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package app
import (
containerPkg "coopcloud.tech/abra/pkg/container"
type restoreConfig struct {
preHookCmd string
postHookCmd string
var appRestoreCommand = cli.Command{
Name: "restore",
Aliases: []string{"rs"},
Usage: "Run app restore",
ArgsUsage: "<domain> <service> <file> <path>",
Flags: []cli.Flag{
Before: internal.SubCommandBefore,
BashComplete: autocomplete.AppNameComplete,
Description: `
This command runs an app restore.
Pre/post hook commands are defined in the recipe configuration. Abra reads this
config and run the comands in the context of the service before restoring the
abra app restore example.com app mybackup.tar.gz /var/lib/content
Action: func(c *cli.Context) error {
app := internal.ValidateApp(c)
serviceName := c.Args().Get(1)
if serviceName == "" {
internal.ShowSubcommandHelpAndError(c, errors.New("missing <service>?"))
backupPath := c.Args().Get(2)
if backupPath == "" {
internal.ShowSubcommandHelpAndError(c, errors.New("missing <file>?"))
restorePath := c.Args().Get(3)
if restorePath == "" {
internal.ShowSubcommandHelpAndError(c, errors.New("missing <path>?"))
if _, err := os.Stat(backupPath); err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
logrus.Fatalf("%s doesn't exist?", backupPath)
recipe, err := recipe.Get(app.Recipe)
if err != nil {
restoreConfigs := make(map[string]restoreConfig)
for _, service := range recipe.Config.Services {
if restoreEnabled, ok := service.Deploy.Labels["backupbot.restore"]; ok {
if restoreEnabled == "true" {
fullServiceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", app.StackName(), service.Name)
rsConfig := restoreConfig{}
logrus.Debugf("restore config detected for %s", fullServiceName)
if preHookCmd, ok := service.Deploy.Labels["backupbot.restore.pre-hook"]; ok {
logrus.Debugf("detected pre-hook command for %s: %s", fullServiceName, preHookCmd)
rsConfig.preHookCmd = preHookCmd
if postHookCmd, ok := service.Deploy.Labels["backupbot.restore.post-hook"]; ok {
logrus.Debugf("detected post-hook command for %s: %s", fullServiceName, postHookCmd)
rsConfig.postHookCmd = postHookCmd
restoreConfigs[service.Name] = rsConfig
rsConfig, ok := restoreConfigs[serviceName]
if !ok {
rsConfig = restoreConfig{}
if err := runRestore(app, backupPath, restorePath, serviceName, rsConfig); err != nil {
return nil
// runRestore does the actual restore logic.
func runRestore(app config.App, backupPath, restorePath, serviceName string, rsConfig restoreConfig) error {
cl, err := client.New(app.Server)
if err != nil {
return err
// FIXME: avoid instantiating a new CLI
dcli, err := command.NewDockerCli()
if err != nil {
return err
filters := filters.NewArgs()
filters.Add("name", fmt.Sprintf("^%s_%s", app.StackName(), serviceName))
targetContainer, err := containerPkg.GetContainer(context.Background(), cl, filters, true)
if err != nil {
return err
fullServiceName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s", app.StackName(), serviceName)
if rsConfig.preHookCmd != "" {
splitCmd := internal.SafeSplit(rsConfig.preHookCmd)
logrus.Debugf("split pre-hook command for %s into %s", fullServiceName, splitCmd)
preHookExecOpts := types.ExecConfig{
AttachStderr: true,
AttachStdin: true,
AttachStdout: true,
Cmd: splitCmd,
Detach: false,
Tty: true,
if err := container.RunExec(dcli, cl, targetContainer.ID, &preHookExecOpts); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("succesfully ran %s pre-hook command: %s", fullServiceName, rsConfig.preHookCmd)
backupReader, err := os.Open(backupPath)
if err != nil {
return err
content, err := archive.DecompressStream(backupReader)
if err != nil {
return err
copyOpts := types.CopyToContainerOptions{AllowOverwriteDirWithFile: false, CopyUIDGID: false}
if err := cl.CopyToContainer(context.Background(), targetContainer.ID, restorePath, content, copyOpts); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("restored %s to %s:%s", backupPath, fullServiceName, restorePath)
if rsConfig.postHookCmd != "" {
splitCmd := internal.SafeSplit(rsConfig.postHookCmd)
logrus.Debugf("split post-hook command for %s into %s", fullServiceName, splitCmd)
postHookExecOpts := types.ExecConfig{
AttachStderr: true,
AttachStdin: true,
AttachStdout: true,
Cmd: splitCmd,
Detach: false,
Tty: true,
if err := container.RunExec(dcli, cl, targetContainer.ID, &postHookExecOpts); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Infof("succesfully ran %s post-hook command: %s", fullServiceName, rsConfig.postHookCmd)
return nil