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// flow-typed signature: 9643e4394ce85a9a44feac8a1d4819bb
// flow-typed version: c6154227d1/pg_v6.x.x/flow_>=v0.104.x
declare module pg {
// Note: Currently There are some issues in Function overloading.
// So i temporarily remove the
// `((event: string, listener: Function) => EventEmitter );`
// from all overloading for EventEmitter.on().
// `any` types exised in this file, cause of currently `mixed` did not work well
// in Function Overloading.
// `Function` types exised in this file, cause of they come from another
// untyped npm lib.
/* Cause of <flow 0.36 did not support export type very well,
// so copy the types from pg-pool
const Pool = require('pg-pool');
import type {
} from 'pg-pool';
// ------------- copy from 'pg-pool' ------------>>
* PgPoolConfig's properties are passed unchanged to both
* the node-postgres Client constructor and the node-pool constructor
* allowing you to fully configure the behavior of both
* node-pool (
declare type PgPoolConfig = {
// node-pool ----------------
name: string,
create: Function,
destroy: Function,
max: number,
min: number,
refreshIdle: boolean,
idleTimeoutMillis: number,
reapIntervalMillis: number,
returnToHead: boolean,
priorityRange: number,
validate: Function,
validateAsync: Function,
log: Function,
// node-postgres Client ------
//database user's name
user: string,
//name of database to connect
database: string,
//database user's password
password: string,
//database port
port: number,
// database host. defaults to localhost
host?: string,
// whether to try SSL/TLS to connect to server. default value: false
ssl?: boolean,
// name displayed in the pg_stat_activity view and included in CSV log entries
// default value: process.env.PGAPPNAME
application_name?: string,
// fallback value for the application_name configuration parameter
// default value: false
fallback_application_name?: string,
// pg-pool
Client: mixed,
Promise: mixed,
onCreate: Function,
* Not extends from Client, cause some of Client's functions(ex: connect and end)
* should not be used by PoolClient (which returned from Pool.connect).
declare type PoolClient = {
release(error?: mixed): void,
( (query: QueryConfig|string, callback?: QueryCallback) => Query ) &
( (text: string, values: Array<any>, callback?: QueryCallback) => Query ),
((event: 'drain', listener: () => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'error', listener: (err: PG_ERROR) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'notification', listener: (message: any) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'notice', listener: (message: any) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'end', listener: () => void) => events$EventEmitter ),
declare type PoolConnectCallback = (error: PG_ERROR|null,
client: PoolClient|null, done: DoneCallback) => void;
declare type DoneCallback = (error?: mixed) => void;
// on() returns a events$EventEmitter
declare class Pool extends events$EventEmitter {
constructor(options: $Shape<PgPoolConfig>, Client?: Class<Client>): void;
connect(cb?: PoolConnectCallback): Promise<PoolClient>;
take(cb?: PoolConnectCallback): Promise<PoolClient>;
end(cb?: DoneCallback): Promise<void>;
// Note: not like the pg's Client, the Pool.query return a Promise,
// not a Thenable Query which Client returned.
// And there is a flow(<0.34) issue here, when Array<mixed>,
// the overloading will not work
( (query: QueryConfig|string, callback?: QueryCallback) => Promise<ResultSet> ) &
( (text: string, values: Array<any>, callback?: QueryCallback) => Promise<ResultSet>);
/* flow issue:
* When this fixed, this overloading can be used.
