const nodes = serializer.deserialize(this.text);
this.backup = this.text;
this.text = serializer.serialize(nodes, { version: 2 });
this.version = 2;
migrated = true;
if (migrated) {
return{ silent: true, hooks: false });
// Note: This method marks the document and it's children as deleted
// in the database, it does not permanently delete them OR remove
// from the collection structure.
Document.prototype.deleteWithChildren = async function (options) {
// Helper to destroy all child documents for a document
const loopChildren = async (documentId, opts) => {
const childDocuments = await Document.findAll({
where: { parentDocumentId: documentId },
childDocuments.forEach(async (child) => {
await loopChildren(, opts);
await child.destroy(opts);
await loopChildren(, options);
await this.destroy(options);
Document.prototype.archiveWithChildren = async function (userId, options) {
const archivedAt = new Date();
// Helper to archive all child documents for a document
const archiveChildren = async (parentDocumentId) => {
const childDocuments = await Document.findAll({
where: { parentDocumentId },
childDocuments.forEach(async (child) => {
await archiveChildren(;
child.archivedAt = archivedAt;
child.lastModifiedById = userId;
await archiveChildren(;
this.archivedAt = archivedAt;
this.lastModifiedById = userId;
Document.prototype.publish = async function (userId: string, options) {
if (this.publishedAt) return;
if (!this.template) {
const collection = await Collection.findByPk(this.collectionId);
await collection.addDocumentToStructure(this, 0);
this.lastModifiedById = userId;
this.publishedAt = new Date();
return this;
Document.prototype.unpublish = async function (userId: string, options) {
if (!this.publishedAt) return this;
const collection = await this.getCollection();
await collection.removeDocumentInStructure(this);
// unpublishing a document converts the "ownership" to yourself, so that it
// can appear in your drafts rather than the original creators
this.userId = userId;
this.lastModifiedById = userId;
this.publishedAt = null;
return this;
// Moves a document from being visible to the team within a collection
// to the archived area, where it can be subsequently restored.
Document.prototype.archive = async function (userId) {
// archive any children and remove from the document structure
const collection = await this.getCollection();
await collection.removeDocumentInStructure(this);
this.collection = collection;
await this.archiveWithChildren(userId);
return this;
// Restore an archived document back to being visible to the team
Document.prototype.unarchive = async function (userId: string) {
const collection = await this.getCollection();
// check to see if the documents parent hasn't been archived also
// If it has then restore the document to the collection root.
if (this.parentDocumentId) {
const parent = await Document.findOne({
where: {
id: this.parentDocumentId,
archivedAt: {
[Op.eq]: null,
if (!parent) this.parentDocumentId = undefined;
if (!this.template) {
await collection.addDocumentToStructure(this);
this.collection = collection;
if (this.deletedAt) {
await this.restore();
this.archivedAt = null;
this.lastModifiedById = userId;
return this;
// Delete a document, archived or otherwise.
Document.prototype.delete = function (userId: string) {
return sequelize.transaction(
async (transaction: Transaction): Promise<Document> => {
if (!this.archivedAt && !this.template) {
// delete any children and remove from the document structure
const collection = await this.getCollection({ transaction });
if (collection) await collection.deleteDocument(this, { transaction });
} else {
await this.destroy({ transaction });
await Revision.destroy({
where: { documentId: },
await this.update(
{ lastModifiedById: userId },
return this;
Document.prototype.getTimestamp = function () {
return Math.round(new Date(this.updatedAt).getTime() / 1000);
Document.prototype.getSummary = function () {
const plain = removeMarkdown(unescape(this.text), {
stripHTML: false,
const lines = compact(plain.split("\n"));
const notEmpty = lines.length >= 1;
if (this.version) {
return notEmpty ? lines[0] : "";
return notEmpty ? lines[1] : "";
Document.prototype.toJSON = function () {
// Warning: only use for new documents as order of children is
// handled in the collection's documentStructure
return {
title: this.title,
url: this.url,
children: [],
export default Document;