#!/usr/bin/env bash # shellcheck disable=SC2154 GIT_URL="https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/" ABRA_APPS_URL="https://apps.coopcloud.tech" ABRA_DIR="${ABRA_DIR:-$HOME/.abra}" ABRA_VERSION="10.0.1" ABRA_BACKUP_DIR="${ABRA_BACKUP_DIR:-$ABRA_DIR/backups}" ABRA_VENDOR_DIR="$ABRA_DIR/vendor" ABRA_APPS_JSON="${ABRA_DIR}/apps.json" ####################################### # Global help ####################################### DOC=" The Co-op Cloud utility belt ðŸŽĐ🐇 ____ ____ _ _ / ___|___ ___ _ __ / ___| | ___ _ _ __| | | | / _ \ _____ / _ \| '_ \ | | | |/ _ \| | | |/ _' | | |__| (_) |_____| (_) | |_) | | |___| | (_) | |_| | (_| | \____\___/ \___/| .__/ \____|_|\___/ \__,_|\__,_| |_| Usage: abra [options] app (list|ls) [--status] [--server=] [--type=] abra [options] app new [--server=] [--domain=] [--app-name=] [--pass] [--secrets] abra [options] app backup (|--all) abra [options] app deploy [--update] [--force] [--fast] [--chaos] [] abra [options] app check abra [options] app version abra [options] app config abra [options] app cp abra [options] app logs [] abra [options] app ps abra [options] app restore (|--all) abra [options] app (rm|delete) [--volumes] [--secrets] abra [options] app restore [] abra [options] app run [--no-tty] [--user=] ... abra [options] app rollback [] abra [options] app restart abra [options] app secret generate ( |--all) [] [--pass] abra [options] app secret insert [--pass] abra [options] app secret (rm|delete) (|--all) [--pass] abra [options] app undeploy abra [options] app volume ls abra [options] app volume (rm|delete) (|--all) abra [options] app [...] abra [options] recipe ls abra [options] recipe create abra [options] recipe release [--force] [--bump] abra [options] recipe lint abra [options] recipe versions abra [options] server add [] [] abra [options] server new -- abra [options] server (list|ls) abra [options] server rm abra [options] server init abra [options] server apps [--status] abra [options] upgrade [--dev] abra [options] version abra [options] doctor abra [options] help [...] abra [options] Options: -e, --env= Environment variables to load -h, --help Show this message and exit -s, --stack= Name of the target stack -C, --skip-check Don't verify app variables -U, --skip-update Don't pull latest app definitions -v, --verbose Show INFO messages -d, --debug Show DEBUG messages -b, --branch= Git branch to use while cloning app repos -n, --no-prompt Don't prompt for input and run non-interactively See 'abra help ...' to read about a specific subcommand. " # docopt parser below, refresh this parser with `docopt.sh abra` # shellcheck disable=2016,1075,2154 docopt() { parse() { if ${DOCOPT_DOC_CHECK:-true}; then local doc_hash if doc_hash=$(printf "%s" "$DOC" | (sha256sum 2>/dev/null || shasum -a 256)); then if [[ ${doc_hash:0:5} != "$digest" ]]; then stderr "The current usage doc (${doc_hash:0:5}) does not match \ what the parser was generated with (${digest}) Run \`docopt.sh\` to refresh the parser."; _return 70; fi; fi; fi local root_idx=$1; shift; argv=("$@"); parsed_params=(); parsed_values=() left=(); testdepth=0; local arg; while [[ ${#argv[@]} -gt 0 ]]; do if [[ ${argv[0]} = "--" ]]; then for arg in "${argv[@]}"; do parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("$arg"); done; break elif [[ ${argv[0]} = --* ]]; then parse_long elif [[ ${argv[0]} = -* && ${argv[0]} != "-" ]]; then parse_shorts elif ${DOCOPT_OPTIONS_FIRST:-false}; then for arg in "${argv[@]}"; do parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("$arg"); done; break; else parsed_params+=('a'); parsed_values+=("${argv[0]}"); argv=("${argv[@]:1}"); fi done; local idx; if ${DOCOPT_ADD_HELP:-true}; then for idx in "${parsed_params[@]}"; do [[ $idx = 'a' ]] && continue if [[ ${shorts[$idx]} = "-h" || ${longs[$idx]} = "--help" ]]; then stdout "$trimmed_doc"; _return 0; fi; done; fi if [[ ${DOCOPT_PROGRAM_VERSION:-false} != 'false' ]]; then for idx in "${parsed_params[@]}"; do [[ $idx = 'a' ]] && continue if [[ ${longs[$idx]} = "--version" ]]; then stdout "$DOCOPT_PROGRAM_VERSION" _return 0; fi; done; fi; local i=0; while [[ $i -lt ${#parsed_params[@]} ]]; do left+=("$i"); ((i++)) || true; done if ! required "$root_idx" || [ ${#left[@]} -gt 0 ]; then error; fi; return 0; } parse_shorts() { local token=${argv[0]}; local value; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") [[ $token = -* && $token != --* ]] || _return 88; local remaining=${token#-} while [[ -n $remaining ]]; do local short="-${remaining:0:1}" remaining="${remaining:1}"; local i=0; local similar=(); local match=false for o in "${shorts[@]}"; do if [[ $o = "$short" ]]; then similar+=("$short") [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i; fi; ((i++)) || true; done if [[ ${#similar[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then error "${short} is specified ambiguously ${#similar[@]} times" elif [[ ${#similar[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then match=${#shorts[@]}; value=true shorts+=("$short"); longs+=(''); argcounts+=(0); else value=false if [[ ${argcounts[$match]} -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ $remaining = '' ]]; then if [[ ${#argv[@]} -eq 0 || ${argv[0]} = '--' ]]; then error "${short} requires argument"; fi; value=${argv[0]}; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") else value=$remaining; remaining=''; fi; fi; if [[ $value = false ]]; then value=true; fi; fi; parsed_params+=("$match"); parsed_values+=("$value"); done }; parse_long() { local token=${argv[0]}; local long=${token%%=*} local value=${token#*=}; local argcount; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") [[ $token = --* ]] || _return 88; if [[ $token = *=* ]]; then eq='='; else eq='' value=false; fi; local i=0; local similar=(); local match=false for o in "${longs[@]}"; do if [[ $o = "$long" ]]; then similar+=("$long") [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i; fi; ((i++)) || true; done if [[ $match = false ]]; then i=0; for o in "${longs[@]}"; do if [[ $o = $long* ]]; then similar+=("$long"); [[ $match = false ]] && match=$i fi; ((i++)) || true; done; fi; if [[ ${#similar[@]} -gt 1 ]]; then error "${long} is not a unique prefix: ${similar[*]}?" elif [[ ${#similar[@]} -lt 1 ]]; then [[ $eq = '=' ]] && argcount=1 || argcount=0; match=${#shorts[@]} [[ $argcount -eq 0 ]] && value=true; shorts+=(''); longs+=("$long") argcounts+=("$argcount"); else if [[ ${argcounts[$match]} -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $value != false ]]; then error "${longs[$match]} must not have an argument"; fi elif [[ $value = false ]]; then if [[ ${#argv[@]} -eq 0 || ${argv[0]} = '--' ]]; then error "${long} requires argument"; fi; value=${argv[0]}; argv=("${argv[@]:1}") fi; if [[ $value = false ]]; then value=true; fi; fi; parsed_params+=("$match") parsed_values+=("$value"); }; required() { local initial_left=("${left[@]}") local node_idx; ((testdepth++)) || true; for node_idx in "$@"; do if ! "node_$node_idx"; then left=("${initial_left[@]}"); ((testdepth--)) || true return 1; fi; done; if [[ $((--testdepth)) -eq 0 ]]; then left=("${initial_left[@]}"); for node_idx in "$@"; do "node_$node_idx"; done; fi return 0; }; either() { local initial_left=("${left[@]}"); local best_match_idx local match_count; local node_idx; ((testdepth++)) || true for node_idx in "$@"; do if "node_$node_idx"; then if [[ -z $match_count || ${#left[@]} -lt $match_count ]]; then best_match_idx=$node_idx; match_count=${#left[@]}; fi; fi left=("${initial_left[@]}"); done; ((testdepth--)) || true if [[ -n $best_match_idx ]]; then "node_$best_match_idx"; return 0; fi left=("${initial_left[@]}"); return 1; }; optional() { local node_idx for node_idx in "$@"; do "node_$node_idx"; done; return 0; }; oneormore() { local i=0; local prev=${#left[@]}; while "node_$1"; do ((i++)) || true [[ $prev -eq ${#left[@]} ]] && break; prev=${#left[@]}; done if [[ $i -ge 1 ]]; then return 0; fi; return 1; }; _command() { local i local name=${2:-$1}; for i in "${!left[@]}"; do local l=${left[$i]} if [[ ${parsed_params[$l]} = 'a' ]]; then if [[ ${parsed_values[$l]} != "$name" ]]; then return 1; fi left=("${left[@]:0:$i}" "${left[@]:((i+1))}") [[ $testdepth -gt 0 ]] && return 0; if [[ $3 = true ]]; then eval "((var_$1++)) || true"; else eval "var_$1=true"; fi; return 0; fi; done return 1; }; switch() { local i; for i in "${!left[@]}"; do local l=${left[$i]} if [[ ${parsed_params[$l]} = "$2" ]]; then left=("${left[@]:0:$i}" "${left[@]:((i+1))}") [[ $testdepth -gt 0 ]] && return 0; if [[ $3 = true ]]; then eval "((var_$1++))" || true; else eval "var_$1=true"; fi; return 0; fi; done return 1; }; value() { local i; for i in "${!left[@]}"; do local l=${left[$i]} if [[ ${parsed_params[$l]} = "$2" ]]; then left=("${left[@]:0:$i}" "${left[@]:((i+1))}") [[ $testdepth -gt 0 ]] && return 0; local value value=$(printf -- "%q" "${parsed_values[$l]}"); if [[ $3 = true ]]; then eval "var_$1+=($value)"; else eval "var_$1=$value"; fi; return 0; fi; done return 1; }; stdout() { printf -- "cat <<'EOM'\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; stderr() { printf -- "cat <<'EOM' >&2\n%s\nEOM\n" "$1"; }; error() { [[ -n $1 ]] && stderr "$1"; stderr "$usage"; _return 1; }; _return() { printf -- "exit %d\n" "$1"; exit "$1"; }; set -e; trimmed_doc=${DOC:1:2862} usage=${DOC:368:1925}; digest=d31d6 shorts=(-e -C -d -s -U -n -b -v -h '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '') longs=(--env --skip-check --debug --stack --skip-update --no-prompt --branch --verbose --help --status --server --type --domain --app-name --pass --secrets --all --update --force --fast --chaos --volumes --no-tty --user --bump --dev) argcounts=(1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0); node_0(){ value __env 0; }; node_1(){ switch __skip_check 1; }; node_2(){ switch __debug 2 }; node_3(){ value __stack 3; }; node_4(){ switch __skip_update 4; }; node_5(){ switch __no_prompt 5; }; node_6(){ value __branch 6; }; node_7(){ switch __verbose 7; }; node_8(){ switch __help 8; }; node_9(){ switch __status 9 }; node_10(){ value __server 10; }; node_11(){ value __type 11; }; node_12(){ value __domain 12; }; node_13(){ value __app_name 13; }; node_14(){ switch __pass 14; }; node_15(){ switch __secrets 15; }; node_16(){ switch __all 16; }; node_17(){ switch __update 17; }; node_18(){ switch __force 18; }; node_19(){ switch __fast 19; }; node_20(){ switch __chaos 20; }; node_21(){ switch __volumes 21; }; node_22(){ switch __no_tty 22; }; node_23(){ value __user 23; }; node_24(){ switch __bump 24; }; node_25(){ switch __dev 25; }; node_26(){ value _type_ a; } node_27(){ value _app_ a; }; node_28(){ value _service_ a; }; node_29(){ value _version_ a; }; node_30(){ value _src_ a; }; node_31(){ value _dst_ a; } node_32(){ value _backup_file_ a; }; node_33(){ value _args_ a true; } node_34(){ value _secret_ a; }; node_35(){ value _cmd_ a; }; node_36(){ value _data_ a; }; node_37(){ value _volume_ a; }; node_38(){ value _command_ a }; node_39(){ value _recipe_ a; }; node_40(){ value _host_ a; }; node_41(){ value _user_ a; }; node_42(){ value _port_ a; }; node_43(){ value _provider_ a }; node_44(){ value _subcommands_ a true; }; node_45(){ _command app; } node_46(){ _command list; }; node_47(){ _command ls; }; node_48(){ _command new }; node_49(){ _command backup; }; node_50(){ _command deploy; }; node_51(){ _command check; }; node_52(){ _command version; }; node_53(){ _command config; } node_54(){ _command cp; }; node_55(){ _command logs; }; node_56(){ _command ps }; node_57(){ _command restore; }; node_58(){ _command rm; }; node_59(){ _command delete; }; node_60(){ _command run; }; node_61(){ _command rollback; } node_62(){ _command restart; }; node_63(){ _command secret; }; node_64(){ _command generate; }; node_65(){ _command insert; }; node_66(){ _command undeploy; }; node_67(){ _command volume; }; node_68(){ _command recipe }; node_69(){ _command create; }; node_70(){ _command release; }; node_71(){ _command lint; }; node_72(){ _command versions; }; node_73(){ _command server; } node_74(){ _command add; }; node_75(){ _command __ --; }; node_76(){ _command init; }; node_77(){ _command apps; }; node_78(){ _command upgrade; } node_79(){ _command doctor; }; node_80(){ _command help; }; node_81(){ optional 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; }; node_82(){ optional 81; }; node_83(){ either 46 47; }; node_84(){ required 83; }; node_85(){ optional 9; }; node_86(){ optional 10; }; node_87(){ optional 11; }; node_88(){ required 82 45 84 85 86 87 }; node_89(){ optional 12; }; node_90(){ optional 13; }; node_91(){ optional 14 }; node_92(){ optional 15; }; node_93(){ required 82 45 48 86 89 90 91 92 26; } node_94(){ either 28 16; }; node_95(){ required 94; }; node_96(){ required 82 45 27 49 95; }; node_97(){ optional 17; }; node_98(){ optional 18; } node_99(){ optional 19; }; node_100(){ optional 20; }; node_101(){ optional 29 }; node_102(){ required 82 45 27 50 97 98 99 100 101; }; node_103(){ required 82 45 27 51; }; node_104(){ required 82 45 27 52; }; node_105(){ required 82 45 27 53; }; node_106(){ required 82 45 27 54 30 31; }; node_107(){ optional 28; }; node_108(){ required 82 45 27 55 107; }; node_109(){ required 82 45 27 56; }; node_110(){ required 82 45 27 57 95; }; node_111(){ either 58 59; }; node_112(){ required 111; }; node_113(){ optional 21; } node_114(){ required 82 45 27 112 113 92; }; node_115(){ optional 32; } node_116(){ required 82 45 27 57 28 115; }; node_117(){ optional 22; } node_118(){ optional 23; }; node_119(){ oneormore 33; }; node_120(){ required 82 45 27 60 117 118 28 119; }; node_121(){ required 82 45 27 61 101; } node_122(){ required 82 45 27 62 28; }; node_123(){ required 34 29; } node_124(){ either 123 16; }; node_125(){ required 124; }; node_126(){ optional 35; }; node_127(){ required 82 45 27 63 64 125 126 91; }; node_128(){ required 82 45 27 63 65 34 29 36 91; }; node_129(){ either 34 16; }; node_130(){ required 129; }; node_131(){ required 82 45 27 63 112 130 91; }; node_132(){ required 82 45 27 66; }; node_133(){ required 82 45 27 67 47; }; node_134(){ either 37 16; }; node_135(){ required 134; }; node_136(){ required 82 45 27 67 112 135; }; node_137(){ optional 119; }; node_138(){ required 82 45 27 38 137; }; node_139(){ required 82 68 47; }; node_140(){ required 82 68 69 39; }; node_141(){ optional 24; }; node_142(){ required 82 68 39 70 98 141; }; node_143(){ required 82 68 39 71; }; node_144(){ required 82 68 39 72; }; node_145(){ optional 41; }; node_146(){ optional 42; } node_147(){ required 82 73 74 40 145 146; }; node_148(){ required 82 73 48 43 75 33; }; node_149(){ required 82 73 84; }; node_150(){ required 82 73 40 58; }; node_151(){ required 82 73 40 76; }; node_152(){ required 82 73 40 77 85; }; node_153(){ optional 25; }; node_154(){ required 82 78 153; }; node_155(){ required 82 52; }; node_156(){ required 82 79 }; node_157(){ oneormore 44; }; node_158(){ optional 157; }; node_159(){ required 82 80 158; }; node_160(){ required 82; }; node_161(){ either 88 93 96 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 114 116 120 121 122 127 128 131 132 133 136 138 139 140 142 143 144 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 155 156 159 160 }; node_162(){ required 161; }; cat <<<' docopt_exit() { [[ -n $1 ]] && printf "%s\n" "$1" >&2; printf "%s\n" "${DOC:368:1925}" >&2 exit 1; }'; unset var___env var___skip_check var___debug var___stack \ var___skip_update var___no_prompt var___branch var___verbose var___help \ var___status var___server var___type var___domain var___app_name var___pass \ var___secrets var___all var___update var___force var___fast var___chaos \ var___volumes var___no_tty var___user var___bump var___dev var__type_ \ var__app_ var__service_ var__version_ var__src_ var__dst_ var__backup_file_ \ var__args_ var__secret_ var__cmd_ var__data_ var__volume_ var__command_ \ var__recipe_ var__host_ var__user_ var__port_ var__provider_ var__subcommands_ \ var_app var_list var_ls var_new var_backup var_deploy var_check var_version \ var_config var_cp var_logs var_ps var_restore var_rm var_delete var_run \ var_rollback var_restart var_secret var_generate var_insert var_undeploy \ var_volume var_recipe var_create var_release var_lint var_versions var_server \ var_add var___ var_init var_apps var_upgrade var_doctor var_help; parse 162 "$@" local prefix=${DOCOPT_PREFIX:-''}; unset "${prefix}__env" \ "${prefix}__skip_check" "${prefix}__debug" "${prefix}__stack" \ "${prefix}__skip_update" "${prefix}__no_prompt" "${prefix}__branch" \ "${prefix}__verbose" "${prefix}__help" "${prefix}__status" "${prefix}__server" \ "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__domain" "${prefix}__app_name" "${prefix}__pass" \ "${prefix}__secrets" "${prefix}__all" "${prefix}__update" "${prefix}__force" \ "${prefix}__fast" "${prefix}__chaos" "${prefix}__volumes" "${prefix}__no_tty" \ "${prefix}__user" "${prefix}__bump" "${prefix}__dev" "${prefix}_type_" \ "${prefix}_app_" "${prefix}_service_" "${prefix}_version_" "${prefix}_src_" \ "${prefix}_dst_" "${prefix}_backup_file_" "${prefix}_args_" \ "${prefix}_secret_" "${prefix}_cmd_" "${prefix}_data_" "${prefix}_volume_" \ "${prefix}_command_" "${prefix}_recipe_" "${prefix}_host_" "${prefix}_user_" \ "${prefix}_port_" "${prefix}_provider_" "${prefix}_subcommands_" \ "${prefix}app" "${prefix}list" "${prefix}ls" "${prefix}new" "${prefix}backup" \ "${prefix}deploy" "${prefix}check" "${prefix}version" "${prefix}config" \ "${prefix}cp" "${prefix}logs" "${prefix}ps" "${prefix}restore" "${prefix}rm" \ "${prefix}delete" "${prefix}run" "${prefix}rollback" "${prefix}restart" \ "${prefix}secret" "${prefix}generate" "${prefix}insert" "${prefix}undeploy" \ "${prefix}volume" "${prefix}recipe" "${prefix}create" "${prefix}release" \ "${prefix}lint" "${prefix}versions" "${prefix}server" "${prefix}add" \ "${prefix}__" "${prefix}init" "${prefix}apps" "${prefix}upgrade" \ "${prefix}doctor" "${prefix}help"; eval "${prefix}"'__env=${var___env:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__skip_check=${var___skip_check:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__debug=${var___debug:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__stack=${var___stack:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__skip_update=${var___skip_update:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__no_prompt=${var___no_prompt:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__branch=${var___branch:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__verbose=${var___verbose:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__help=${var___help:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__status=${var___status:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__server=${var___server:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__type=${var___type:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__domain=${var___domain:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__app_name=${var___app_name:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__pass=${var___pass:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__secrets=${var___secrets:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__all=${var___all:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__update=${var___update:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__force=${var___force:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__fast=${var___fast:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__chaos=${var___chaos:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__volumes=${var___volumes:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__no_tty=${var___no_tty:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__user=${var___user:-}' eval "${prefix}"'__bump=${var___bump:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'__dev=${var___dev:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'_type_=${var__type_:-}'; eval "${prefix}"'_app_=${var__app_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_service_=${var__service_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_version_=${var__version_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_src_=${var__src_:-}'; eval "${prefix}"'_dst_=${var__dst_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_backup_file_=${var__backup_file_:-}' if declare -p var__args_ >/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "${prefix}"'_args_=("${var__args_[@]}")'; else eval "${prefix}"'_args_=()' fi; eval "${prefix}"'_secret_=${var__secret_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_cmd_=${var__cmd_:-}'; eval "${prefix}"'_data_=${var__data_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_volume_=${var__volume_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_command_=${var__command_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_recipe_=${var__recipe_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_host_=${var__host_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_user_=${var__user_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_port_=${var__port_:-}' eval "${prefix}"'_provider_=${var__provider_:-}' if declare -p var__subcommands_ >/dev/null 2>&1; then eval "${prefix}"'_subcommands_=("${var__subcommands_[@]}")'; else eval "${prefix}"'_subcommands_=()'; fi; eval "${prefix}"'app=${var_app:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'list=${var_list:-false}'; eval "${prefix}"'ls=${var_ls:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'new=${var_new:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'backup=${var_backup:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'deploy=${var_deploy:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'check=${var_check:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'version=${var_version:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'config=${var_config:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'cp=${var_cp:-false}'; eval "${prefix}"'logs=${var_logs:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'ps=${var_ps:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'restore=${var_restore:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'rm=${var_rm:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'delete=${var_delete:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'run=${var_run:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'rollback=${var_rollback:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'restart=${var_restart:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'secret=${var_secret:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'generate=${var_generate:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'insert=${var_insert:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'undeploy=${var_undeploy:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'volume=${var_volume:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'recipe=${var_recipe:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'create=${var_create:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'release=${var_release:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'lint=${var_lint:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'versions=${var_versions:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'server=${var_server:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'add=${var_add:-false}'; eval "${prefix}"'__=${var___:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'init=${var_init:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'apps=${var_apps:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'upgrade=${var_upgrade:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'doctor=${var_doctor:-false}' eval "${prefix}"'help=${var_help:-false}'; local docopt_i=1 [[ $BASH_VERSION =~ ^4.3 ]] && docopt_i=2; for ((;docopt_i>0;docopt_i--)); do declare -p "${prefix}__env" "${prefix}__skip_check" "${prefix}__debug" \ "${prefix}__stack" "${prefix}__skip_update" "${prefix}__no_prompt" \ "${prefix}__branch" "${prefix}__verbose" "${prefix}__help" "${prefix}__status" \ "${prefix}__server" "${prefix}__type" "${prefix}__domain" \ "${prefix}__app_name" "${prefix}__pass" "${prefix}__secrets" "${prefix}__all" \ "${prefix}__update" "${prefix}__force" "${prefix}__fast" "${prefix}__chaos" \ "${prefix}__volumes" "${prefix}__no_tty" "${prefix}__user" "${prefix}__bump" \ "${prefix}__dev" "${prefix}_type_" "${prefix}_app_" "${prefix}_service_" \ "${prefix}_version_" "${prefix}_src_" "${prefix}_dst_" \ "${prefix}_backup_file_" "${prefix}_args_" "${prefix}_secret_" \ "${prefix}_cmd_" "${prefix}_data_" "${prefix}_volume_" "${prefix}_command_" \ "${prefix}_recipe_" "${prefix}_host_" "${prefix}_user_" "${prefix}_port_" \ "${prefix}_provider_" "${prefix}_subcommands_" "${prefix}app" "${prefix}list" \ "${prefix}ls" "${prefix}new" "${prefix}backup" "${prefix}deploy" \ "${prefix}check" "${prefix}version" "${prefix}config" "${prefix}cp" \ "${prefix}logs" "${prefix}ps" "${prefix}restore" "${prefix}rm" \ "${prefix}delete" "${prefix}run" "${prefix}rollback" "${prefix}restart" \ "${prefix}secret" "${prefix}generate" "${prefix}insert" "${prefix}undeploy" \ "${prefix}volume" "${prefix}recipe" "${prefix}create" "${prefix}release" \ "${prefix}lint" "${prefix}versions" "${prefix}server" "${prefix}add" \ "${prefix}__" "${prefix}init" "${prefix}apps" "${prefix}upgrade" \ "${prefix}doctor" "${prefix}help"; done; } # docopt parser above, complete command for generating this parser is `docopt.sh abra` PROGRAM_NAME=$(basename "$0") ####################################### # Helpers ####################################### ###### Utility functions error() { echo "$(tput setaf 1)ERROR: $*$(tput sgr0)" exit 1 } warning() { echo "$(tput setaf 3)WARNING: $*$(tput sgr0)" } success() { echo "$(tput setaf 2)SUCCESS: $*$(tput sgr0)" } info() { if [ "$abra___verbose" = "false" ] && [ "$abra___debug" = "false" ]; then return fi echo "$(tput setaf 4)INFO: $*$(tput sgr0)" } debug() { if [ "$abra___debug" = "false" ]; then return fi echo "$(tput setaf 13)DEBUG: $*$(tput sgr0)" } # 3wc: temporarily disable debug and verbose silence() { # temporaily disable debug & verbose output. useful for getting raw output # from abra subcommands _abra___debug="$abra___debug" _abra___verbose="$abra___verbose" abra___verbose="false" abra___debug="false" } unsilence() { # restore original values of debug/verbose options abra___verbose="$_abra___verbose" abra___debug="$_abra___debug" } ###### Default settings if [ -z "$COMPOSE_FILE" ]; then COMPOSE_FILE="compose.yml" fi ###### Safety checks require_bash_4() { # we're using things like `mapfile` which require bash 4+ if ! bash -c '[[ $BASH_VERSION > 4.0 ]]'; then error "bash version '$BASH_VERSION' is too old, 4 or newer required" fi } require_binary() { if ! type "$1" > /dev/null 2>&1; then error "'$1' program is not installed" fi } require_abra_dir() { mkdir -p "$ABRA_DIR" } require_vendor_dir() { mkdir -p "$ABRA_VENDOR_DIR" } require_consent_for_update() { if [ "$CONSENT_TO_UPDATE" = "false" ]; then error "A new app state will be deployed! Please use --update to consent" fi } require_docker_version() { get_servers MIN_DOCKER_VERSION=19 SERVERS+=("default") for SERVER in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do SERVER="${SERVER##*/}" # basename host=$(docker context inspect "$SERVER" -f "{{.Endpoints.docker.Host}}" 2>/dev/null) if [[ -n "$host" ]]; then major_version=$(DOCKER_CONTEXT="$SERVER" docker version --format "{{.Server.Version}}" | cut -d'.' -f1 2>/dev/null) if [[ "$major_version" -lt "$MIN_DOCKER_VERSION" ]]; then error "This tool requires Docker v${MIN_DOCKER_VERSION} or greater. Please upgrade your Docker installation on $SERVER" exit 1 else debug "Docker version on $SERVER is sufficient (v${major_version})" fi fi done } require_valid_yaml() { $YQ e "$1" > /dev/null || error "Invalid YAML '$1'" } ###### Download and update data require_apps_json() { # Ensure we have the latest copy of apps.json if [ "$abra___skip_update" = "true" ]; then return fi if [ -f "$ABRA_APPS_JSON" ]; then modified=$(curl --silent --head "$ABRA_APPS_URL" | \ awk '/^last-modified/{print tolower($0)}' | \ sed 's/^last-modified: //I') remote_ctime=$(date --date="$modified" +%s) local_ctime=$(stat -c %Z "$ABRA_APPS_JSON") if [ "$local_ctime" -lt "$remote_ctime" ]; then info "Downloading new apps.json" curl -sLo "$ABRA_APPS_JSON" "$ABRA_APPS_URL" else debug "No apps.json update needed" fi else info "Downloading apps.json" curl -sLo "$ABRA_APPS_JSON" "$ABRA_APPS_URL" fi } require_plugin() { PLUGIN="$1" BRANCH="${abra___branch:-master}" warning "The $PLUGIN plugin was not found, fetching via Git" mkdir -p "$ABRA_DIR/plugins" if [[ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then git_extra_args="--branch $BRANCH" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! git clone ${git_extra_args:-} "$GIT_URL$PLUGIN.git" "$ABRA_DIR/plugins/$PLUGIN" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then error "Could not retrieve the plugin '$PLUGIN' from '$GIT_URL$PLUGIN.git' to '$ABRA_DIR/plugins/$PLUGIN', does it exist?" fi if [[ $(cd "$ABRA_DIR/plugins/$PLUGIN" && git branch --list | wc -l) == "0" ]]; then debug "Failed to clone default branch, guessing alternative is 'main'" (cd "$ABRA_DIR/plugins/$PLUGIN" && git checkout main > /dev/null 2>&1) fi success "Fetched the $PLUGIN plugin via Git" } require_app (){ APP="$1" APP_DIR="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$APP" BRANCH="${abra___branch:-master}" warning "The app type '$APP' was not found, fetching via Git" if [[ "$BRANCH" != "master" ]]; then git_extra_args="--branch $BRANCH" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! git clone ${git_extra_args:-} "$GIT_URL$APP.git" "$ABRA_DIR/apps/$APP" > /dev/null 2>&1 ; then error "Could not retrieve app type '$APP', this app type doesn't exist?" fi cd "$APP_DIR" && checkout_main_or_master if [[ $(cd "$ABRA_DIR/apps/$APP" && git branch --list | wc -l) == "0" ]]; then debug "Failed to clone default branch, guessing alternative is 'main'" (cd "$ABRA_DIR/apps/$APP" && git checkout main) fi success "Fetched app configuration via Git" } require_app_version() { APP="$1" VERSION="$2" APP_DIR="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$APP" debug "Checking for type '$APP'" if [ ! -d "$APP_DIR" ]; then require_app "$APP" fi debug "Using $APP_DIR" cd "$APP_DIR" || error "Can't find app dir '$APP_DIR'" if ! git tag -l | grep -q "$VERSION"; then git fetch -q --all fi if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then warning "No version specified, dangerously using latest git ðŸ˜Ļ" else if [ "$abra___chaos" = "false" ]; then git checkout -q "$VERSION" || error "Can't find version $VERSION" else warning "Chaos deploy specified, dangerously using latest git ðŸ˜Ļ" fi fi } vendor_binary() { require_vendor_dir local REPO="$1" local VERSION="$2" local FILE="$3" local BINARY="${REPO##*/}" local RELEASE_URL="$REPO/releases/download/${VERSION}/${FILE}" # Make the path to the binary available as a similarly-named variable, e.g. # yq -> $YQ export "${BINARY^^}=$ABRA_VENDOR_DIR/$BINARY" if [ -f "$ABRA_DIR/vendor/$BINARY" ]; then debug "$BINARY is already vendored" return fi case $(uname -m) in x86_64) warning "Attempting to download the $BINARY binary from $RELEASE_URL into $ABRA_VENDOR_DIR" ;; *) error "Unable to automatically vendor $BINARY, you'll have to manually manage this.