package jsontable import ( "testing" "bytes" "encoding/json" "" ) var TestLine = []string{"1", "2"} var TestGroup = [][]string{{"1", "2", "3"}, {"a", "teohunteohu", "c", "d"}, {"☺", "☹"}} var TestKeys = []string{"key0", "key1", "key2"} // test creation func TestNewTable(t *testing.T) { var b bytes.Buffer tbl := NewJSONTable(&b) if tbl.NumLines() != 0 { t.Fatalf("Something went weird when making table (should have 0 lines)") } } // test adding things func TestTableAdd(t *testing.T) { var b bytes.Buffer tbl := NewJSONTable(&b) tbl.Append(TestLine) if tbl.NumLines() != 1 { t.Fatalf("Appending a line does not result in a length of 1.") } tbl.AppendBulk(TestGroup) numlines := tbl.NumLines() if numlines != (len(TestGroup) + 1) { t.Fatalf("Appending two lines does not result in a length of 4 (length is %d).", numlines) } } // test JSON output is parsable func TestJsonParsable(t *testing.T) { var b bytes.Buffer tbl := NewJSONTable(&b) tbl.AppendBulk(TestGroup) tbl.SetHeader(TestKeys) tbl.JSONRender() var son []map[string]interface{} err := json.Unmarshal(b.Bytes(), &son) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("Did not produce parsable JSON: %s", err.Error()) } } // test identical commands to a tablewriter and jsontable produce the same rendered output func TestTableWriter(t *testing.T) { var bjson bytes.Buffer var btable bytes.Buffer tbl := NewJSONTable(&bjson) tbl.AppendBulk(TestGroup) tbl.SetHeader(TestKeys) tbl.Render() wtbl := tablewriter.NewWriter(&btable) wtbl.AppendBulk(TestGroup) wtbl.SetHeader(TestKeys) wtbl.Render() if bytes.Compare(bjson.Bytes(), btable.Bytes()) != 0 { t.Fatalf("JSON table and TableWriter produce non-identical outputs.\n%s\n%s", bjson.Bytes(), btable.Bytes()) } } /// FIXME test different output formats when captions etc. are added