
2182 lines
55 KiB

/* thttpd.c - tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server
** Copyright © 1995,1998,1999,2000,2001,2015 by
** Jef Poskanzer <>. All rights reserved.
** Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
** modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
** are met:
** 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
** 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
** notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
** documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
#include "config.h"
#include "version.h"
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <sys/uio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <pwd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_GRP_H
#include <grp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <syslog.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "fdwatch.h"
#include "libhttpd.h"
#include "mmc.h"
#include "timers.h"
#include "match.h"
#ifndef SHUT_WR
#define SHUT_WR 1
#ifndef HAVE_INT64T
typedef long long int64_t;
static char* argv0;
static int debug;
static unsigned short port;
static char* dir;
static char* data_dir;
static int do_chroot, no_log, no_symlink_check, do_vhost, do_global_passwd;
static char* cgi_pattern;
static int cgi_limit;
static char* url_pattern;
static int no_empty_referrers;
static char* local_pattern;
static char* logfile;
static char* throttlefile;
static char* hostname;
static char* pidfile;
static char* user;
static char* charset;
static char* p3p;
static int max_age;
typedef struct {
char* pattern;
long max_limit, min_limit;
long rate;
off_t bytes_since_avg;
int num_sending;
} throttletab;
static throttletab* throttles;
static int numthrottles, maxthrottles;
typedef struct {
int conn_state;
int next_free_connect;
httpd_conn* hc;
int tnums[MAXTHROTTLENUMS]; /* throttle indexes */
int numtnums;
long max_limit, min_limit;
time_t started_at, active_at;
Timer* wakeup_timer;
Timer* linger_timer;
long wouldblock_delay;
off_t bytes;
off_t end_byte_index;
off_t next_byte_index;
} connecttab;
static connecttab* connects;
static int num_connects, max_connects, first_free_connect;
static int httpd_conn_count;
/* The connection states. */
#define CNST_FREE 0
#define CNST_READING 1
#define CNST_SENDING 2
#define CNST_PAUSING 3
static httpd_server* hs = (httpd_server*) 0;
int terminate = 0;
time_t start_time, stats_time;
long stats_connections;
off_t stats_bytes;
int stats_simultaneous;
static volatile int got_hup, got_usr1, watchdog_flag;
/* Forwards. */
static void parse_args( int argc, char** argv );
static void usage( void );
static void read_config( char* filename );
static void value_required( char* name, char* value );
static void no_value_required( char* name, char* value );
static char* e_strdup( char* oldstr );
static void lookup_hostname( httpd_sockaddr* sa4P, size_t sa4_len, int* gotv4P, httpd_sockaddr* sa6P, size_t sa6_len, int* gotv6P );
static void read_throttlefile( char* tf );
static void shut_down( void );
static int handle_newconnect( struct timeval* tvP, int listen_fd );
static void handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void handle_send( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void handle_linger( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static int check_throttles( connecttab* c );
static void clear_throttles( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void update_throttles( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void finish_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void clear_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void really_clear_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP );
static void idle( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void wakeup_connection( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void linger_clear_connection( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void occasional( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
static void show_stats( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP );
#endif /* STATS_TIME */
static void logstats( struct timeval* nowP );
static void thttpd_logstats( long secs );
/* SIGTERM and SIGINT say to exit immediately. */
static void
handle_term( int sig )
/* Don't need to set up the handler again, since it's a one-shot. */
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "exiting due to signal %d", sig );
exit( 1 );
/* SIGCHLD - a chile process exitted, so we need to reap the zombie */
static void
handle_chld( int sig )
const int oerrno = errno;
pid_t pid;
int status;
/* Set up handler again. */
(void) signal( SIGCHLD, handle_chld );
#endif /* ! HAVE_SIGSET */
/* Reap defunct children until there aren't any more. */
for (;;)
pid = waitpid( (pid_t) -1, &status, WNOHANG );
#else /* HAVE_WAITPID */
pid = wait3( &status, WNOHANG, (struct rusage*) 0 );
#endif /* HAVE_WAITPID */
if ( (int) pid == 0 ) /* none left */
if ( (int) pid < 0 )
if ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN )
/* ECHILD shouldn't happen with the WNOHANG option,
** but with some kernels it does anyway. Ignore it.
if ( errno != ECHILD )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "child wait - %m" );
/* Decrement the CGI count. Note that this is not accurate, since
** each CGI can involve two or even three child processes.
** Decrementing for each child means that when there is heavy CGI
** activity, the count will be lower than it should be, and therefore
** more CGIs will be allowed than should be.
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
if ( hs->cgi_count < 0 )
hs->cgi_count = 0;
/* Restore previous errno. */
errno = oerrno;
/* SIGHUP says to re-open the log file. */
static void
handle_hup( int sig )
const int oerrno = errno;
/* Set up handler again. */
(void) signal( SIGHUP, handle_hup );
#endif /* ! HAVE_SIGSET */
/* Just set a flag that we got the signal. */
got_hup = 1;
/* Restore previous errno. */
errno = oerrno;
/* SIGUSR1 says to exit as soon as all current connections are done. */
static void
handle_usr1( int sig )
/* Don't need to set up the handler again, since it's a one-shot. */
if ( num_connects == 0 )