\n Please see $REPO and place the $BINARY binary in $ABRA_VENDOR_DIR." ;; esac curl -sLo "$ABRA_VENDOR_DIR/$BINARY" "$RELEASE_URL" chmod +x "$ABRA_VENDOR_DIR/$BINARY" success "$BINARY is now vendored â˜Ū" } require_jq() { vendor_binary "https://github.com/stedolan/jq" "jq-1.6" "jq-linux64" } require_yq() { vendor_binary "https://github.com/mikefarah/yq" "v4.9.6" "yq_linux_amd64" } checkout_main_or_master() { git checkout main > /dev/null 2>&1 || git checkout master > /dev/null 2>&1 } pwgen_native() { if type pwgen > /dev/null 2>&1; then pwgen -s "$length" 1 return fi tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom | head -c "$1" } pwqgen_native() { if type pwqgen > /dev/null 2>&1; then pwqgen return fi shuf -n 3 /usr/share/dict/words | tr -dc 'a-zA-Z0-9' | tr -d '\n' } # FIXME 3wc: update or remove if [ -z "$ABRA_ENV" ] && [ -f .env ] && type direnv > /dev/null 2>&1 && ! direnv status | grep -q 'Found RC allowed true'; then error "direnv is blocked, run direnv allow" fi ###### Parse apps.json get_recipes() { require_jq mapfile -t RECIPES < <($JQ -r ". | keys | .[]" "$ABRA_APPS_JSON" | sort) } get_recipe_versions() { require_jq recipe="${1?Recipe not set}" recipe_json=$($JQ ".\"${recipe}\"" "$ABRA_APPS_JSON") if [ "$recipe_json" = "null" ]; then declare -a RECIPE_VERSIONS else mapfile -t RECIPE_VERSIONS < <(echo "$recipe_json" | $JQ -r ".versions | keys | .[]" - | sort) fi } get_recipe_version_latest() { if [ "${#RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}" = 0 ]; then VERSION="" info "No versions found" else VERSION="${RECIPE_VERSIONS[-1]}" if [ "$abra___chaos" = "true" ]; then info "Not choosing a version and instead deploying from latest commit" else info "Chose version $VERSION" fi fi } ###### Run-time loading load_abra_sh() { if [ -f abra.sh ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source abra.sh debug "Loading ./abra.sh" fi if [ -f "$APP_DIR/abra.sh" ]; then debug "Loading $APP_DIR/abra.sh" # shellcheck disable=SC1090,SC1091 source "$APP_DIR/abra.sh" fi } ###### FIXME 3wc: name this section output_version_summary() { echo " Versions:" CONSENT_TO_UPDATE=$abra___update FORCE_DEPLOY=$abra___force CHAOS_DEPLOY=$abra___chaos local -a IS_AN_UPDATE="false" local -a UNABLE_TO_DETECT="false" local -a UNDEPLOYED_STATE="false" local -a CHECKED_SERVICES # array if ! docker stack ls --format "{{ .Name }}" | grep -q "$STACK_NAME"; then UNDEPLOYED_STATE="true" fi IFS=':' read -ra COMPOSE_FILES <<< "$COMPOSE_FILE" for COMPOSE in "${COMPOSE_FILES[@]}"; do require_valid_yaml "$APP_DIR/$COMPOSE" SERVICES=$($YQ e '.services | keys | .[]' "${APP_DIR}/${COMPOSE}") for SERVICE in $SERVICES; do if [[ ${CHECKED_SERVICES[*]} =~ ${SERVICE} ]]; then debug "already inspected ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} for versions, skipping..." continue fi filter="{{index .Spec.Labels \"coop-cloud.$STACK_NAME.$SERVICE.version\" }}" label=$(docker service inspect -f "$filter" "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}" 2>/dev/null) live_version=$(echo "$label" | cut -d- -f1) live_digest=$(echo "$label" | cut -d- -f2) if [ -n "$live_version" ] && [ -n "$live_digest" ]; then service_data=$($YQ e ".services.${SERVICE}" "${APP_DIR}/${COMPOSE}") service_image=$(echo "$service_data" | $YQ e ".image" - | cut -d':' -f1) service_version=$(echo "$service_data" | $YQ e ".deploy.labels[] | select(. == \"coop*\")" - | cut -d'=' -f2) service_tag="${service_version%-*}" service_digest="${service_version##*-}" echo " ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} (${service_image}):" echo " deployed: $(tput setaf 2)$live_version ($live_digest)$(tput sgr0)" if [[ -z "$IS_VERSION_CHECK" ]] || [[ "$IS_VERSION_CHECK" != "true" ]]; then if [ "$live_version" != "$service_tag" ] || [ "$live_digest" != "$service_digest" ]; then IS_AN_UPDATE="true" fi if [ "$abra___chaos" = "true" ]; then echo " to be deployed: $(tput setaf 1)$service_tag ($service_digest) (+ latest git)$(tput sgr0)" else echo " to be deployed: $(tput setaf 1)$service_tag ($service_digest)$(tput sgr0)" fi fi else if [[ $UNDEPLOYED_STATE == "true" ]]; then image=$($YQ e ".services.${SERVICE}.image" "${APP_DIR}/${COMPOSE}" | cut -d':' -f1) echo " ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} (${image}):" echo " undeployed!" else warning "Unable to detect deployed version of ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}" UNABLE_TO_DETECT="true" fi fi CHECKED_SERVICES+=("$SERVICE") done done if [[ -n "$IS_VERSION_CHECK" ]] && [[ "$IS_VERSION_CHECK" == "true" ]]; then debug "Detected version check (without deploy), bailing out..." exit 0 fi if [[ $IS_AN_UPDATE == "true" ]]; then require_consent_for_update else if [[ $UNABLE_TO_DETECT == "false" ]] && \ [[ $UNDEPLOYED_STATE == "false" ]] && \ [[ $FORCE_DEPLOY == "false" ]] && \ [[ $CHAOS_DEPLOY = "false" ]]; then success "Nothing to deploy, you're on latest (use --force to re-deploy anyway)" exit 0 fi fi } ensure_stack_deployed() { local -a HEALTHY # mapping local -a MISSING # mapping TIMEOUT=60 idx=0 IFS=' ' read -r -a SERVICES <<< "$(docker stack services "${STACK_NAME}" --format "{{.ID}}" | tr '\n' ' ')" debug "Considering the following service IDs: ${SERVICES[*]} for ${STACK_NAME} deployment" while [ ! $(( ${#HEALTHY[@]} + ${#MISSING[@]} )) -eq ${#SERVICES[@]} ]; do for service in $(docker ps -f "name=$STACK_NAME" -q); do debug "Polling $service for deployment status" healthcheck=$(docker inspect --format "{{ json .State }}" "$service" | $JQ "try(.Health.Status // \"missing\")") name=$(docker inspect --format '{{ index .Config.Labels "com.docker.swarm.service.name" }}' "$service") if [[ ${MISSING[*]} =~ ${name} ]] || [[ ${HEALTHY[*]} =~ ${name} ]]; then debug "$name already marked as missing healthcheck / healthy status" continue fi if [[ "$healthcheck" == "\"missing\"" ]] && [[ ! "${MISSING[*]}" =~ $name ]]; then MISSING+=("$name") debug "No healthcheck configured for $name" continue fi if [[ "$healthcheck" == "\"healthy\"" ]] && [[ ! "${HEALTHY[*]}" =~ $name ]]; then HEALTHY+=("$name") debug "Marking $name with healthy status" continue fi if [[ "$healthcheck" == \""unhealthy"\" ]]; then logs=$(docker inspect --format "{{ json .State.Health.Log }}" "$service") exitcode="$(echo "$logs" | $JQ '.[-1] | .ExitCode')" warning "Healthcheck for new instance of $name is failing (exit code: $exitcode)" warning "$(echo "$logs" | $JQ -r '.[-1] | .Output')" error "healthcheck for $name is failing, this deployment did not succeed :(" fi done idx=$(("$idx" + 1)) if [[ $idx -eq "$TIMEOUT" ]]; then error "Waiting for healthy status timed out, this deployment did not succeed :(" fi sleep 1 debug "Deploying: $(( ${#HEALTHY[@]} + ${#MISSING[@]} ))/${#SERVICES[@]} (timeout: $idx/$TIMEOUT)" done } ensure_domain_deployed() { local domain=$1 warning "Waiting for $domain to come up..." idx=1 until curl --output /dev/null --silent --head --fail "$domain"; do debug "Polled $domain $idx time(s) already" sleep 3 idx=$(("$idx" + 1)) if [[ $idx -gt 10 ]]; then error "$domain still isn't up, check status by running \"abra app ${STACK_NAME} ps\"" fi done } get_servers() { shopt -s nullglob dotglob # shellcheck disable=SC2206 SERVERS=($ABRA_DIR/servers/*) shopt -u nullglob dotglob } get_app_secrets() { # FIXME 3wc: requires bash 4, use for loop instead mapfile -t PASSWORDS < <(grep "^SECRET.*VERSION.*" "$ENV_FILE") } load_instance() { APP="$abra__app_" # load all files matching "$APP.env" into ENV_FILES array mapfile -t ENV_FILES < <(find -L "$ABRA_DIR/servers/" -name "$APP.env") # FIXME 3wc: requires bash 4, use for loop instead case "${#ENV_FILES[@]}" in 1 ) ;; 0 ) error "Can't find app '$APP'"; return;; * ) error "Found $APP in multiple servers: ${ENV_FILES[*]}"; return;; esac ENV_FILE="${ENV_FILES[0]}" debug "ENV_FILE=$ENV_FILE" if [ ! -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then error "Can't open ENV_FILE '$ENV_FILE'" fi # split up the path by "/" IFS='/' read -r -a PARTS <<< "$ENV_FILE" SERVER="${PARTS[-2]}" export STACK_NAME="${APP//./_}" debug "STACK_NAME=${STACK_NAME}" } load_instance_env() { # 3wc: using set -a means we don't need `export` in the env files set -a # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$ENV_FILE" set +a debug "Loaded variables from $ENV_FILE" if [ -z "$TYPE" ]; then error "TYPE not set, maybe $ENV_FILE is using an old format?" fi APP_DIR="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$TYPE" export DOCKER_CONTEXT="$SERVER" info "DOCKER_CONTEXT=$DOCKER_CONTEXT" export DOMAIN } load_context() { # Load current context from env or Docker if [ -z "$DOCKER_CONTEXT" ]; then warning "\$DOCKER_CONTEXT not set, (slowly) looking it up" # shellcheck disable=SC2063 DOCKER_CONTEXT=$(docker context ls | grep '*' | cut -d' ' -f1) # make sure grep doesn't parse this, we want a literal '*' fi } prompt_confirm() { if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "true" ]; then return fi read -rp "Continue? [y/N]? " choice case "$choice" in y|Y ) return ;; * ) exit;; esac } parse_secret() { SECRET="$1" if [[ "$SECRET" == *"length"* ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2001 abra__length_="$(echo "$SECRET" | sed -e 's/.*[^0-9]\([0-9]\+\)[^0-9]*$/\1/')" else # Note(decentral1se): unset this so that a length value from another secret # definition does not get passed on to another secret generation flow unset abra__length_ fi abra__secret_="${SECRET%_VERSION=*}" # strip _VERSION=v1 abra__secret_="${abra__secret_#SECRET_}" # strip SECRET_ abra__secret_="${abra__secret_,,}" # lowercase abra__version_="$(echo "$SECRET" | sed -n 's/.*\(v[0-9]\).