local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local um_get_roles = require "core.usermanager".get_roles; local function load_main_host(module) -- Check whether a user should be isolated from remote JIDs -- If not, set a session flag that allows them to bypass mod_isolate_host local function check_user_isolated(event) local session = event.session; if not session.no_host_isolation then local bare_jid = jid_bare(session.full_jid); local roles = um_get_roles(bare_jid, module.host); if roles and not roles["prosody:restricted"] then -- Bypass isolation for all unrestricted users session.no_host_isolation = true; end end end -- Add low-priority hook to run after the check_user_isolated default -- behaviour in mod_isolate_host module:hook("resource-bind", check_user_isolated, -0.5); end local function load_groups_host(module) local primary_host = module.host:gsub("^%a+%.", ""); local function is_restricted(user_jid) local roles = um_get_roles(user_jid, primary_host); return not roles or roles["prosody:restricted"]; end module:hook("muc-config-submitted/muc#roomconfig_publicroom", function (event) if not is_restricted(event.actor) then return; end -- Don't allow modification of this value by restricted users return true; end, 5); module:hook("muc-config-form", function (event) if not is_restricted(event.actor) then return; end -- Don't restrict admins -- Hide the option from the config form for restricted users local form = event.form; for i = #form, 1, -1 do if form[i].name == "muc#roomconfig_publicroom" then table.remove(form, i); end end end); end if module:get_host_type() == "component" and module:get_option_string("component_module") == "muc" then load_groups_host(module); else load_main_host(module); end