/* If there are no active connections we want to exit immediately
** here. Not only is it faster, but without any connections the
** main loop won't wake up until the next new connection.
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "exiting" );
exit( 0 );
/* Otherwise, just set a flag that we got the signal. */
got_usr1 = 1;
/* Don't need to restore old errno, since we didn't do any syscalls. */
/* SIGUSR2 says to generate the stats syslogs immediately. */
static void
handle_usr2( int sig )
const int oerrno = errno;
/* Set up handler again. */
(void) signal( SIGUSR2, handle_usr2 );
#endif /* ! HAVE_SIGSET */
logstats( (struct timeval*) 0 );
/* Restore previous errno. */
errno = oerrno;
/* SIGALRM is used as a watchdog. */
static void
handle_alrm( int sig )
const int oerrno = errno;
/* If nothing has been happening */
if ( ! watchdog_flag )
/* Try changing dirs to someplace we can write. */
(void) chdir( "/tmp" );
/* Dump core. */
watchdog_flag = 0;
/* Set up handler again. */
(void) signal( SIGALRM, handle_alrm );
#endif /* ! HAVE_SIGSET */
/* Set up alarm again. */
(void) alarm( OCCASIONAL_TIME * 3 );
/* Restore previous errno. */
errno = oerrno;
static void
re_open_logfile( void )
FILE* logfp;
if ( no_log || hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
/* Re-open the log file. */
if ( logfile != (char*) 0 && strcmp( logfile, "-" ) != 0 )
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "re-opening logfile" );
logfp = fopen( logfile, "a" );
if ( logfp == (FILE*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "re-opening %.80s - %m", logfile );
(void) fcntl( fileno( logfp ), F_SETFD, 1 );
httpd_set_logfp( hs, logfp );
main( int argc, char** argv )
char* cp;
struct passwd* pwd;
uid_t uid = 32767;
gid_t gid = 32767;
char cwd[MAXPATHLEN+1];
FILE* logfp;
int num_ready;
int cnum;
connecttab* c;
httpd_conn* hc;
httpd_sockaddr sa4;
httpd_sockaddr sa6;
int gotv4, gotv6;
struct timeval tv;
argv0 = argv[0];
cp = strrchr( argv0, '/' );
if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
cp = argv0;
/* Handle command-line arguments. */
parse_args( argc, argv );
/* Read zone info now, in case we chroot(). */
/* Look up hostname now, in case we chroot(). */
lookup_hostname( &sa4, sizeof(sa4), &gotv4, &sa6, sizeof(sa6), &gotv6 );
if ( ! ( gotv4 || gotv6 ) )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "can't find any valid address" );
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: can't find any valid address\n", argv0 );
exit( 1 );
/* Throttle file. */
numthrottles = 0;
maxthrottles = 0;
throttles = (throttletab*) 0;
if ( throttlefile != (char*) 0 )
read_throttlefile( throttlefile );
/* If we're root and we're going to become another user, get the uid/gid
** now.
if ( getuid() == 0 )
pwd = getpwnam( user );
if ( pwd == (struct passwd*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "unknown user - '%.80s'", user );
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: unknown user - '%s'\n", argv0, user );
exit( 1 );
uid = pwd->pw_uid;
gid = pwd->pw_gid;
/* Log file. */
if ( logfile != (char*) 0 )
if ( strcmp( logfile, "/dev/null" ) == 0 )
no_log = 1;
logfp = (FILE*) 0;
else if ( strcmp( logfile, "-" ) == 0 )
logfp = stdout;
logfp = fopen( logfile, "a" );
if ( logfp == (FILE*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - %m", logfile );
perror( logfile );
exit( 1 );
if ( logfile[0] != '/' )
syslog( LOG_WARNING, "logfile is not an absolute path, you may not be able to re-open it" );
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: logfile is not an absolute path, you may not be able to re-open it\n", argv0 );
(void) fcntl( fileno( logfp ), F_SETFD, 1 );
if ( getuid() == 0 )
/* If we are root then we chown the log file to the user we'll
** be switching to.
if ( fchown( fileno( logfp ), uid, gid ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_WARNING, "fchown logfile - %m" );
perror( "fchown logfile" );
logfp = (FILE*) 0;
/* Switch directories if requested. */
if ( dir != (char*) 0 )
if ( chdir( dir ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chdir - %m" );
perror( "chdir" );
exit( 1 );
else if ( getuid() == 0 )
/* No explicit directory was specified, we're root, and the
** USE_USER_DIR option is set - switch to the specified user's
** home dir.
if ( chdir( pwd->pw_dir ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chdir - %m" );
perror( "chdir" );
exit( 1 );
#endif /* USE_USER_DIR */
/* Get current directory. */
(void) getcwd( cwd, sizeof(cwd) - 1 );
if ( cwd[strlen( cwd ) - 1] != '/' )
(void) strcat( cwd, "/" );
if ( ! debug )
/* We're not going to use stdin stdout or stderr from here on, so close
** them to save file descriptors.
(void) fclose( stdin );
if ( logfp != stdout )
(void) fclose( stdout );
(void) fclose( stderr );
/* Daemonize - make ourselves a subprocess. */
if ( daemon( 1, 1 ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "daemon - %m" );
exit( 1 );
#else /* HAVE_DAEMON */
switch ( fork() )
case 0:
case -1:
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "fork - %m" );
exit( 1 );
exit( 0 );
(void) setsid();
#endif /* HAVE_SETSID */
#endif /* HAVE_DAEMON */
/* Even if we don't daemonize, we still want to disown our parent
** process.
(void) setsid();
#endif /* HAVE_SETSID */
if ( pidfile != (char*) 0 )
/* Write the PID file. */
FILE* pidfp = fopen( pidfile, "w" );
if ( pidfp == (FILE*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - %m", pidfile );
exit( 1 );
(void) fprintf( pidfp, "%d\n", (int) getpid() );
(void) fclose( pidfp );
/* Initialize the fdwatch package. Have to do this before chroot,
** if /dev/poll is used.
max_connects = fdwatch_get_nfiles();
if ( max_connects < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "fdwatch initialization failure" );
exit( 1 );
max_connects -= SPARE_FDS;
/* Chroot if requested. */
if ( do_chroot )
if ( chroot( cwd ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chroot - %m" );
perror( "chroot" );
exit( 1 );
/* If we're logging and the logfile's pathname begins with the
** chroot tree's pathname, then elide the chroot pathname so
** that the logfile pathname still works from inside the chroot
** tree.
if ( logfile != (char*) 0 && strcmp( logfile, "-" ) != 0 )
if ( strncmp( logfile, cwd, strlen( cwd ) ) == 0 )
(void) ol_strcpy( logfile, &logfile[strlen( cwd ) - 1] );
