export CUSTOM_CSS_VERSION=v2 export CUSTOM_FLOWS_VERSION=v2 customize() { if [ -z "$1" ] then echo "Usage: ... customize " exit 1 fi # TODO: use env to specify source and target files if [ -e $1/flow_background.jpg ] then echo copy flow_background.jpg abra app cp $APP_NAME $1/flow_background.jpg app:/web/dist/assets/images/ fi if [ -e $1/icon_left_brand.svg ] then echo copy icon_left_brand.svg abra app cp $APP_NAME $1/icon_left_brand.svg app:/web/dist/assets/icons/ fi if [ -e $1/icon.png ] then echo copy icon.png abra app cp $APP_NAME $1/icon.png app:/web/dist/assets/icons/ fi } set_admin_pass() { password=$(cat /run/secrets/admin_pass) token=$(cat /run/secrets/admin_token) /manage.py shell -c """ akadmin = User.objects.get(username='akadmin') akadmin.set_password('$password') akadmin.save() print('Changed akadmin password') from authentik.core.models import TokenIntents key='$token' if (token:= Token.objects.filter(identifier='authentik-bootstrap-token').first()): token.key=key token.save() print('Changed authentik-bootstrap-token') else: Token.objects.create( identifier='authentik-bootstrap-token', user=akadmin, intent=TokenIntents.INTENT_API, expiring=False, key=key, ) print('Created authentik-bootstrap-token') """ } rotate_db_pass() { db_password=$(cat /run/secrets/db_password) psql -U authentik -c """ALTER USER authentik WITH PASSWORD '$db_password';""" }