((event: 'connect', listener: (client: PoolClient) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'acquire', listener: (client: PoolClient) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: "error", listener: (err: PG_ERROR) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: string, listener: Function) => events$EventEmitter);
// <<------------- copy from 'pg-pool' ------------------------------
// error
declare type PG_ERROR = {
name: string,
length: number,
severity: string,
code: string,
detail: string|void,
hint: string|void,
position: string|void,
internalPosition: string|void,
internalQuery: string|void,
where: string|void,
schema: string|void,
table: string|void,
column: string|void,
dataType: string|void,
constraint: string|void,
file: string|void,
line: string|void,
routine: string|void,
declare type ClientConfig = {
//database user's name
user?: string,
//name of database to connect
database?: string,
//database user's password
password?: string,
//database port
port?: number,
// database host. defaults to localhost
host?: string,
// whether to try SSL/TLS to connect to server. default value: false
ssl?: boolean,
// name displayed in the pg_stat_activity view and included in CSV log entries
// default value: process.env.PGAPPNAME
application_name?: string,
// fallback value for the application_name configuration parameter
// default value: false
fallback_application_name?: string,
declare type Row = { [key: string]: mixed, ... };
declare type ResultSet = {
command: string,
rowCount: number,
oid: number,
rows: Array<Row>,
declare type ResultBuilder = {
command: string,
rowCount: number,
oid: number,
rows: Array<Row>,
addRow: (row: Row) => void,
declare type QueryConfig = {
name?: string,
text: string,
values?: any[],
declare type QueryCallback = (err: PG_ERROR|null, result: ResultSet|void) => void;
declare type ClientConnectCallback = (err: PG_ERROR|null, client: Client|void) => void;
* lib/query.js
* Query extends from EventEmitter in source code.
* but in Flow there is no multiple extends.
* And in Flow await is a `declare function $await<T>(p: Promise<T> | T): T;`
* seems can not resolve a Thenable's value type directly
* so `Query extends Promise` to make thing temporarily work.
* like this:
* const q = client.query('select * from some');
* q.on('row',cb); // Event
* const result = await q; // or await
* ToDo: should find a better way.
declare class Query extends Promise<ResultSet> {
onFulfill?: ?((value: ResultSet) => Promise<U> | U),
onReject?: ?((error: PG_ERROR) => Promise<U> | U)
): Promise<U>;
// Because then and catch return a Promise,
// .then.catch will lose catch's type information PG_ERROR.
onReject?: ?((error: PG_ERROR) => Promise<U> | U)
): Promise<U>;
on :
((event: 'row', listener: (row: Row, result: ResultBuilder) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'end', listener: (result: ResultBuilder) => void) => events$EventEmitter )&
((event: 'error', listener: (err: PG_ERROR) => void) => events$EventEmitter );
* lib/client.js
* Note: not extends from EventEmitter, for This Type returned by on().
* Flow's EventEmitter force return a EventEmitter in on().
* ToDo: Not sure in on() if return events$EventEmitter or this will be more suitable
* return this will restrict event to given literial when chain on().on().on().
* return a events$EventEmitter will fallback to raw EventEmitter, when chains
declare class Client {
constructor(config?: string | ClientConfig): void;
connect(callback?: ClientConnectCallback):void;
end(): void;
escapeLiteral(str: string): string;
escapeIdentifier(str: string): string;
( (query: QueryConfig|string, callback?: QueryCallback) => Query ) &
( (text: string, values: Array<any>, callback?: QueryCallback) => Query );
((event: 'drain', listener: () => void) => this )&
((event: 'error', listener: (err: PG_ERROR) => void) => this )&
((event: 'notification', listener: (message: any) => void) => this )&
((event: 'notice', listener: (message: any) => void) => this )&
((event: 'end', listener: () => void) => this );
* require('pg-types')
declare type TypeParserText = (value: string) => any;
declare type TypeParserBinary = (value: Buffer) => any;
declare type Types = {
((oid: number, format?: 'text') => TypeParserText )&
((oid: number, format: 'binary') => TypeParserBinary ),
((oid: number, format?: 'text', parseFn: TypeParserText) => void )&
((oid: number, format: 'binary', parseFn: TypeParserBinary) => void)&
((oid: number, parseFn: TypeParserText) => void),
* lib/index.js ( class PG)
declare class PG extends events$EventEmitter {
types: Types;
Client: Class<Client>;
Pool: Class<Pool>;
Connection: mixed; //Connection is used internally by the Client.
constructor(client: Client): void;
native: {
// native binding, have the same capability like PG
types: Types,
Client: Class<Client>,
Pool: Class<Pool>,
Connection: mixed,
// The end(),connect(),cancel() in PG is abandoned ?
// These class are not exposed by pg.
declare type PoolType = Pool;
declare type PGType = PG;
declare type QueryType = Query;
// module export, keep same structure with index.js
declare module.exports: PG;