/* (We already guaranteed that cwd ends with a slash, so leaving
** that slash in logfile makes it an absolute pathname within
** the chroot tree.)
syslog( LOG_WARNING, "logfile is not within the chroot tree, you will not be able to re-open it" );
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: logfile is not within the chroot tree, you will not be able to re-open it\n", argv0 );
(void) strcpy( cwd, "/" );
/* Always chdir to / after a chroot. */
if ( chdir( cwd ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "chroot chdir - %m" );
perror( "chroot chdir" );
exit( 1 );
/* Switch directories again if requested. */
if ( data_dir != (char*) 0 )
if ( chdir( data_dir ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "data_dir chdir - %m" );
perror( "data_dir chdir" );
exit( 1 );
/* Set up to catch signals. */
(void) sigset( SIGTERM, handle_term );
(void) sigset( SIGINT, handle_term );
(void) sigset( SIGCHLD, handle_chld );
(void) sigset( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); /* get EPIPE instead */
(void) sigset( SIGHUP, handle_hup );
(void) sigset( SIGUSR1, handle_usr1 );
(void) sigset( SIGUSR2, handle_usr2 );
(void) sigset( SIGALRM, handle_alrm );
#else /* HAVE_SIGSET */
(void) signal( SIGTERM, handle_term );
(void) signal( SIGINT, handle_term );
(void) signal( SIGCHLD, handle_chld );
(void) signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN ); /* get EPIPE instead */
(void) signal( SIGHUP, handle_hup );
(void) signal( SIGUSR1, handle_usr1 );
(void) signal( SIGUSR2, handle_usr2 );
(void) signal( SIGALRM, handle_alrm );
#endif /* HAVE_SIGSET */
got_hup = 0;
got_usr1 = 0;
watchdog_flag = 0;
(void) alarm( OCCASIONAL_TIME * 3 );
/* Initialize the timer package. */
/* Initialize the HTTP layer. Got to do this before giving up root,
** so that we can bind to a privileged port.
hs = httpd_initialize(
gotv4 ? &sa4 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0, gotv6 ? &sa6 : (httpd_sockaddr*) 0,
port, cgi_pattern, cgi_limit, charset, p3p, max_age, cwd, no_log, logfp,
no_symlink_check, do_vhost, do_global_passwd, url_pattern,
local_pattern, no_empty_referrers );
if ( hs == (httpd_server*) 0 )
exit( 1 );
/* Set up the occasional timer. */
if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, occasional, JunkClientData, OCCASIONAL_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(occasional) failed" );
exit( 1 );
/* Set up the idle timer. */
if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, idle, JunkClientData, 5 * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(idle) failed" );
exit( 1 );
if ( numthrottles > 0 )
/* Set up the throttles timer. */
if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, update_throttles, JunkClientData, THROTTLE_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(update_throttles) failed" );
exit( 1 );
/* Set up the stats timer. */
if ( tmr_create( (struct timeval*) 0, show_stats, JunkClientData, STATS_TIME * 1000L, 1 ) == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(show_stats) failed" );
exit( 1 );
#endif /* STATS_TIME */
start_time = stats_time = time( (time_t*) 0 );
stats_connections = 0;
stats_bytes = 0;
stats_simultaneous = 0;
/* If we're root, try to become someone else. */
if ( getuid() == 0 )
/* Set aux groups to null. */
if ( setgroups( 0, (const gid_t*) 0 ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setgroups - %m" );
exit( 1 );
/* Set primary group. */
if ( setgid( gid ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setgid - %m" );
exit( 1 );
/* Try setting aux groups correctly - not critical if this fails. */
if ( initgroups( user, gid ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_WARNING, "initgroups - %m" );
/* Set login name. */
(void) setlogin( user );
#endif /* HAVE_SETLOGIN */
/* Set uid. */
if ( setuid( uid ) < 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "setuid - %m" );
exit( 1 );
/* Check for unnecessary security exposure. */
if ( ! do_chroot )
"started as root without requesting chroot(), warning only" );
/* Initialize our connections table. */
connects = NEW( connecttab, max_connects );
if ( connects == (connecttab*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating a connecttab" );
exit( 1 );
for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
connects[cnum].conn_state = CNST_FREE;
connects[cnum].next_free_connect = cnum + 1;
connects[cnum].hc = (httpd_conn*) 0;
connects[max_connects - 1].next_free_connect = -1; /* end of link list */
first_free_connect = 0;
num_connects = 0;
httpd_conn_count = 0;
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen4_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );
if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_add_fd( hs->listen6_fd, (void*) 0, FDW_READ );
/* Main loop. */
(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
while ( ( ! terminate ) || num_connects > 0 )
/* Do we need to re-open the log file? */
if ( got_hup )
got_hup = 0;
/* Do the fd watch. */
num_ready = fdwatch( tmr_mstimeout( &tv ) );
if ( num_ready < 0 )
if ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN )
continue; /* try again */
syslog( LOG_ERR, "fdwatch - %m" );
exit( 1 );
(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
if ( num_ready == 0 )
/* No fd's are ready - run the timers. */
tmr_run( &tv );
/* Is it a new connection? */
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen6_fd != -1 &&
fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen6_fd ) )
if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen6_fd ) )
/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
** dropping through and processing existing connections.
** New connections always get priority.
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 && hs->listen4_fd != -1 &&
fdwatch_check_fd( hs->listen4_fd ) )
if ( handle_newconnect( &tv, hs->listen4_fd ) )
