
230 lines
5.7 KiB

package app
import (
abraFormatter "coopcloud.tech/abra/cli/formatter"
recipePkg "coopcloud.tech/abra/pkg/recipe"
type secrets map[string]string
var domain string
var domainFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "domain",
Aliases: []string{"d"},
Value: "",
Usage: "Choose a domain name",
Destination: &domain,
var newAppServer string
var newAppServerFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "server",
Aliases: []string{"s"},
Value: "",
Usage: "Show apps of a specific server",
Destination: &newAppServer,
var newAppName string
var newAppNameFlag = &cli.StringFlag{
Name: "app-name",
Aliases: []string{"a"},
Value: "",
Usage: "Choose an app name",
Destination: &newAppName,
var appNewDescription = `
This command takes a recipe and uses it to create a new app. This new app
configuration is stored in your ~/.abra directory under the appropriate server.
This command does not deploy your app for you. You will need to run "abra app
deploy <app>" to do so.
You can see what recipes are available (i.e. values for the <recipe> argument)
by running "abra recipe ls".
Passing the "--secrets/-S" flag will automatically generate secrets for your
app and store them encrypted at rest on the chosen target server. These
generated secrets are only visible at generation time, so please take care to
store them somewhere safe.
You can use the "--pass/-P" to store these generated passwords locally in a
pass store (see passwordstore.org for more). The pass command must be available
on your $PATH.
var appNewCommand = &cli.Command{
Name: "new",
Usage: "Create a new app",
Aliases: []string{"n"},
Description: appNewDescription,
Flags: []cli.Flag{
ArgsUsage: "<recipe>",
Action: action,
BashComplete: func(c *cli.Context) {
catl, err := catalogue.ReadRecipeCatalogue()
if err != nil {
if c.NArg() > 0 {
for name, _ := range catl {
// ensureDomainFlag checks if the domain flag was used. if not, asks the user for it/
func ensureDomainFlag() error {
if domain == "" {
prompt := &survey.Input{
Message: "Specify app domain",
if err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &domain); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ensureServerFlag checks if the server flag was used. if not, asks the user for it.
func ensureServerFlag() error {
appFiles, err := config.LoadAppFiles(newAppServer)
if err != nil {
return err
servers := appFiles.GetServers()
if newAppServer == "" {
prompt := &survey.Select{
Message: "Select app server:",
Options: servers,
if err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &newAppServer); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ensureServerFlag checks if the AppName flag was used. if not, asks the user for it.
func ensureAppNameFlag() error {
if newAppName == "" {
prompt := &survey.Input{
Message: "Specify app name:",
Default: config.SanitiseAppName(domain),
if err := survey.AskOne(prompt, &newAppName); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// createSecrets creates all secrets for a new app.
func createSecrets(sanitisedAppName string) (secrets, error) {
appEnvPath := path.Join(config.ABRA_DIR, "servers", newAppServer, fmt.Sprintf("%s.env", sanitisedAppName))
appEnv, err := config.ReadEnv(appEnvPath)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
secretEnvVars := secret.ReadSecretEnvVars(appEnv)
secrets, err := secret.GenerateSecrets(secretEnvVars, sanitisedAppName, newAppServer)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if internal.Pass {
for secretName := range secrets {
secretValue := secrets[secretName]
if err := secret.PassInsertSecret(secretValue, secretName, sanitisedAppName, newAppServer); err != nil {
return nil, err
return secrets, nil
// action is the main command-line action for this package
func action(c *cli.Context) error {
recipe := internal.ValidateRecipe(c)
if err := config.EnsureAbraDirExists(); err != nil {
recipeMeta, err := catalogue.GetRecipeMeta(recipe.Name)
if err != nil {
latestVersion := recipeMeta.LatestVersion()
if err := recipePkg.EnsureVersion(recipe.Name, latestVersion); err != nil {
if err := ensureServerFlag(); err != nil {
if err := ensureDomainFlag(); err != nil {
if err := ensureAppNameFlag(); err != nil {
sanitisedAppName := config.SanitiseAppName(newAppName)
if len(sanitisedAppName) > 45 {
logrus.Fatalf("'%s' cannot be longer than 45 characters", sanitisedAppName)
logrus.Debugf("'%s' sanitised as '%s' for new app", newAppName, sanitisedAppName)
if err := config.CopyAppEnvSample(recipe.Name, newAppName, newAppServer); err != nil {
if internal.Secrets {
secrets, err := createSecrets(sanitisedAppName)
if err != nil {
secretCols := []string{"Name", "Value"}
secretTable := abraFormatter.CreateTable(secretCols)
for secret := range secrets {
secretTable.Append([]string{secret, secrets[secret]})
if len(secrets) > 0 {
defer secretTable.Render()
tableCol := []string{"Name", "Domain", "Type", "Server"}
table := abraFormatter.CreateTable(tableCol)
table.Append([]string{sanitisedAppName, domain, recipe.Name, newAppServer})
defer table.Render()
return nil