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package server
import (
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
var hetznerCloudType string
var hetznerCloudImage string
var hetznerCloudSSHKeys cli.StringSlice
var hetznerCloudLocation string
var hetznerCloudAPIToken string
var serverNewHetznerCloudCommand = &cli.Command{
Name: "hetzner",
Usage: "Create a new Hetzner virtual server",
ArgsUsage: "<name>",
Description: `
Create a new Hetzner virtual server.
This command uses the uses the Hetzner Cloud API bindings to send a server
creation request. You must already have a Hetzner Cloud account and an account
API token before using this command.
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
Your token can be loaded from the environment using the HCLOUD_TOKEN
environment variable or otherwise passing the "--env/-e" flag.
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "type",
Aliases: []string{"t"},
Usage: "Server type",
Destination: &hetznerCloudType,
Value: "cx11",
Name: "image",
Aliases: []string{"i"},
Usage: "Image type",
Value: "debian-10",
Destination: &hetznerCloudImage,
Name: "ssh-keys",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Usage: "SSH keys",
Destination: &hetznerCloudSSHKeys,
Name: "location",
Aliases: []string{"l"},
Usage: "Server location",
Value: "hel1",
Destination: &hetznerCloudLocation,
Name: "token",
Aliases: []string{"T"},
Usage: "Hetzner Cloud API token",
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
EnvVars: []string{"HCLOUD_TOKEN"},
Destination: &hetznerCloudAPIToken,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
name := c.Args().First()
if name == "" {
internal.ShowSubcommandHelpAndError(c, errors.New("no name provided"))
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
if hetznerCloudAPIToken == "" {
logrus.Fatal("Hetzner Cloud API token is missing")
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
ctx := context.Background()
client := hcloud.NewClient(hcloud.WithToken(hetznerCloudAPIToken))
logrus.Debugf("successfully created hetzner cloud API client")
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
var sshKeys []*hcloud.SSHKey
for _, sshKey := range c.StringSlice("ssh-keys") {
sshKey, _, err := client.SSHKey.GetByName(ctx, sshKey)
if err != nil {
sshKeys = append(sshKeys, sshKey)
serverOpts := hcloud.ServerCreateOpts{
Name: name,
ServerType: &hcloud.ServerType{Name: hetznerCloudType},
Image: &hcloud.Image{Name: hetznerCloudImage},
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
SSHKeys: sshKeys,
Location: &hcloud.Location{Name: hetznerCloudLocation},
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
res, _, err := client.Server.Create(ctx, serverOpts)
if err != nil {
logrus.Debugf("new server '%s' created", name)
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
tableColumns := []string{"Name", "IPv4", "Root Password"}
table := formatter.CreateTable(tableColumns)
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
if len(sshKeys) > 0 {
table.Append([]string{name, res.Server.PublicNet.IPv4.IP.String(), "N/A (using SSH keys)"})
} else {
table.Append([]string{name, res.Server.PublicNet.IPv4.IP.String(), res.RootPassword})
2021-08-02 12:05:39 +00:00
return nil
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
var capsulInstance string
var capsulType string
var capsulImage string
var capsulSSHKey string
var capsulAPIToken string
var serverNewCapsulCommand = &cli.Command{
Name: "capsul",
Usage: "Create a new Capsul virtual server",
ArgsUsage: "<name>",
Description: `
Create a new Capsul virtual server.
This command uses the uses the Capsul API bindings of your chosen instance to
send a server creation request. You must already have an account on your chosen
Capsul instance before using this command.
Your token can be loaded from the environment using the CAPSUL_TOKEN
environment variable or otherwise passing the "--env/-e" flag.
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Name: "instance",
Aliases: []string{"I"},
Usage: "Capsul instance",
Destination: &capsulInstance,
Value: "yolo.servers.coop",
Name: "type",
Aliases: []string{"t"},
Usage: "Server type",
Value: "f1-xs",
Destination: &capsulType,
Name: "image",
Aliases: []string{"i"},
Usage: "Image type",
Value: "debian10",
Destination: &capsulImage,
Name: "ssh-key",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Usage: "SSH key",
Value: "",
Destination: &capsulSSHKey,
Name: "token",
Aliases: []string{"T"},
Usage: "Capsul instance API token",
EnvVars: []string{"CAPSUL_TOKEN"},
Destination: &capsulAPIToken,
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
capsulName := c.Args().First()
if capsulName == "" {
internal.ShowSubcommandHelpAndError(c, errors.New("no name provided"))
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
if capsulAPIToken == "" {
logrus.Fatal("Capsul API token is missing")
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
capsulCreateURL := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s/api/capsul/create", capsulInstance)
capsulClient := libcapsul.New(capsulCreateURL, capsulAPIToken)
resp, err := capsulClient.Create(capsulName, capsulType, capsulImage, capsulSSHKey)
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
if err != nil {
tableColumns := []string{"Name", "ID"}
table := formatter.CreateTable(tableColumns)
table.Append([]string{capsulName, resp.ID})
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00
return nil
var serverNewCommand = &cli.Command{
Name: "new",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
Usage: "Create a new server using a 3rd party provider",
Description: `
Use a provider plugin to create a new server which can then be used to house a
new Co-op Cloud installation.
ArgsUsage: "<provider>",
Subcommands: []*cli.Command{
2021-08-02 13:11:14 +00:00