/* Go around the loop and do another fdwatch, rather than
** dropping through and processing existing connections.
** New connections always get priority.
/* Find the connections that need servicing. */
while ( ( c = (connecttab*) fdwatch_get_next_client_data() ) != (connecttab*) -1 )
if ( c == (connecttab*) 0 )
hc = c->hc;
if ( ! fdwatch_check_fd( hc->conn_fd ) )
/* Something went wrong. */
clear_connection( c, &tv );
switch ( c->conn_state )
case CNST_READING: handle_read( c, &tv ); break;
case CNST_SENDING: handle_send( c, &tv ); break;
case CNST_LINGERING: handle_linger( c, &tv ); break;
tmr_run( &tv );
if ( got_usr1 && ! terminate )
terminate = 1;
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
if ( hs->listen4_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_del_fd( hs->listen4_fd );
if ( hs->listen6_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_del_fd( hs->listen6_fd );
httpd_unlisten( hs );
/* The main loop terminated. */
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "exiting" );
exit( 0 );
static void
parse_args( int argc, char** argv )
int argn;
debug = 0;
dir = (char*) 0;
data_dir = (char*) 0;
do_chroot = 1;
#else /* ALWAYS_CHROOT */
do_chroot = 0;
#endif /* ALWAYS_CHROOT */
no_log = 0;
no_symlink_check = do_chroot;
do_vhost = 1;
#else /* ALWAYS_VHOST */
do_vhost = 0;
#endif /* ALWAYS_VHOST */
do_global_passwd = 1;
do_global_passwd = 0;
cgi_pattern = CGI_PATTERN;
#else /* CGI_PATTERN */
cgi_pattern = (char*) 0;
#endif /* CGI_PATTERN */
#ifdef CGI_LIMIT
cgi_limit = CGI_LIMIT;
#else /* CGI_LIMIT */
cgi_limit = 0;
#endif /* CGI_LIMIT */
url_pattern = (char*) 0;
no_empty_referrers = 0;
local_pattern = (char*) 0;
throttlefile = (char*) 0;
hostname = (char*) 0;
logfile = (char*) 0;
pidfile = (char*) 0;
p3p = "";
max_age = -1;
argn = 1;
while ( argn < argc && argv[argn][0] == '-' )
if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-V" ) == 0 )
(void) printf( "%s\n", SERVER_SOFTWARE );
exit( 0 );
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-C" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
read_config( argv[argn] );
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-p" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
port = (unsigned short) atoi( argv[argn] );
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-d" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
dir = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-r" ) == 0 )
do_chroot = 1;
no_symlink_check = 1;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-nor" ) == 0 )
do_chroot = 0;
no_symlink_check = 0;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-dd" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
data_dir = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-s" ) == 0 )
no_symlink_check = 0;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-nos" ) == 0 )
no_symlink_check = 1;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-u" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
user = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-c" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
cgi_pattern = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-t" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
throttlefile = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-h" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
hostname = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-l" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
logfile = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-v" ) == 0 )
do_vhost = 1;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-nov" ) == 0 )
do_vhost = 0;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-g" ) == 0 )
do_global_passwd = 1;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-nog" ) == 0 )
do_global_passwd = 0;
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-i" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
pidfile = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-T" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
charset = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-P" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
p3p = argv[argn];
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-M" ) == 0 && argn + 1 < argc )
max_age = atoi( argv[argn] );
else if ( strcmp( argv[argn], "-D" ) == 0 )
debug = 1;
if ( argn != argc )
static void
usage( void )
(void) fprintf( stderr,
"usage: %s [-C configfile] [-p port] [-d dir] [-r|-nor] [-dd data_dir] [-s|-nos] [-v|-nov] [-g|-nog] [-u user] [-c cgipat] [-t throttles] [-h host] [-l logfile] [-i pidfile] [-T charset] [-P P3P] [-M maxage] [-V] [-D]\n",
argv0 );
exit( 1 );
static void
read_config( char* filename )
FILE* fp;
char line[10000];
char* cp;
char* cp2;
char* name;
char* value;
fp = fopen( filename, "r" );
if ( fp == (FILE*) 0 )
perror( filename );
exit( 1 );
while ( fgets( line, sizeof(line), fp ) != (char*) 0 )
/* Trim comments. */
if ( ( cp = strchr( line, '#' ) ) != (char*) 0 )
*cp = '\0';
/* Skip leading whitespace. */
cp = line;
cp += strspn( cp, " \t\n\r" );
/* Split line into words. */
while ( *cp != '\0' )
/* Find next whitespace. */
cp2 = cp + strcspn( cp, " \t\n\r" );
/* Insert EOS and advance next-word pointer. */
while ( *cp2 == ' ' || *cp2 == '\t' || *cp2 == '\n' || *cp2 == '\r' )
*cp2++ = '\0';
/* Split into name and value. */
name = cp;
value = strchr( name, '=' );
if ( value != (char*) 0 )
*value++ = '\0';
/* Interpret. */
if ( strcasecmp( name, "debug" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
debug = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "port" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
port = (unsigned short) atoi( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "dir" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
dir = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "chroot" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_chroot = 1;
no_symlink_check = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "nochroot" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_chroot = 0;
no_symlink_check = 0;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "data_dir" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
data_dir = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "nosymlinkcheck" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
no_symlink_check = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "symlinkcheck" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
no_symlink_check = 0;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "user" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
user = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "cgipat" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
cgi_pattern = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "cgilimit" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
cgi_limit = atoi( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "urlpat" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
url_pattern = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "noemptyreferers" ) == 0 ||
strcasecmp( name, "noemptyreferrers" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
no_empty_referrers = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "localpat" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
local_pattern = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "throttles" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
throttlefile = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "host" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
hostname = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "logfile" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