*/\1/p')" if [[ -n "$abra__length_" ]]; then echo "Generating $abra__secret_, version: $abra__version_, length: $abra__length_" else echo "Generating $abra__secret_, version: $abra__version_" fi sub_app_secret_generate } stack_logs (){ # Note(decentral1se): see https://github.com/moby/moby/issues/31458#issuecomment-617871046 STACK="$1" services=$(docker stack services "${STACK}" --format "{{.ID}}") # shellcheck disable=SC2154 trap 'jobs=$(jobs -p) && test -n "$jobs" && kill $jobs' EXIT for item in ${services//\\n/$'\n'}; do docker service logs -f -t --tail 10 "$item" & done sleep infinity } auto_gen_secrets (){ get_app_secrets if [ "${#PASSWORDS[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then error "No secrets found in $ENV_FILE" fi for PASSWORD in "${PASSWORDS[@]}"; do parse_secret "$PASSWORD" done } ####################################### # abra app .. ####################################### ###### .. app ls help_app_ls (){ help_app_list } sub_app_ls (){ sub_app_list } help_app_list (){ echo "abra [options] app (list|ls) [--status] [--server=] [--type=] List your exciting apps. OPTIONS --status Show whether apps are deployed (warning! slow!) --server= Only show apps on a specific server --type= Only show apps of the given type POWERED BY (for --status) docker stack ls" } sub_app_list (){ SERVER="$abra___server" if [ -z "$SERVER" ]; then SERVER='*' fi shopt -s nullglob dotglob # shellcheck disable=SC2206 ENV_FILES=($ABRA_DIR/servers/$SERVER/*.env) shopt -u nullglob dotglob STATUS="$( [[ $abra___status == "true" ]] && echo "Y" )" if [ -n "$STATUS" ]; then if [ "$SERVER" = "*" ]; then get_servers else SERVERS=( "$SERVER" ) fi local -a DEPLOYED_APPS # array local -a CHECKED_SERVERS # array warning "Loading status from ${#SERVERS[@]} server(s), patience advised.." for SERVER in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do SERVER="${SERVER##*/}" # basename mapfile -t SERVER_APPS < <(DOCKER_CONTEXT="$SERVER" docker stack ls --format '{{ .Name }}' 2>/dev/null) # add $SERVER~ to the start of each DEPLOYED_APPS DEPLOYED_APPS+=("${SERVER_APPS[@]/#/$SERVER~}") done fi # FIXME 3wc: doesn't take into account --type filtering printf "%s lovely apps:\n\n" "${#ENV_FILES[@]}" for i in "${!ENV_FILES[@]}"; do # Output header inside the loop, so it's included in the pipe to `column` if [ "$i" == 0 ]; then printf " DOMAIN\tTYPE\tSERVER%s%s\n" "${STATUS:+ }" "${STATUS:+STATUS}" printf " --\t--\t--%s\n" "${STATUS:+ --}" fi local ENV_FILE="${ENV_FILES[$i]}" APP_STACK_NAME IFS='/' read -r -a PARTS <<< "$ENV_FILE" FILE="${PARTS[-1]}" SERVER="${PARTS[-2]}" DOMAIN="${FILE%.env}" set -a # shellcheck disable=SC1090 TYPE="$(source "$ENV_FILE" && echo "$TYPE")" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 APP_STACK_NAME="$(source "$ENV_FILE" && echo "$STACK_NAME")" set +a if [ "$abra___type" != "" ] && [ "$abra___type" != "$TYPE" ]; then continue fi if [ -z "$APP_STACK_NAME" ]; then APP_STACK_NAME="${DOMAIN//./_}" fi if [ -n "$STATUS" ]; then APP_STATUS=$( printf '%s\n' "${DEPLOYED_APPS[@]}" | grep -qP "^${SERVER}~${APP_STACK_NAME}$" && echo "deployed" || echo "inactive") if [[ "$APP_STATUS" == "inactive" ]] ; then if [[ ${CHECKED_SERVERS[*]} =~ ${SERVER} ]]; then APP_STATUS="unknown" else if ! docker context inspect "$SERVER" > /dev/null 2>&1; then APP_STATUS="unknown" fi CHECKED_SERVERS+=("$SERVER") fi fi fi printf " %s\t%s\t%s%s\n" "$DOMAIN" "$TYPE" "$SERVER" "${STATUS:+ }${APP_STATUS}" done | column -s' ' -t # Align table `-t` based on tab characters -s`^V` } ###### .. app new help_app_new (){ echo "abra [options] app new [--app-name=] [--server=] [--domain=] [--pass] [--secrets] Create a new app of (e.g. wordpress or custom-html). OPTIONS --server= Specify which server to use (default: prompt) --domain= Set the domain name (default: prompt) --app-name= Set the app name (default: prompt) --secrets Auto-generate secrets (default: no) --pass Store generated secrets in pass (default: no)" } sub_app_new (){ shopt -s extglob require_abra_dir get_servers require_apps_json # decentral1se: we are overloading the use of the word "app" in the # command-line interface to mean two things -- in the code, we differentiate # between them as $APP ("an instance of an app") and $TYPE ("a kind of app") TYPE=$abra__type_ SERVER=$abra___server DOMAIN=$abra___domain APP_NAME=$abra___app_name get_recipe_versions "$TYPE" get_recipe_version_latest require_app_version "$TYPE" "$VERSION" if [ -z "$SERVER" ]; then echo "Where would you like to put $TYPE?" select SERVER_ITEM in "${SERVERS[@]##*/}"; do if [ 1 -le "$REPLY" ] && [ "$REPLY" -le ${#SERVERS[@]} ]; then SERVER="$SERVER_ITEM" success "Selected server ${SERVER}" break fi done fi SERVER="$ABRA_DIR/servers/$SERVER" if [ ! -d "$SERVER" ]; then error "Server '$SERVER' not found" fi APP_DIR="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$TYPE" if [ -z "$DOMAIN" ]; then read -rp "Domain name: " DOMAIN fi if [ -z "$APP_NAME" ]; then # e.g.: # TYPE=custom-html, DOMAIN=foo.bar-baz.com # -> custom_html_foo_bar_baz_com DEFAULT_NAME="${TYPE/-/_}_${DOMAIN//+([.-])/_}" # truncate to 45 chars (see below) DEFAULT_NAME="${DEFAULT_NAME:0:45}" # and remove trailing _ DEFAULT_NAME="${DEFAULT_NAME%%_}" read -rp "App name [$DEFAULT_NAME]: " APP_NAME if [ -z "$APP_NAME" ]; then APP_NAME="$DEFAULT_NAME" fi fi if [ ${#APP_NAME} -gt 45 ]; then # 3wc: Docker won't create secret names > 64 characters -- setting a # 45-character limit here is enough for all our secrets so far. error "$APP_NAME cannot be longer than 45 characters in length" fi ENV_FILE="$SERVER/$APP_NAME.env" if [ -f "$ENV_FILE" ]; then error "$ENV_FILE already exists" fi cp "$APP_DIR/.env.sample" "$ENV_FILE" sed -i "s/$TYPE\.example\.com/$DOMAIN/g" "$ENV_FILE" sed -i "s/example\.com/$DOMAIN/g" "$ENV_FILE" abra__app_="$APP_NAME" get_app_secrets if [ "$abra___secrets" == "true" ]; then if [ "${#PASSWORDS[@]}" -eq 0 ]; then warning "--secrets provided but no secrets found" fi load_instance load_instance_env auto_gen_secrets fi echo "$(tput setaf 4)Your new '$TYPE' has been created!$(tput sgr0)" echo " $(tput setaf 3)Please customise the configuration defaults:" echo " abra app $APP_NAME config$(tput sgr0)" echo " $(tput setaf 2)Then you can deploy it:" echo " abra app $APP_NAME deploy$(tput sgr0)" } ###### .. app backup sub_app_backup (){ # Add _ if it's defined FUNCTION="abra_backup${abra__service_:+_}$abra__service_" if ! type "$FUNCTION" > /dev/null 2>&1; then error "'$TYPE' doesn't know how to do ${abra__service_}${abra__service_:+ }backups."\ "See $GIT_URL$TYPE/issues/" fi mkdir -p "$ABRA_DIR/backups" $FUNCTION } ###### .. app restore sub_app_restore (){ FUNCTION="abra_restore_$abra__service_" if ! type "$FUNCTION" > /dev/null 2>&1; then error "'$TYPE' doesn't know how to restore '${abra__service_}' backups."\ "See $GIT_URL$TYPE/issues/" fi $FUNCTION "$abra__backup_file_" } ###### backup utility functions # Usage: _abra_backup_dir service:/path/to/src _abra_backup_dir() { { abra__src_="$1" abra__dst_="-" } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 FILENAME="$ABRA_BACKUP_DIR/${abra__app_}_$(basename "$1")_$(date +%F).tar.gz" debug "Copying '$1' to '$FILENAME'" silence sub_app_cp | gzip > "$FILENAME" success "Backed up '$1' to $FILENAME" unsilence } _abra_backup_db_prep() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 abra__service_="$1" # 3wc: necessary because $abra__service_ won't be set if we're coming from # `abra_backup`, i.e. `abra app ... backup --all` # What's the name of the Docker secret? Default to db_root_password DB_PASSWORD_NAME=${4:-db_root_password} debug "Looking up secret '$DB_PASSWORD_NAME'" silence DB_PASSWORD="$(sub_app_run cat "/run/secrets/$DB_PASSWORD_NAME")" unsilence # 3wc: strip newline \r from variable DB_PASSWORD="${DB_PASSWORD//$'\015'}" # shellcheck disable=SC2154 FILENAME="$ABRA_BACKUP_DIR/${abra__app_}_$(date +%F).sql.gz" } # usage: _abra_backup_postgres [ ] _abra_backup_postgres() { _abra_backup_db_prep "$@" debug "Running pg_dump to '$FILENAME'" silence # shellcheck disable=SC2034 PGPASSWORD="$DB_PASSWORD" sub_app_run pg_dump -U "${3:-postgres}" "$2" | gzip > "$FILENAME" unsilence success "Backed up '$abra__service_:$2' to '$FILENAME'" } _abra_backup_mysql() { _abra_backup_db_prep "$@" silence # shellcheck disable=SC2086 sub_app_run mysqldump -u root -p"${DB_PASSWORD}" "$2" | gzip > "$FILENAME" unsilence success "Backed up '$abra__service_:$2' to $FILENAME" } ###### .. app deploy help_app_deploy (){ echo "abra [options] app deploy [--update] [--force] [--fast] Deploy app to the configured server. OPTIONS --update Consent to deploying an updated app version --force Force a deployment regardless of state --fast Run deployment without various safety checks --chaos Deploy straight from latest Git version (potentially chaotic!) POWERED BY docker stack deploy -c compose.yml " } sub_app_deploy (){ require_yq if [ "$abra___fast" = "true" ]; then SKIP_VERSION_CHECK=true NO_DOMAIN_POLL=true NO_STATE_POLL=true else SKIP_VERSION_CHECK=false NO_DOMAIN_POLL=false NO_STATE_POLL=false fi if [ ! "$abra__version_" = "dev" ]; then get_recipe_versions "$TYPE" if [ -n "$abra__version_" ]; then VERSION="$abra__version_" if ! printf '%s\0' "${RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}" | grep -Fqxz -- "$VERSION"; then error "'$VERSION' doesn't appear to be a valid version of $TYPE" fi info "Chose version $VERSION" else get_recipe_version_latest fi fi require_app_version "$TYPE" "$VERSION" echo "Deployment overview:" echo " Server: $(tput setaf 4)${SERVER}$(tput sgr0)" if [ "${COMPOSE_FILE/:/}" == "${COMPOSE_FILE}" ]; then echo " Compose: $(tput setaf 3)${APP_DIR}/${COMPOSE_FILE}$(tput sgr0)" else echo " Compose: $(tput setaf 3)${APP_DIR}/" IFS=':' read -ra COMPOSE_FILES <<< "$COMPOSE_FILE" for COMPOSE in "${COMPOSE_FILES[@]}"; do echo " - ${COMPOSE}" done tput sgr0 fi if [ -n "$DOMAIN" ]; then echo " Domain: $(tput setaf 2)${DOMAIN}$(tput sgr0)" fi echo " Stack: $(tput setaf 3)${STACK_NAME}$(tput sgr0)" if [ "$SKIP_VERSION_CHECK" = "false" ]; then output_version_summary fi prompt_confirm APP=$(basename "$APP_DIR") ( (cd "$APP_DIR" || error "\$APP_DIR '$APP_DIR' not found") # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if (cd "$APP_DIR" && docker stack deploy -c ${COMPOSE_FILE//:/ -c } "$STACK_NAME"); then if [ "$abra___fast" = "true" ]; then success "Something happened! Hope it was good 🙏" exit 0 fi if [[ $NO_STATE_POLL == "false" ]]; then ensure_stack_deployed "$STACK_NAME" fi if [ -n "$DOMAIN" ]; then if [[ $NO_DOMAIN_POLL == "false" ]]; then ensure_domain_deployed "https://${DOMAIN}" fi success "Yay! App should be available at https://${DOMAIN}" else success "Yay! That worked. No \$DOMAIN defined, check status by running \"abra app ${STACK_NAME} ps\"" fi else error "Oh no! Something went wrong 😕 Check errors above" fi ) } ###### .. app undeploy help_app_undeploy (){ echo "abra [options] app undeploy Opposite of \`app deploy\`; deactivate an app without deleting anything. If you want to completely delete an app, then you're looking for \`app rm\`. POWERED BY docker stack rm " } sub_app_undeploy (){ warning "About to un-deploy $STACK_NAME from $SERVER" if ! docker stack ls --format "{{ .Name }}" | grep -q "$STACK_NAME"; then