#!/usr/bin/env bash setup_file(){ load "$PWD/tests/integration/helpers/common" _common_setup _add_server _new_app } teardown_file(){ _rm_server } setup(){ load "$PWD/tests/integration/helpers/common" _common_setup } @test "validate recipe argument" { run $ABRA recipe sync --no-input assert_failure assert_output --partial 'no recipe name provided' run $ABRA recipe sync DOESNTEXIST --no-input assert_failure assert_output --partial 'unable to validate recipe' } @test "allow unstaged changes" { run echo "unstaged changes" >> "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE/foo" assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" status assert_success assert_output --partial 'foo' run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --patch assert_success run rm -rf "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE/foo" assert_success assert_not_exists "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE/foo" _checkout_recipe "$TEST_RECIPE" } @test "detect unstaged label changes" { run $ABRA recipe fetch "$TEST_RECIPE" assert_success run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --patch assert_success run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --patch assert_success assert_output --partial 'is already set, nothing to do?' _checkout_recipe "$TEST_RECIPE" } @test "sync patch label bump" { run bash -c 'cat "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE/compose.yml" | grep -q "0.1.0+1.20.0"' assert_success run $ABRA recipe upgrade "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --patch assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" diff assert_success assert_output --partial 'image: nginx:1.20.2' run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --patch assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" diff assert_success assert_output --partial 'coop-cloud.${STACK_NAME}.version=0.1.1+1.20.2' _checkout_recipe "$TEST_RECIPE" } @test "sync minor label bump" { run $ABRA recipe upgrade "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --minor assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" diff assert_success assert_output --regexp 'image: nginx:1.2.*' run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --minor assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" diff assert_success assert_output --regexp 'coop-cloud\.\$\{STACK_NAME\}\.version=0\.2\.0\+1\.2.*' _checkout_recipe "$TEST_RECIPE" } @test "error if --no-input and no initial version" { run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" tag -d '0.1.0+1.20.0' assert_success assert_output --partial "Deleted tag '0.1.0+1.20.0'" run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --patch assert_failure assert_output --partial 'unable to continue' assert_output --partial 'initial version' run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" fetch -a assert_success assert_output --partial '[new tag]' } @test "output label sync only once" { run $ABRA recipe upgrade "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --minor assert_success run git -C "$ABRA_DIR/recipes/$TEST_RECIPE" diff assert_success assert_output --regexp 'image: nginx:1.2.*' run $ABRA recipe sync "$TEST_RECIPE" --no-input --minor assert_success assert_line --index 0 --partial 'synced label' refute_line --index 1 --partial 'synced label' _checkout_recipe "$TEST_RECIPE" }