logfile = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "vhost" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_vhost = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "novhost" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_vhost = 0;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "globalpasswd" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_global_passwd = 1;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "noglobalpasswd" ) == 0 )
no_value_required( name, value );
do_global_passwd = 0;
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "pidfile" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
pidfile = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "charset" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
charset = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "p3p" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
p3p = e_strdup( value );
else if ( strcasecmp( name, "max_age" ) == 0 )
value_required( name, value );
max_age = atoi( value );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: unknown config option '%s'\n", argv0, name );
exit( 1 );
/* Advance to next word. */
cp = cp2;
cp += strspn( cp, " \t\n\r" );
(void) fclose( fp );
static void
value_required( char* name, char* value )
if ( value == (char*) 0 )
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: value required for %s option\n", argv0, name );
exit( 1 );
static void
no_value_required( char* name, char* value )
if ( value != (char*) 0 )
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: no value required for %s option\n",
argv0, name );
exit( 1 );
static char*
e_strdup( char* oldstr )
char* newstr;
newstr = strdup( oldstr );
if ( newstr == (char*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory copying a string" );
(void) fprintf( stderr, "%s: out of memory copying a string\n", argv0 );
exit( 1 );
return newstr;
static void
lookup_hostname( httpd_sockaddr* sa4P, size_t sa4_len, int* gotv4P, httpd_sockaddr* sa6P, size_t sa6_len, int* gotv6P )
#ifdef USE_IPV6
struct addrinfo hints;
char portstr[10];
int gaierr;
struct addrinfo* ai;
struct addrinfo* ai2;
struct addrinfo* aiv6;
struct addrinfo* aiv4;
(void) memset( &hints, 0, sizeof(hints) );
hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE;
hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
(void) snprintf( portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", (int) port );
if ( (gaierr = getaddrinfo( hostname, portstr, &hints, &ai )) != 0 )
LOG_CRIT, "getaddrinfo %.80s - %.80s",
hostname, gai_strerror( gaierr ) );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: getaddrinfo %s - %s\n",
argv0, hostname, gai_strerror( gaierr ) );
exit( 1 );
/* Find the first IPv6 and IPv4 entries. */
aiv6 = (struct addrinfo*) 0;
aiv4 = (struct addrinfo*) 0;
for ( ai2 = ai; ai2 != (struct addrinfo*) 0; ai2 = ai2->ai_next )
switch ( ai2->ai_family )
case AF_INET6:
if ( aiv6 == (struct addrinfo*) 0 )
aiv6 = ai2;
case AF_INET:
if ( aiv4 == (struct addrinfo*) 0 )
aiv4 = ai2;
if ( aiv6 == (struct addrinfo*) 0 )
*gotv6P = 0;
if ( sa6_len < aiv6->ai_addrlen )
LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - sockaddr too small (%lu < %lu)",
hostname, (unsigned long) sa6_len,
(unsigned long) aiv6->ai_addrlen );
exit( 1 );
(void) memset( sa6P, 0, sa6_len );
(void) memmove( sa6P, aiv6->ai_addr, aiv6->ai_addrlen );
*gotv6P = 1;
if ( aiv4 == (struct addrinfo*) 0 )
*gotv4P = 0;
if ( sa4_len < aiv4->ai_addrlen )
LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - sockaddr too small (%lu < %lu)",
hostname, (unsigned long) sa4_len,
(unsigned long) aiv4->ai_addrlen );
exit( 1 );
(void) memset( sa4P, 0, sa4_len );
(void) memmove( sa4P, aiv4->ai_addr, aiv4->ai_addrlen );
*gotv4P = 1;
freeaddrinfo( ai );
#else /* USE_IPV6 */
struct hostent* he;
*gotv6P = 0;
(void) memset( sa4P, 0, sa4_len );
sa4P->sa.sa_family = AF_INET;
if ( hostname == (char*) 0 )
sa4P->sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl( INADDR_ANY );
sa4P->sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( hostname );
if ( (int) sa4P->sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr == -1 )
he = gethostbyname( hostname );
if ( he == (struct hostent*) 0 )
LOG_CRIT, "gethostbyname %.80s - %.80s",
hostname, hstrerror( h_errno ) );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: gethostbyname %s - %s\n",
argv0, hostname, hstrerror( h_errno ) );
#else /* HAVE_HSTRERROR */
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "gethostbyname %.80s failed", hostname );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: gethostbyname %s failed\n", argv0, hostname );
#endif /* HAVE_HSTRERROR */
exit( 1 );
if ( he->h_addrtype != AF_INET )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - non-IP network address", hostname );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: %s - non-IP network address\n",
argv0, hostname );
exit( 1 );
(void) memmove(
&sa4P->sa_in.sin_addr.s_addr, he->h_addr, he->h_length );
sa4P->sa_in.sin_port = htons( port );
*gotv4P = 1;
#endif /* USE_IPV6 */
static void
read_throttlefile( char* tf )
FILE* fp;
char buf[5000];
char* cp;
int len;
char pattern[5000];
long max_limit, min_limit;
struct timeval tv;
fp = fopen( tf, "r" );
if ( fp == (FILE*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "%.80s - %m", tf );
perror( tf );
exit( 1 );
(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
while ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), fp ) != (char*) 0 )
/* Nuke comments. */
cp = strchr( buf, '#' );
if ( cp != (char*) 0 )
*cp = '\0';
/* Nuke trailing whitespace. */
len = strlen( buf );
while ( len > 0 &&
( buf[len-1] == ' ' || buf[len-1] == '\t' ||
buf[len-1] == '\n' || buf[len-1] == '\r' ) )
buf[--len] = '\0';
/* Ignore empty lines. */
if ( len == 0 )
/* Parse line. */
if ( sscanf( buf, " %4900[^ \t] %ld-%ld", pattern, &min_limit, &max_limit ) == 3 )
else if ( sscanf( buf, " %4900[^ \t] %ld", pattern, &max_limit ) == 2 )
min_limit = 0;
syslog( LOG_CRIT,
"unparsable line in %.80s - %.80s", tf, buf );
(void) fprintf( stderr,
"%s: unparsable line in %.80s - %.80s\n",
argv0, tf, buf );
/* Nuke any leading slashes in pattern. */
if ( pattern[0] == '/' )
(void) ol_strcpy( pattern, &pattern[1] );
while ( ( cp = strstr( pattern, "|/" ) ) != (char*) 0 )
(void) ol_strcpy( cp + 1, cp + 2 );
/* Check for room in throttles. */
if ( numthrottles >= maxthrottles )
if ( maxthrottles == 0 )
maxthrottles = 100; /* arbitrary */
throttles = NEW( throttletab, maxthrottles );
maxthrottles *= 2;
throttles = RENEW( throttles, throttletab, maxthrottles );
if ( throttles == (throttletab*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating a throttletab" );
(void) fprintf(
stderr, "%s: out of memory allocating a throttletab\n",
argv0 );
exit( 1 );
/* Add to table. */
throttles[numthrottles].pattern = e_strdup( pattern );
throttles[numthrottles].max_limit = max_limit;
throttles[numthrottles].min_limit = min_limit;
throttles[numthrottles].rate = 0;
throttles[numthrottles].bytes_since_avg = 0;
throttles[numthrottles].num_sending = 0;
(void) fclose( fp );
static void
shut_down( void )
int cnum;
struct timeval tv;
(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
logstats( &tv );
for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
if ( connects[cnum].conn_state != CNST_FREE )
httpd_close_conn( connects[cnum].hc, &tv );
if ( connects[cnum].hc != (httpd_conn*) 0 )
httpd_destroy_conn( connects[cnum].hc );
free( (void*) connects[cnum].hc );
connects[cnum].hc = (httpd_conn*) 0;
if ( hs != (httpd_server*) 0 )
httpd_server* ths = hs;
hs = (httpd_server*) 0;
if ( ths->listen4_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_del_fd( ths->listen4_fd );
if ( ths->listen6_fd != -1 )
fdwatch_del_fd( ths->listen6_fd );
httpd_terminate( ths );
free( (void*) connects );
if ( throttles != (throttletab*) 0 )
free( (void*) throttles );
static int
handle_newconnect( struct timeval* tvP, int listen_fd )
connecttab* c;
ClientData client_data;