error "$STACK_NAME is already undeployed, nothing to do" fi docker stack rm "$STACK_NAME" } ###### .. app config help_app_config (){ echo "abra [options] app config Open the app configuration in \$EDITOR." } sub_app_config (){ if [ -z "$EDITOR" ]; then warning "\$EDITOR not set; which text editor would you like to use?" EDITORS_ALL=(vi vim nano pico emacs) declare -a EDITORS_AVAILABLE for EDITOR in "${EDITORS_ALL[@]}"; do if type "$EDITOR" > /dev/null 2>&1; then EDITORS_AVAILABLE+=("$EDITOR") fi done if [ ${#EDITORS_AVAILABLE[@]} = 0 ]; then error "No text editors found! Are you using a magnetised needle? ðŸĪŠ" fi select EDITOR in "${EDITORS_AVAILABLE[@]}"; do if [ 1 -le "$REPLY" ] && [ "$REPLY" -le ${#EDITORS_AVAILABLE[@]} ]; then SERVER="$EDITOR" success "Using '${EDITOR}'; Add 'export EDITOR=${EDITOR}' to your ~/.bashrc to set as default" break fi done fi $EDITOR "$ENV_FILE" } ###### .. app version help_app_version (){ echo "abra [options] app version Show versions of the app that are currently deployed" } sub_app_version (){ require_yq IS_VERSION_CHECK="true" echo "Version overview:" output_version_summary } ###### .. app check help_app_check (){ echo "abra [options] app check Make sure that all an app's required variables are set." } sub_app_check (){ if [ "$abra___skip_check" = "true" ]; then return 0 fi APP_ENV=$(grep -v '^#' "$ENV_FILE" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f1 | sort -u) STACK_ENV=$(grep -v '^#' "$APP_DIR/.env.sample" | cut -d' ' -f2 | cut -d'=' -f1 | sort -u) debug "APP_ENV: $APP_ENV" debug "STACK_ENV: $STACK_ENV" # Only show "1", items in STACK_ENV which aren't in APP_ENV MISSING_VARS=$(comm -23 <(echo "$STACK_ENV") <(echo "$APP_ENV")) if [ -z "$MISSING_VARS" ]; then success "Yay! All the necessary basic variables are defined" return 0 fi error "Found missing variables: $MISSING_VARS" } ###### .. app ps help_app_ps (){ echo "abra [options] app ps Show 's running containers. POWERED BY docker stack ps " } sub_app_ps (){ docker stack ps "$STACK_NAME" } ###### .. app delete help_app_rm (){ help_app_delete } sub_app_rm (){ sub_app_delete } help_app_delete (){ echo "abra [options] app (rm|delete) Delete completely (\"hard delete\"). All local configuration, volumes and secrets can be removed with this command. OPTIONS --volumes Delete all storage volumes --secrets Delete all secrets POWERED BY docker volume ls / docker volume rm docker secret ls / docker secret rm " } sub_app_delete (){ warning "About to delete $ENV_FILE" prompt_confirm rm "$ENV_FILE" if [ "$abra___volumes" = "true" ]; then abra___all="true" sub_app_volume_delete fi if [ "$abra___secrets" = "true" ]; then secrets="$(docker secret ls --filter "name=${STACK_NAME}" --quiet)" if [ "$abra___secrets" = "true" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 warning "SCARY: About to remove all secrets associated with ${STACK_NAME}: $(echo $secrets | tr -d '\n')" prompt_confirm fi docker secret rm "$secrets" fi } ###### .. app secret insert help_app_secret_insert (){ echo "abra [options] app secret insert [--pass] Store as a Docker secret called _. OPTIONS --pass Save the secret in \`pass\` as well POWERED BY docker secret insert" } sub_app_secret_insert() { SECRET="$abra__secret_" VERSION="$abra__version_" PW="$abra__data_" STORE_WITH_PASS="$abra___pass" if [ -z "$SECRET" ] || [ -z "$VERSION" ] || [ -z "$PW" ]; then error "Required arguments missing" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "$PW" | docker secret create "${STACK_NAME}_${SECRET}_${VERSION}" - > /dev/null # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi if [ "$STORE_WITH_PASS" == "true" ] && type pass > /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "$PW" | pass insert "hosts/$DOCKER_CONTEXT/${STACK_NAME}/${SECRET}" -m > /dev/null success "pass: hosts/$DOCKER_CONTEXT/${STACK_NAME}/${SECRET}" fi } ###### .. app secret delete help_app_secret_rm (){ help_app_secret_delete } sub_app_secret_rm(){ sub_app_secret_delete } help_app_secret_delete (){ echo "abra [options] app secret (delete|rm) (|--all) [--pass] Remove 's Docker secret . OPTIONS --pass Remove secret(s) from \`pass\` as well --all Delete all secrets for POWERED BY docker secret rm docker secret ls (for --all)" } sub_app_secret_delete(){ # if --all is provided then $abra__secret_ will be blank and this will work # auto-magically NAMES=$(docker secret ls --filter "name=${STACK_NAME}_${abra__secret_}" --format "{{.Name}}") if [ -z "$NAMES" ]; then error "Could not find any secrets under ${STACK_NAME}_${abra__secret_}" fi warning "About to delete $(echo "$NAMES" | paste -d "")" prompt_confirm for NAME in ${NAMES}; do docker secret rm "$NAME" > /dev/null # as above, no need to test for --all, cos if abra__secret_ is blank it'll # Just Work anyway if [ "$abra___pass" == "true" ] && type pass > /dev/null 2>&1; then pass rm -r "hosts/$DOCKER_CONTEXT/${STACK_NAME}/${abra__secret_}" > /dev/null \ && success "pass rm'd: hosts/$DOCKER_CONTEXT/${STACK_NAME}/${abra__secret_}" fi done } ###### .. app secret generate help_app_secret_generate (){ echo "abra [options] app secret generate ( |--all) [] [--pass] Generate _ for and store as a Docker secret. OPTIONS Generate a single secret Specify secret version (for single secret) --all Auto-generate all secrets Run to generate secret (default: pwqgen) --pass Save generated secrets in \`pass\` POWERED BY docker secret insert" } sub_app_secret_generate(){ local secret="$abra__secret_" local version="$abra__version_" local length="$abra__length_" local msg_already_outputted=${msg_already_outputted:-"false"} if [ "$msg_already_outputted" == "false" ]; then warning "These generated secrets are now stored as encrypted data on your server" warning "Please take a moment to make sure you have saved a copy of the passwords" warning "Abra is not able to show the password values in plain text again" warning "See https://docs.cloud.autonomic.zone/secrets/ for more on secrets" msg_already_outputted="true" fi if [ "$abra___all" == "true" ]; then # Note(decentral1se): we need to reset the flag here to avoid the infinite # recursion of auto_gen_secrets which calls this function itself abra___all="false" auto_gen_secrets return fi if [[ -n "$length" ]]; then abra__cmd_="pwgen_native $length" else abra__cmd_=pwqgen_native fi PWGEN=${abra__cmd_} debug "SECRET: $SECRET, VERSION $VERSION, PW $PWGEN, ALL $abra___all" if [ -z "$secret" ] || [ -z "$version" ] && [ "$abra___all" == "false" ]; then error "Required arguments missing" fi PW=$($PWGEN) success "Password: $PW" # TODO 3wc: this is a little janky, might be better to make a # util_secret_insert function which this and sub_secret_insert can call abra__data_="$PW" sub_app_secret_insert } ###### .. app volume ###### .. app volume ls help_app_volume_ls (){ help_app_volume_list } sub_app_volume_ls(){ sub_app_volume_list } help_app_volume_list (){ echo "abra [options] app volume (ls|list) Show all volumes associated with . POWERED BY docker volume ls" } sub_app_volume_list(){ docker volume ls --filter "name=${STACK_NAME}" } ###### .. app volume rm help_app_volume_rm (){ help_app_volume_delete } sub_app_volume_rm(){ sub_app_volume_delete } help_app_volume_delete (){ echo "abra [options] app volume (delete|rm) (|--all) Remove 's Docker volume , or all volumes with --all. OPTIONS --pass Remove volume(s) from \`pass\` as well --all Delete all volumes for POWERED BY docker volume rm docker volume ls # for --all" } sub_app_volume_delete(){ # if --all is provided then $abra__secret_ will be blank and this will work # auto-magically NAMES=$(docker volume ls --filter "name=${STACK_NAME}_${abra__volume_}" --format "{{.Name}}") if [ -z "$NAMES" ]; then error "Could not find any volumes under ${STACK_NAME}_${abra__volume_}" fi warning "About to delete volume(s) $(echo "$NAMES" | paste -d "")" prompt_confirm for NAME in ${NAMES}; do docker volume rm "$NAME" > /dev/null done } ###### .. app run help_app_run (){ echo "abra [options] app run [--no-tty] [--user=] ... Run ... (often something like 'bash' or 'sh') in 's container. OPTIONS --no-tty Don't allocate a TTY; sometimes running \`mysql\` enjoys this --user= Run as the UNIX user , e.g. for running Wordpress-CLI as www-data EXAMPLES abra wordpress_foo_bar run app bash POWERED BY CONTAINER_ID=\$(docker container ls -f ...) docker exec \$CONTAINER_ID ..." } sub_app_run(){ if [ -n "$abra___user" ]; then RUN_USER="-u $abra___user" fi local -a ARGS="${ARGS:-""}" if [ "$abra___no_tty" = "true" ]; then ARGS+=" -i" else ARGS+=" -it" fi CONTAINER=$(docker container ls --format "table {{.ID}},{{.Names}}" \ | grep "${STACK_NAME}_${abra__service_}" | head -n1 | cut -d',' -f1) if [ -z "$CONTAINER" ]; then error "Can't find a container for ${STACK_NAME}_${abra__service_}" exit fi debug "Using container ID ${CONTAINER}" # shellcheck disable=SC2145 debug "Running command: docker exec $RUN_USER $ARGS $CONTAINER $@" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 docker exec $RUN_USER $ARGS "$CONTAINER" "$@" # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then exit 1; fi return } ###### .. app rollback help_app_rollback (){ echo "abra [options] app rollback [] Roll back a deployed app to a previous version. You can specify a particular ; see \`abra recipe version\` for the list of options. Otherwise, we'll roll back to the second-most-recent available version. EXAMPLES abra app wordpress rollback POWERED BY abra app deploy --update" } sub_app_rollback(){ version="${abra__version_}" get_recipe_versions "$TYPE" if [ "${#RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}" -lt 2 ]; then error "Can't roll back; need 2 versions, ${#RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]} available" fi if [ -z "$version" ]; then version="${RECIPE_VERSIONS[-2]}" info "Guessed version $version" fi # FIXME 3wc: check if $version is actually older than what's deployed abra__version_="$version" abra___update="true" sub_app_deploy } ###### .. app restart help_app_restart (){ echo "abra [options] app restart Restart a service. EXAMPLES abra app peertube restart app POWERED BY docker service scale foo=bar" } sub_app_restart(){ SERVICE="${abra__service_}" debug "Scaling ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} to 0 running containers..." docker service scale "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}=0" debug "Scaling ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} back to 1 running container..." docker service scale "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}=1" success "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE} was succesfully restarted!" } ###### .. app logs help_app_logs (){ echo "abra [options] app logs [] Show logs for . OPTIONS Only show logs for a specific service (default: combine all services) EXAMPLES abra wordpress_foo_bar logs app POWERED BY docker service logs" } sub_app_logs (){ SERVICE="${abra__service_}" if [ -z "$SERVICE" ]; then stack_logs "${STACK_NAME}" return fi shift if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then LOGS_ARGS="\ --follow \ --tail 20 \ --no-trunc \ --details \ --timestamps" else # shellcheck disable=SC2124 LOGS_ARGS=$@ fi # shellcheck disable=SC2086 docker service logs "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}" $LOGS_ARGS } ###### .. app cp help_app_cp (){ echo "abra [options] app cp Copy files to or from a running container. One of or must have the format :. Copying multiple files is possible using \`tar\`, see EXAMPLES. If is a file then it will be over-written, if it is a folder then will be copied into it. EXAMPLES abra app customhtml_foo_bar_com cp index.html app:/usr/share/nginx/html/ tar cf - wp-content | abra app wordpress_bar_bat_com cp - app:/var/www/html/ POWERED BY CONTAINER_ID=\$(docker container ls -f ...) docker cp \$CONTAINER_ID: docker cp \$CONTAINER_ID: " } sub_app_cp() { SOURCE="${abra__src_}" DEST="${abra__dst_}" # Get the service name from either SOURCE or DEST SERVICE=$(echo "$SOURCE" | grep -o '^[^:]\+:' || echo "$DEST" | grep -o '^[^:]\+:') SERVICE=$(echo "$SERVICE" | tr -d ':') if [ -z "$SERVICE" ]; then echo "Usage: $PROGRAM_NAME cp SERVICE:SRC_PATH DEST_PATH" echo " $PROGRAM_NAME cp SRC_PATH SERVICE:DEST_PATH" echo "" error "Can't find SERVICE in either SRC or DEST" fi CONTAINER=$(docker container ls --format "table {{.ID}},{{.Names}}" \ | grep "${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}" | cut -d',' -f1) if [ -z "$CONTAINER" ]; then error "Can't find a container for ${STACK_NAME}_${SERVICE}" exit fi debug "Using container ID ${CONTAINER}" # Replace $SERVICE with $CONTAINER in the original args CP_ARGS=$(echo "$SOURCE $DEST" | sed "s/$SERVICE:/$CONTAINER:/") # FIXME 3wc: this might cause problems for filenames with spaces.. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 docker cp ${CP_ARGS} } ####################################### # abra recipe .. ####################################### ###### .. recipe create help_recipe_create() { echo "abra [options] recipe create Create a new application recipe called ." } sub_recipe_create() { recipe="$abra__recipe_" recipe_kebab="${recipe//-/_}" recipe_dir="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$recipe" if [ -d "$recipe_dir" ]; then error "Recipe '$recipe' already exists" fi cd "$ABRA_DIR/apps/" || error "Can't find '$ABRA_DIR/apps/'" git clone -q "${GIT_URL}example" "$recipe_dir" cd "$recipe_dir" || error "Failed to create directory '$recipe_dir'" rm -rf .git .gitea .drone.yml sed -i "s/\${REPO_NAME}/$recipe/g" README.md sed -i "s/\${REPO_NAME_TITLE}/$recipe/g" README.md sed -i "s/\${REPO_NAME_KEBAB}/$recipe_kebab/g" .env.sample success "New recipe created in '$recipe_dir', happy hacking! 👌" } ###### .. recipe ls help_recipe_ls (){ help_recipe_list } sub_recipe_ls() { sub_recipe_list } help_recipe_list() { echo "abra [options] recipe (list|ls) List all available recipes." } sub_recipe_list() { require_apps_json get_recipes printf "%s delicious recipes:\n" "${#RECIPES[@]}" printf '%s\n' "${RECIPES[@]}" } ###### .. recipe versions help_recipe_versions() { echo "abra [options] recipe versions Show all available versions of ." } sub_recipe_versions() { require_apps_json get_recipe_versions "$abra__recipe_" printf "%s thrilling versions of $abra__recipe_:\n" "${#RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}" for version in "${RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}"; do recipe_version_data=$($JQ -r ".\"${abra__recipe_}\".versions.\"${version}\"" "$ABRA_APPS_JSON") mapfile -t services < <(echo "$recipe_version_data" | $JQ -r ". | keys | .[]" -) printf '%s:\n' "$version" for service in "${services[@]}"; do image=$(echo "$recipe_version_data" | $JQ -r ".$service.image" -) tag=$(echo "$recipe_version_data" | $JQ -r ".$service.tag" -) digest=$(echo "$recipe_version_data" | $JQ -r ".$service.digest" -) printf ' - %s (%s:%s, %s)\n' "$service" "$image" "$tag" "$digest" done done } ###### .. recipe lint help_recipe_lint() { echo "abra [options] recipe lint (For recipe maintainers) Check for various Docker and Co-op Cloud best-practices. POWERED BY yq" } sub_recipe_lint() { require_yq local recipe recipe="$abra__recipe_" local recipe_dir recipe_dir="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$recipe" local compose_file compose_file="compose.yml" cd "$recipe_dir" || error "Can't find recipe dir '$recipe_dir'" local app_data app_data=$($YQ e '.services.app' "$compose_file") # Check for an "app" service if [ "$app_data" = "null" ]; then warning "Missing 'app' service" else info "'app' service found" fi # Check that at least one service has Traefik enabled if $YQ e '.services.*.deploy.labels.[] == "traefik.enable=true"' "$compose_file" | grep -q true; then info "Found at least one Traefik-enabled service" else warning "Can't find any Traefik-enabled service" fi # Healthcheck check (check) if $YQ e -e '.services.*.healthcheck' "$compose_file" > /dev/null 2>&1; then info "Found a healthcheck for at least one service." else warning "Can't find any healthchecks." fi # Verify compose version local compose_version compose_version=$($YQ e '.version' "$compose_file") if [ "$compose_version" = "3.8" ]; then info "Compose version 3.8" else warning "Compose version $compose_version, should be 3.8." fi local image_tags image_tags=$($YQ e '.services.*.image' "$compose_file") # Check that each image is using a tag local untagged_images untagged_images=$(grep '^[^:]*$' <<< "$image_tags") if [ -n "$untagged_images" ]; then warning "Untagged images found: $untagged_images" else info "No untagged images found" fi # Check no images are using "latest" local latest_images latest_images=$(grep ':latest' <<< "$image_tags") if [ -n "$latest_images" ]; then warning "Images found using 'latest': $latest_images" else info "No 'latest' images found" fi # Check for .env.sample if [ -f .env.sample ]; then info "Found .env.sample" else warning "No .env.sample" fi local service_configs service_configs=$($YQ e '.services.*.configs' "$compose_file") if grep -v "null" -q <<< "$service_configs"; then # Check for .env.sample if [ -f abra.sh ]; then info "Found abra.sh" else warning "No abra.sh, but config vars defined" fi fi # Check for .drone.yml if [ -f .drone.yml ]; then info "Found .drone.yml" # Check for stack-ssh-deploy CI if $YQ e -e '.steps.[] | select(.image == "decentral1se/stack-ssh-deploy:latest")' .drone.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then info "Found abra auto-release" else warning "Missing drone-abra auto-release" fi # Check for drone-abra auto-release if $YQ e -e '.steps.[] | select(.image == "decentral1se/drone-abra:latest")' .drone.yml > /dev/null 2>&1; then info "Found abra auto-release" else warning "Missing drone-abra auto-release" fi else warning "No .drone.yml" fi } ###### .. recipe release help_recipe_release() { echo "abra [options] recipe release [--force] [--bump] (For recipe maintainers) Make sure the service labels and git tags for are in sync with the specified image tags. Run this after you or comrade \`renovate-bot\` have bumped the version of any of the images in . OPTIONS --force Over-write existing tag; use this if you have a git tag for the recipe version already, to make sure labels are in sync. --bump Make an n+1 release (packager specific changes to recipe) POWERED BY skopeo inspect docker://image:tag git commit git tag" } sub_recipe_release() { require_apps_json require_binary skopeo require_yq recipe="$abra__recipe_" force="$abra___force" bump="$abra___bump" recipe_dir="$ABRA_DIR/apps/$recipe" if [ "$bump" = "true" ] && [ "$force" = "true" ]; then error "--bump and --force don't play nicely together" fi cd "$recipe_dir" || error "Can't find recipe dir '$recipe_dir'" get_recipe_versions "$recipe" if [ "${#RECIPE_VERSIONS[@]}" -gt 0 ]; then latest_version="${RECIPE_VERSIONS[-1]}" if [ "$force" = "true" ]; then latest_version_message=$(git tag -l "$latest_version" --format='%(contents)') else latest_version_message=$(git show -s --format=%s) fi info "Latest available version: '$latest_version'" info "Latest version message: '$latest_version_message'" else latest_version="" latest_version_message="Initial tagged release" info "No previous releases found" if [ "$bump" = "true" ]; then error "--bump can't do its work when there are no existing release versions" fi fi current_tag=$(git tag --points-at HEAD) if [ "$force" = "false" ] && [ -n "$current_tag" ] && [ "$bump" = "false" ]; then success "$recipe is already on $current_tag, no release needed" fi if [ "$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name HEAD)" = "HEAD" ]; then warning "It looks like $recipe_dir is in 'detached HEAD' state" if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ]; then read -rp "Check out main/master branch first? [Y/n] " if [ "${choice,,}" != "n" ]; then checkout_main_or_master fi else checkout_main_or_master fi fi mapfile -t extra_compose_files < <(ls -- compose.*.yml 2> /dev/null || true) compose_files=("compose.yml" "${extra_compose_files[@]}") new_version="false" for compose_file in "${compose_files[@]}"; do if [ "$bump" = "true" ]; then continue # skip trying to upgrade labels for --bump logic fi mapfile -t services < <($YQ e -N '.services | keys | .[]' "$compose_file" | sort -u) if [ "$compose_file" = "compose.yml" ] && ! printf '%s\0' "${services[@]}" | grep -Fqxz -- "app"; then # shellcheck disable=SC2016 warning 'No `app` service found; which one should we use for the version number?' select service_item in "${services[@]##*/}"; do if [ 1 -le "$REPLY" ] && [ "$REPLY" -le ${#services[@]} ]; then main_service="$service_item" success "Selected ${service_item} as main service" break fi done else main_service="app" fi for service in "${services[@]}"; do # 3wc: skip the "app" service unless we're in compose.yml; this service is # often repeated in other compose.