/* This loops until the accept() fails, trying to start new
** connections as fast as possible so we don't overrun the
** listen queue.
for (;;)
/* Is there room in the connection table? */
if ( num_connects >= max_connects )
/* Out of connection slots. Run the timers, then the
** existing connections, and maybe we'll free up a slot
** by the time we get back here.
syslog( LOG_WARNING, "too many connections!" );
tmr_run( tvP );
return 0;
/* Get the first free connection entry off the free list. */
if ( first_free_connect == -1 || connects[first_free_connect].conn_state != CNST_FREE )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "the connects free list is messed up" );
exit( 1 );
c = &connects[first_free_connect];
/* Make the httpd_conn if necessary. */
if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
c->hc = NEW( httpd_conn, 1 );
if ( c->hc == (httpd_conn*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "out of memory allocating an httpd_conn" );
exit( 1 );
c->hc->initialized = 0;
/* Get the connection. */
switch ( httpd_get_conn( hs, listen_fd, c->hc ) )
/* Some error happened. Run the timers, then the
** existing connections. Maybe the error will clear.
case GC_FAIL:
tmr_run( tvP );
return 0;
/* No more connections to accept for now. */
case GC_NO_MORE:
return 1;
c->conn_state = CNST_READING;
/* Pop it off the free list. */
first_free_connect = c->next_free_connect;
c->next_free_connect = -1;
client_data.p = c;
c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
c->wakeup_timer = (Timer*) 0;
c->linger_timer = (Timer*) 0;
c->next_byte_index = 0;
c->numtnums = 0;
/* Set the connection file descriptor to no-delay mode. */
httpd_set_ndelay( c->hc->conn_fd );
fdwatch_add_fd( c->hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_READ );
if ( num_connects > stats_simultaneous )
stats_simultaneous = num_connects;
static void
handle_read( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
int sz;
ClientData client_data;
httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;
/* Is there room in our buffer to read more bytes? */
if ( hc->read_idx >= hc->read_size )
if ( hc->read_size > 5000 )
httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
finish_connection( c, tvP );
&hc->read_buf, &hc->read_size, hc->read_size + 1000 );
/* Read some more bytes. */
sz = read(
hc->conn_fd, &(hc->read_buf[hc->read_idx]),
hc->read_size - hc->read_idx );
if ( sz == 0 )
httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
finish_connection( c, tvP );
if ( sz < 0 )
/* Ignore EINTR and EAGAIN. Also ignore EWOULDBLOCK. At first glance
** you would think that connections returned by fdwatch as readable
** should never give an EWOULDBLOCK; however, this apparently can
** happen if a packet gets garbled.
if ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK )
hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
finish_connection( c, tvP );
hc->read_idx += sz;
c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
/* Do we have a complete request yet? */
switch ( httpd_got_request( hc ) )
httpd_send_err( hc, 400, httpd_err400title, "", httpd_err400form, "" );
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Yes. Try parsing and resolving it. */
if ( httpd_parse_request( hc ) < 0 )
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Check the throttle table */
if ( ! check_throttles( c ) )
hc, 503, httpd_err503title, "", httpd_err503form, hc->encodedurl );
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Start the connection going. */
if ( httpd_start_request( hc, tvP ) < 0 )
/* Something went wrong. Close down the connection. */
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Fill in end_byte_index. */
if ( hc->got_range )
c->next_byte_index = hc->first_byte_index;
c->end_byte_index = hc->last_byte_index + 1;
else if ( hc->bytes_to_send < 0 )
c->end_byte_index = 0;
c->end_byte_index = hc->bytes_to_send;
/* Check if it's already handled. */
if ( hc->file_address == (char*) 0 )
/* No file address means someone else is handling it. */
int tind;
for ( tind = 0; tind < c->numtnums; ++tind )
throttles[c->tnums[tind]].bytes_since_avg += hc->bytes_sent;
c->next_byte_index = hc->bytes_sent;
finish_connection( c, tvP );
if ( c->next_byte_index >= c->end_byte_index )
/* There's nothing to send. */
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Cool, we have a valid connection and a file to send to it. */
c->conn_state = CNST_SENDING;
c->started_at = tvP->tv_sec;
c->wouldblock_delay = 0;
client_data.p = c;
fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
fdwatch_add_fd( hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_WRITE );
static void
handle_send( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
size_t max_bytes;
int sz, coast;
ClientData client_data;
time_t elapsed;
httpd_conn* hc = c->hc;
int tind;
if ( c->max_limit == THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
max_bytes = 1000000000L;
max_bytes = c->max_limit / 4; /* send at most 1/4 seconds worth */
/* Do we need to write the headers first? */
if ( hc->responselen == 0 )
/* No, just write the file. */
sz = write(
hc->conn_fd, &(hc->file_address[c->next_byte_index]),
MIN( c->end_byte_index - c->next_byte_index, max_bytes ) );
/* Yes. We'll combine headers and file into a single writev(),
** hoping that this generates a single packet.
struct iovec iv[2];
iv[0].iov_base = hc->response;
iv[0].iov_len = hc->responselen;
iv[1].iov_base = &(hc->file_address[c->next_byte_index]);
iv[1].iov_len = MIN( c->end_byte_index - c->next_byte_index, max_bytes );
sz = writev( hc->conn_fd, iv, 2 );
if ( sz < 0 && errno == EINTR )
if ( sz == 0 ||
( sz < 0 && ( errno == EWOULDBLOCK || errno == EAGAIN ) ) )
/* This shouldn't happen, but some kernels, e.g.
** SunOS 4.1.x, are broken and select() says that
** O_NDELAY sockets are always writable even when
** they're actually not.
** Current workaround is to block sending on this
** socket for a brief adaptively-tuned period.
** Fortunately we already have all the necessary
** blocking code, for use with throttling.
c->wouldblock_delay += MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;
c->conn_state = CNST_PAUSING;
fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
client_data.p = c;
if ( c->wakeup_timer != (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "replacing non-null wakeup_timer!" );
c->wakeup_timer = tmr_create(
tvP, wakeup_connection, client_data, c->wouldblock_delay, 0 );
if ( c->wakeup_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(wakeup_connection) failed" );
exit( 1 );
if ( sz < 0 )
/* Something went wrong, close this connection.
** If it's just an EPIPE, don't bother logging, that
** just means the client hung up on us.
** On some systems, write() occasionally gives an EINVAL.
** Dunno why, something to do with the socket going
** bad. Anyway, we don't log those either.
** And ECONNRESET isn't interesting either.
if ( errno != EPIPE && errno != EINVAL && errno != ECONNRESET )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "write - %m sending %.80s", hc->encodedurl );
clear_connection( c, tvP );
/* Ok, we wrote something. */
c->active_at = tvP->tv_sec;
/* Was this a headers + file writev()? */
if ( hc->responselen > 0 )
/* Yes; did we write only part of the headers? */
if ( sz < hc->responselen )
/* Yes; move the unwritten part to the front of the buffer. */
int newlen = hc->responselen - sz;
(void) memmove( hc->response, &(hc->response[sz]), newlen );
hc->responselen = newlen;
sz = 0;
/* Nope, we wrote the full headers, so adjust accordingly. */
sz -= hc->responselen;
hc->responselen = 0;
/* And update how much of the file we wrote. */
c->next_byte_index += sz;
c->hc->bytes_sent += sz;
for ( tind = 0; tind < c->numtnums; ++tind )
throttles[c->tnums[tind]].bytes_since_avg += sz;
/* Are we done? */
if ( c->next_byte_index >= c->end_byte_index )
/* This connection is finished! */
finish_connection( c, tvP );
/* Tune the (blockheaded) wouldblock delay. */
if ( c->wouldblock_delay > MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY )
c->wouldblock_delay -= MIN_WOULDBLOCK_DELAY;
/* If we're throttling, check if we're sending too fast. */
if ( c->max_limit != THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
elapsed = tvP->tv_sec - c->started_at;
if ( elapsed == 0 )
elapsed = 1; /* count at least one second */
if ( c->hc->bytes_sent / elapsed > c->max_limit )
c->conn_state = CNST_PAUSING;
fdwatch_del_fd( hc->conn_fd );
/* How long should we wait to get back on schedule? If less
** than a second (integer math rounding), use 1/2 second.
coast = c->hc->bytes_sent / c->max_limit - elapsed;
client_data.p = c;
if ( c->wakeup_timer != (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "replacing non-null wakeup_timer!" );
c->wakeup_timer = tmr_create(
tvP, wakeup_connection, client_data,
coast > 0 ? ( coast * 1000L ) : 500L, 0 );
if ( c->wakeup_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(wakeup_connection) failed" );
exit( 1 );
/* (No check on min_limit here, that only controls connection startups.) */
static void
handle_linger( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
char buf[4096];
int r;
/* In lingering-close mode we just read and ignore bytes. An error
** or EOF ends things, otherwise we go until a timeout.
r = read( c->hc->conn_fd, buf, sizeof(buf) );
if ( r < 0 && ( errno == EINTR || errno == EAGAIN ) )
if ( r <= 0 )
really_clear_connection( c, tvP );
static int
check_throttles( connecttab* c )
int tnum;
long l;
c->numtnums = 0;
c->max_limit = c->min_limit = THROTTLE_NOLIMIT;
for ( tnum = 0; tnum < numthrottles && c->numtnums < MAXTHROTTLENUMS;
++tnum )
if ( match( throttles[tnum].pattern, c->hc->expnfilename ) )
/* If we're way over the limit, don't even start. */
if ( throttles[tnum].rate > throttles[tnum].max_limit * 2 )
return 0;
/* Also don't start if we're under the minimum. */
if ( throttles[tnum].rate < throttles[tnum].min_limit )
return 0;
if ( throttles[tnum].num_sending < 0 )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "throttle sending count was negative - shouldn't happen!" );
throttles[tnum].num_sending = 0;
c->tnums[c->numtnums++] = tnum;
l = throttles[tnum].max_limit / throttles[tnum].num_sending;
if ( c->max_limit == THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
c->max_limit = l;
c->max_limit = MIN( c->max_limit, l );
l = throttles[tnum].min_limit;
if ( c->min_limit == THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
c->min_limit = l;
c->min_limit = MAX( c->min_limit, l );
return 1;
static void
clear_throttles( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
int tind;
for ( tind = 0; tind < c->numtnums; ++tind )
static void
update_throttles( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
int tnum, tind;
int cnum;
connecttab* c;
long l;
/* Update the average sending rate for each throttle. This is only used
** when new connections start up.
for ( tnum = 0; tnum < numthrottles; ++tnum )
throttles[tnum].rate = ( 2 * throttles[tnum].rate + throttles[tnum].bytes_since_avg / THROTTLE_TIME ) / 3;
throttles[tnum].bytes_since_avg = 0;
/* Log a warning message if necessary. */
if ( throttles[tnum].rate > throttles[tnum].max_limit && throttles[tnum].num_sending != 0 )
if ( throttles[tnum].rate > throttles[tnum].max_limit * 2 )
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "throttle #%d '%.80s' rate %ld greatly exceeding limit %ld; %d sending", tnum, throttles[tnum].pattern, throttles[tnum].rate, throttles[tnum].max_limit, throttles[tnum].num_sending );
syslog( LOG_INFO, "throttle #%d '%.80s' rate %ld exceeding limit %ld; %d sending", tnum, throttles[tnum].pattern, throttles[tnum].rate, throttles[tnum].max_limit, throttles[tnum].num_sending );
if ( throttles[tnum].rate < throttles[tnum].min_limit && throttles[tnum].num_sending != 0 )
syslog( LOG_NOTICE, "throttle #%d '%.80s' rate %ld lower than minimum %ld; %d sending", tnum, throttles[tnum].pattern, throttles[tnum].rate, throttles[tnum].min_limit, throttles[tnum].num_sending );