*.yml files to extend options, but we only # want to add the deploy.label in one definition # TODO 3wc: make this smarter, what if a separate compose file extends # other services too? if [ "$compose_file" != "compose.yml" ] && [ "$service" = "app" ]; then debug "Skipping '$service'" continue fi debug "Processing '$service'" service_image=$($YQ e ".services.$service.image" "$compose_file") service_tag="${service_image##*:}" if [ -n "$latest_version" ]; then latest_data=$($JQ ".\"$recipe\".versions.\"$latest_version\".\"$service\"" "$ABRA_APPS_JSON") latest_tag="$(echo "$latest_data" | $JQ -r ".tag" -)" fi if [ -z "$latest_version" ] || [ "$force" = "true" ] || [ "$service_tag" != "$latest_tag" ]; then if [ "$service" = "$main_service" ]; then new_version="$service_tag" fi info "Fetching $service_image metadata from Docker Hub" service_data=$(skopeo inspect "docker://$service_image") service_digest=$(echo "$service_data" | $JQ -r '.Digest' | cut -d':' -f2 | cut -c-8) label="coop-cloud.\${STACK_NAME}.$service.version=${service_tag}-${service_digest}" debug "Replacing version label on $service with $label" # delete old label, if one exists $YQ eval -i "del(.services.$service.deploy.labels.[] | select(. == \"coop*\"))" "$compose_file" # add new label $YQ eval -i ".services.$service.deploy.labels += [\"$label\"]" "$compose_file" else debug "no updates for '$service_image'" fi done done if [ "$new_version" = "false" ]; then # $main_service tag hasn't changed, just bump release if echo "$latest_version" | grep -q '_'; then latest_version_minor="${latest_version##*_}" else latest_version_minor=0 fi new_version_minor="$((latest_version_minor + 1))" new_version="${latest_version%_*}_$new_version_minor" fi debug "Calculated new version $new_version" if [ -n "$latest_version" ] && [ "$force" = "false" ] && [ "$new_version" = "$latest_version" ]; then error "Hmm, something went wrong generating a new version number.." fi local -a expected_format="^coop-cloud.[a-z]*.[a-z]*.[a-z]*=v\\d*.\\d*.\\d*-\\S{8}" if [[ ! "$new_version" =~ $expected_format ]]; then error "'$new_version' does not match the expected label format, bailing out..." fi success "All compose files updated; new version is $new_version" if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ] && [ "$bump" = "false" ]; then git --no-pager diff read -rp "Commit your changes to git? [y/N]? " choice if [ "${choice,,}" != "y" ]; then return fi fi if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ] && [ "$bump" = "false" ]; then git commit -avem "Version $new_version; sync labels" || exit else git commit -am "Version $new_version; sync labels" || true fi if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ]; then read -rp "Tag this as \`$new_version\`? [y/N]? " choice if [ "${choice,,}" != "y" ]; then return fi fi if [ "$force" = "true" ]; then git tag -d "$new_version" || true git push origin --delete "$new_version" || true debug "Deleted local tag and remote tag if present" fi if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ]; then git tag -aem "$latest_version_message" "$new_version" else git tag -am "$latest_version_message" "$new_version" || true fi if [ "$abra___no_prompt" = "false" ]; then read -rp "Git push this new tag? [y/N]? " choice if [ "${choice,,}" = "y" ]; then git push && git push --tags fi else git push && git push --tags fi } ####################################### # abra server .. ####################################### ###### .. server ls help_server_ls (){ help_server_list } sub_server_ls() { sub_server_list } help_server_list (){ echo "abra [options] server (list|ls) List locally-defined servers." } sub_server_list() { get_servers warning "Loading status from ${#SERVERS[@]} server(s), patience advised.." printf "%s servers:\n\n" "${#SERVERS[@]}" local -a idx=0 for SERVER in "${SERVERS[@]}"; do if [[ "$idx" == 0 ]]; then printf " NAME\tCONNECTION\n" printf " --\t--\t\n" fi name="${SERVER##*/}" host=$(docker context inspect "$name" -f "{{.Endpoints.docker.Host}}" 2>/dev/null) printf " %s\t%s\n" "$name" "${host:-UNKNOWN}" idx+=1 done | column -s' ' -t } ###### .. server init help_server_init (){ echo "abra [options] server init Set up a server for Docker swarm joy. This initialisation explicitly chooses for the \"single host swarm\" mode which uses the default IPv4 address as the advertising address. This can be re-configured later for more advanced use cases. POWERED BY docker swarm init docker network create ..." } sub_server_init() { export DOCKER_CONTEXT="${abra__host_}" load_context # Note(decentral1se): it sucks to use Google DNS but it seems like a reliable method # for determining the default IPv4 address especially nowadays # when there are often multiple internal addresses assigned to eth0 default_ipv4="$(ip route get | head -1 | awk '{print $7}')" if [ "$abra___debug" = "true" ]; then DOCKER_ENDPOINT=$(docker context inspect "$DOCKER_CONTEXT" -f "{{.Endpoints.docker.Host}}" 2>/dev/null) debug "Connecting to $DOCKER_CONTEXT via SSH ($DOCKER_ENDPOINT)" fi docker swarm init --advertise-addr "$default_ipv4" || true docker network create --driver=overlay proxy --scope swarm || true } ###### .. server add help_server_add (){ echo "abra [options] server add [] [] Add a server, reachable on . OPTIONS , SSH connection details POWERED BY docker context create ..." } sub_server_add() { require_abra_dir HOST="$abra__host_" USERNAME="$abra__user_" PORT="$abra__port_" if [ -n "$PORT" ]; then PORT=":$PORT" fi if [ -n "$USERNAME" ]; then USERNAME="$USERNAME@" fi docker context create "$HOST" \ --docker "host=ssh://$USERNAME$HOST$PORT" \ || true mkdir -p "$ABRA_DIR/servers/$HOST" } ###### .. server new help_server_new (){ echo "abra [options] server new -- \"\" Use a provider plugin to create an actual new server resource (VPS or otherwise) which can then be used to house a new Co-op Cloud installation. OPTIONS Provider plugin for creating new server (choices: hetzner)" } sub_server_new() { require_abra_dir require_jq PROVIDER="$abra__provider_" if [ "$PROVIDER" != "hetzner" ] && [ "$PROVIDER" != "capsul" ]; then error "Unknown provider plugin 'abra-${PROVIDER}'" fi if [ ! -d "$ABRA_DIR/plugins/abra-$PROVIDER" ]; then require_plugin "abra-$PROVIDER" fi # shellcheck disable=SC1090 # shellcheck disable=SC2086 source "$ABRA_DIR/plugins/abra-$PROVIDER/abra-$PROVIDER" $abra__args_ } ###### .. server delete help_server_rm (){ help_server_delete } sub_server_rm() { sub_server_delete } help_server_delete (){ echo "abra [options] server delete Remove server POWERED BY docker context rm ..." } sub_server_delete() { docker context rm "$abra__host_" } ###### .. server apps help_server_apps (){ echo "abra [options] server apps [--status] Alias for \`abra app ls --server=. OPTIONS --status Show whether apps are deployed (warning! slow!) POWERED BY (for --status) docker stack ls" } sub_server_apps() { abra___server="$abra__host_" sub_app_list } ####################################### # Misc commands ####################################### ###### .. upgrade help_upgrade (){ echo "abra [options] upgrade [--dev] Upgrade abra itself, using the online installer script. OPTIONS --dev Upgrade to the latest development version (HEAD)" } sub_upgrade() { if [[ "$abra___dev" == "true" ]]; then curl https://install.abra.coopcloud.tech | bash -s -- --dev --no-deps else curl https://install.abra.coopcloud.tech | bash -s -- --no-deps fi } ###### .. version help_version (){ echo "abra [options] version Show the installed version of abra." } sub_version() { if [ -L "$0" ] && [ -e "$0" ]; then ABRA_SRC=$(readlink "$0") ABRA_DIGEST=$(cd "${ABRA_SRC%/*}" && git rev-parse --short HEAD) fi echo "$ABRA_VERSION${ABRA_DIGEST:+-}${ABRA_DIGEST}" } ###### .. doctor help_doctor (){ echo "abra [options] doctor Help diagnose setup issues." } sub_doctor() { require_docker_version success "Hurrah! Everything is in working order!" } ###### .. help help_help (){ echo "HEEEEEELP! ðŸ˜ą" } sub_help() { SUBCOMMAND=$(IFS="_"; echo "${abra__subcommands_[*]}") if [ -z "$SUBCOMMAND" ]; then printf "%s" "$DOC" exit fi HELP_CMD="help_${SUBCOMMAND}" if type "$HELP_CMD" > /dev/null 2>&1; then "$HELP_CMD" else HELP_COMMANDS=$(declare -Ff | grep 'help_' | cut -d' ' -f3 | sed 's/_/ /g') error "No help found for '$abra__subcommands_' Try one of these: ${HELP_COMMANDS//help /}" fi } ####################################### # cheeky docker aliases ####################################### ###### .. stack ... sub_stack() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 docker stack $@ } ###### .. volume ... sub_volume() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 docker volume $@ } ###### .. network ... sub_network() { # shellcheck disable=SC2068 docker network $@ } ####################################### # Main ####################################### abra() { require_bash_4 if ! type tput > /dev/null 2>&1; then tput() { echo -n } fi DOCOPT_PREFIX=abra_ DOCOPT_ADD_HELP=false eval "$(docopt "$@")" # --stack STACK_NAME=$abra___stack # --env if [ -n "$abra___env" ]; then set -a # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$abra___env" || error "Unable to load env from '$abra___env'" set +a fi if [ -n "$abra__app_" ]; then load_instance load_instance_env require_apps_json fi load_abra_sh # Search for sub_* functions, and check if any of them matches enabled # arguments (i.e. is a command and is specified). The `awk / sort` sorts by # the number of occurrences of '_' in the function name, to ensure that # `abra app version` will be matched before `abra version`. SUBCOMMANDS=$(declare -Ff | grep 'sub_' | cut -d' ' -f3 | awk '{ print gsub("_","&"), $0 }' | sort -n -r | cut -d" " -f2-) for SUBCOMMAND in $SUBCOMMANDS; do IFS='_' read -r -a PARTS <<< "$SUBCOMMAND" for PART in "${PARTS[@]:1}"; do # TODO 3wc: probably a better way to check if a variable is defined.. VAR=$(eval "echo \$abra_$PART") if [ ! "$VAR" == "true" ]; then continue 2 fi done abra__command_=$(IFS="_"; echo "${PARTS[*]:1}") break done if [ "$abra___help" = "true" ]; then if [ -z "$abra__command_" ]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2059 printf "$DOC" exit elif type "help_${abra__command_}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then "help_${abra__command_}" exit else error "No help for '$abra__command_'" fi fi # Use abra__command_ in case `command` is provided (i.e. `volume` or `stack`) CMD="sub_${abra__command_}" if type "$CMD" > /dev/null 2>&1; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086,SC2048 "$CMD" ${abra__args_[*]} else docopt_exit fi } abra "$@"