/* Now update the sending rate on all the currently-sending connections,
** redistributing it evenly.
for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
c = &connects[cnum];
if ( c->conn_state == CNST_SENDING || c->conn_state == CNST_PAUSING )
c->max_limit = THROTTLE_NOLIMIT;
for ( tind = 0; tind < c->numtnums; ++tind )
tnum = c->tnums[tind];
l = throttles[tnum].max_limit / throttles[tnum].num_sending;
if ( c->max_limit == THROTTLE_NOLIMIT )
c->max_limit = l;
c->max_limit = MIN( c->max_limit, l );
static void
finish_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
/* If we haven't actually sent the buffered response yet, do so now. */
httpd_write_response( c->hc );
/* And clear. */
clear_connection( c, tvP );
static void
clear_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
ClientData client_data;
if ( c->wakeup_timer != (Timer*) 0 )
tmr_cancel( c->wakeup_timer );
c->wakeup_timer = 0;
/* This is our version of Apache's lingering_close() routine, which is
** their version of the often-broken SO_LINGER socket option. For why
** this is necessary, see
** What we do is delay the actual closing for a few seconds, while reading
** any bytes that come over the connection. However, we don't want to do
** this unless it's necessary, because it ties up a connection slot and
** file descriptor which means our maximum connection-handling rate
** is lower. So, elsewhere we set a flag when we detect the few
** circumstances that make a lingering close necessary. If the flag
** isn't set we do the real close now.
if ( c->conn_state == CNST_LINGERING )
/* If we were already lingering, shut down for real. */
tmr_cancel( c->linger_timer );
c->linger_timer = (Timer*) 0;
c->hc->should_linger = 0;
if ( c->hc->should_linger )
if ( c->conn_state != CNST_PAUSING )
fdwatch_del_fd( c->hc->conn_fd );
c->conn_state = CNST_LINGERING;
shutdown( c->hc->conn_fd, SHUT_WR );
fdwatch_add_fd( c->hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_READ );
client_data.p = c;
if ( c->linger_timer != (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_ERR, "replacing non-null linger_timer!" );
c->linger_timer = tmr_create(
tvP, linger_clear_connection, client_data, LINGER_TIME, 0 );
if ( c->linger_timer == (Timer*) 0 )
syslog( LOG_CRIT, "tmr_create(linger_clear_connection) failed" );
exit( 1 );
really_clear_connection( c, tvP );
static void
really_clear_connection( connecttab* c, struct timeval* tvP )
stats_bytes += c->hc->bytes_sent;
if ( c->conn_state != CNST_PAUSING )
fdwatch_del_fd( c->hc->conn_fd );
httpd_close_conn( c->hc, tvP );
clear_throttles( c, tvP );
if ( c->linger_timer != (Timer*) 0 )
tmr_cancel( c->linger_timer );
c->linger_timer = 0;
c->conn_state = CNST_FREE;
c->next_free_connect = first_free_connect;
first_free_connect = c - connects; /* division by sizeof is implied */
static void
idle( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
int cnum;
connecttab* c;
for ( cnum = 0; cnum < max_connects; ++cnum )
c = &connects[cnum];
switch ( c->conn_state )
if ( nowP->tv_sec - c->active_at >= IDLE_READ_TIMELIMIT )
syslog( LOG_INFO,
"%.80s connection timed out reading",
httpd_ntoa( &c->hc->client_addr ) );
c->hc, 408, httpd_err408title, "", httpd_err408form, "" );
finish_connection( c, nowP );
if ( nowP->tv_sec - c->active_at >= IDLE_SEND_TIMELIMIT )
syslog( LOG_INFO,
"%.80s connection timed out sending",
httpd_ntoa( &c->hc->client_addr ) );
clear_connection( c, nowP );
static void
wakeup_connection( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
connecttab* c;
c = (connecttab*) client_data.p;
c->wakeup_timer = (Timer*) 0;
if ( c->conn_state == CNST_PAUSING )
c->conn_state = CNST_SENDING;
fdwatch_add_fd( c->hc->conn_fd, c, FDW_WRITE );
static void
linger_clear_connection( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
connecttab* c;
c = (connecttab*) client_data.p;
c->linger_timer = (Timer*) 0;
really_clear_connection( c, nowP );
static void
occasional( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
mmc_cleanup( nowP );
watchdog_flag = 1; /* let the watchdog know that we are alive */
static void
show_stats( ClientData client_data, struct timeval* nowP )
logstats( nowP );
#endif /* STATS_TIME */
/* Generate debugging statistics syslog messages for all packages. */
static void
logstats( struct timeval* nowP )
struct timeval tv;
time_t now;
long up_secs, stats_secs;
if ( nowP == (struct timeval*) 0 )
(void) gettimeofday( &tv, (struct timezone*) 0 );
nowP = &tv;
now = nowP->tv_sec;
up_secs = now - start_time;
stats_secs = now - stats_time;
if ( stats_secs == 0 )
stats_secs = 1; /* fudge */
stats_time = now;
syslog( LOG_NOTICE,
"up %ld seconds, stats for %ld seconds:", up_secs, stats_secs );
thttpd_logstats( stats_secs );
httpd_logstats( stats_secs );
mmc_logstats( stats_secs );
fdwatch_logstats( stats_secs );
tmr_logstats( stats_secs );
/* Generate debugging statistics syslog message. */
static void
thttpd_logstats( long secs )
if ( secs > 0 )
syslog( LOG_NOTICE,
" thttpd - %ld connections (%g/sec), %d max simultaneous, %lld bytes (%g/sec), %d httpd_conns allocated",
stats_connections, (float) stats_connections / secs,
stats_simultaneous, (long long) stats_bytes,
(float) stats_bytes / secs, httpd_conn_count );
stats_connections = 0;
stats_bytes = 0;
stats_simultaneous = 0;