#!/usr/bin/python3 import os import sys import click import json import subprocess import logging import docker import restic import tarfile import io from pythonjsonlogger import jsonlogger from datetime import datetime, timezone from restic.errors import ResticFailedError from pathlib import Path from shutil import copyfile, rmtree VOLUME_PATH = "/var/lib/docker/volumes/" SECRET_PATH = '/secrets/' SERVICE = None logger = logging.getLogger("backupbot") logging.addLevelName(55, 'SUMMARY') setattr(logging, 'SUMMARY', 55) setattr(logger, 'summary', lambda message, *args, ** kwargs: logger.log(55, message, *args, **kwargs)) def handle_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback): if issubclass(exc_type, KeyboardInterrupt): sys.__excepthook__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) return logger.critical("Uncaught exception", exc_info=( exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)) sys.excepthook = handle_exception @click.group() @click.option('-l', '--log', 'loglevel') @click.option('-m', '--machine-logs', 'machine_logs', is_flag=True) @click.option('service', '--host', '-h', envvar='SERVICE') @click.option('repository', '--repo', '-r', envvar='RESTIC_REPOSITORY', required=True) def cli(loglevel, service, repository, machine_logs): global SERVICE if service: SERVICE = service.replace('.', '_') if repository: os.environ['RESTIC_REPOSITORY'] = repository if loglevel: numeric_level = getattr(logging, loglevel.upper(), None) if not isinstance(numeric_level, int): raise ValueError('Invalid log level: %s' % loglevel) logger.setLevel(numeric_level) if machine_logs: logHandler = logging.StreamHandler() formatter = jsonlogger.JsonFormatter( "%(levelname)s %(filename)s %(lineno)s %(process)d %(message)s", rename_fields={"levelname": "message_type"}) logHandler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(logHandler) export_secrets() init_repo() def init_repo(): repo = os.environ['RESTIC_REPOSITORY'] logger.debug(f"set restic repository location: {repo}") restic.repository = repo restic.password_file = '/var/run/secrets/restic_password' try: restic.cat.config() except ResticFailedError as error: if 'unable to open config file' in str(error): result = restic.init() logger.info(f"Initialized restic repo: {result}") else: raise error def export_secrets(): for env in os.environ: if env.endswith('FILE') and not "COMPOSE_FILE" in env: logger.debug(f"exported secret: {env}") with open(os.environ[env]) as file: secret = file.read() os.environ[env.removesuffix('_FILE')] = secret # logger.debug(f"Read secret value: {secret}") @cli.command() def create(): pre_commands, post_commands, backup_paths, apps = get_backup_cmds() copy_secrets(apps) backup_paths.append(SECRET_PATH) run_commands(pre_commands) backup_volumes(backup_paths, apps) run_commands(post_commands) def get_backup_cmds(): client = docker.from_env() container_by_service = { c.labels['com.docker.swarm.service.name']: c for c in client.containers.list()} backup_paths = set() backup_apps = set() pre_commands = {} post_commands = {} services = client.services.list() for s in services: labels = s.attrs['Spec']['Labels'] if (backup := labels.get('backupbot.backup')) and bool(backup): # volumes: s.attrs['Spec']['TaskTemplate']['ContainerSpec']['Mounts'][0]['Source'] stack_name = labels['com.docker.stack.namespace'] # Remove this lines to backup only a specific service # This will unfortenately decrease restice performance # if SERVICE and SERVICE != stack_name: # continue backup_apps.add(stack_name) backup_paths = backup_paths.union( Path(VOLUME_PATH).glob(f"{stack_name}_*")) if not (container := container_by_service.get(s.name)): logger.error( f"Container {s.name} is not running, hooks can not be executed") continue if prehook := labels.get('backupbot.backup.pre-hook'): pre_commands[container] = prehook if posthook := labels.get('backupbot.backup.post-hook'): post_commands[container] = posthook return pre_commands, post_commands, list(backup_paths), list(backup_apps) def copy_secrets(apps): # TODO: check if it is deployed rmtree(SECRET_PATH, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(SECRET_PATH) client = docker.from_env() container_by_service = { c.labels['com.docker.swarm.service.name']: c for c in client.containers.list()} services = client.services.list() for s in services: app_name = s.attrs['Spec']['Labels']['com.docker.stack.namespace'] if (app_name in apps and (app_secs := s.attrs['Spec']['TaskTemplate']['ContainerSpec'].get('Secrets'))): if not container_by_service.get(s.name): logger.error( f"Container {s.name} is not running, secrets can not be copied.") continue container_id = container_by_service[s.name].id for sec in app_secs: src = f'/var/lib/docker/containers/{container_id}/mounts/secrets/{sec["SecretID"]}' if not Path(src).exists(): logger.error( f"For the secret {sec['SecretName']} the file {src} does not exist for {s.name}") continue dst = SECRET_PATH + sec['SecretName'] copyfile(src, dst) def run_commands(commands): for container, command in commands.items(): if not command: continue # Remove bash/sh wrapping command = command.removeprefix('bash -c').removeprefix('sh -c') # Remove quotes surrounding the command if (len(command) >= 2 and command[0] == command[-1] and (command[0] == "'" or command[0] == '"')): command = command[1:-1] # Use bash's pipefail to return exit codes inside a pipe to prevent silent failure command = f"bash -c 'set -o pipefail;{command}'" logger.info(f"run command in {container.name}:") logger.info(command) result = container.exec_run(command) if result.exit_code: logger.error( f"Failed to run command {command} in {container.name}: {result.output.decode()}") else: logger.info(result.output.decode()) def backup_volumes(backup_paths, apps, dry_run=False): try: result = restic.backup(backup_paths, dry_run=dry_run, tags=apps) logger.summary("backup finished", extra=result) except ResticFailedError as error: logger.error( f"Backup failed for {apps}. Could not Backup these paths: {backup_paths}") logger.error(error, exc_info=True) exit(1) @cli.command() @click.option('snapshot', '--snapshot', '-s', envvar='SNAPSHOT', default='latest') @click.option('target', '--target', '-t', envvar='TARGET', default='/') @click.option('noninteractive', '--noninteractive', envvar='NONINTERACTIVE', is_flag=True) def restore(snapshot, target, noninteractive): # Todo: recommend to shutdown the container service_paths = VOLUME_PATH if SERVICE: service_paths = service_paths + f'{SERVICE}_*' snapshots = restic.snapshots(snapshot_id=snapshot) if not snapshot: logger.error("No Snapshots with ID {snapshots}") exit(1) if not noninteractive: snapshot_date = datetime.fromisoformat(snapshots[0]['time']) delta = datetime.now(tz=timezone.utc) - snapshot_date print( f"You are going to restore Snapshot {snapshot} of {service_paths} at {target}") print(f"This snapshot is {delta} old") print( f"THIS COMMAND WILL IRREVERSIBLY OVERWRITES {target}{service_paths.removeprefix('/')}") prompt = input("Type YES (uppercase) to continue: ") if prompt != 'YES': logger.error("Restore aborted") exit(1) print(f"Restoring Snapshot {snapshot} of {service_paths} at {target}") # TODO: use tags if no snapshot is selected, to use a snapshot including SERVICE result = restic.restore(snapshot_id=snapshot, include=service_paths, target_dir=target) logger.debug(result) @cli.command() def snapshots(): snapshots = restic.snapshots() no_snapshots = True for snap in snapshots: if not SERVICE or (tags := snap.get('tags')) and SERVICE in tags: print(snap['time'], snap['id']) no_snapshots = False if no_snapshots: err_msg = "No Snapshots found" if SERVICE: err_msg += f' for app {SERVICE}' logger.warning(err_msg) @cli.command() @click.option('snapshot', '--snapshot', '-s', envvar='SNAPSHOT', default='latest') @click.option('path', '--path', '-p', envvar='INCLUDE_PATH') def ls(snapshot, path): results = list_files(snapshot, path) for r in results: if r.get('path'): print(f"{r['ctime']}\t{r['path']}") def list_files(snapshot, path): cmd = restic.cat.base_command() + ['ls'] if SERVICE: cmd = cmd + ['--tag', SERVICE] cmd.append(snapshot) if path: cmd.append(path) try: output = restic.internal.command_executor.execute(cmd) except ResticFailedError as error: if 'no snapshot found' in str(error): err_msg = f'There is no snapshot {snapshot}' if SERVICE: err_msg += f'for the app {SERVICE}' logger.error(err_msg) exit(1) else: raise error output = output.replace('}\n{', '}|{') results = list(map(json.loads, output.split('|'))) return results @cli.command() @click.option('snapshot', '--snapshot', '-s', envvar='SNAPSHOT', default='latest') @click.option('path', '--path', '-p', envvar='INCLUDE_PATH') @click.option('volumes', '--volumes', '-v', is_flag=True) @click.option('secrets', '--secrets', '-c', is_flag=True) def download(snapshot, path, volumes, secrets): file_dumps = [] if not any([path, volumes, secrets]): volumes = secrets = True if path: path = path.removesuffix('/') binary_output = dump(snapshot, path) files = list_files(snapshot, path) filetype = [f.get('type') for f in files if f.get('path') == path][0] filename = Path(path).name if filetype == 'dir': filename = filename + ".tar" tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=filename) tarinfo.size = len(binary_output) file_dumps.append((binary_output, tarinfo)) if volumes: if not SERVICE: logger.error("Please specify '--host' when using '--volumes'") exit(1) files = list_files(snapshot, VOLUME_PATH) for f in files[1:]: path = f['path'] if Path(path).name.startswith(SERVICE) and f['type'] == 'dir': binary_output = dump(snapshot, path) filename = f"{Path(path).name}.tar" tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=filename) tarinfo.size = len(binary_output) file_dumps.append((binary_output, tarinfo)) if secrets: if not SERVICE: logger.error("Please specify '--host' when using '--secrets'") exit(1) filename = f"{SERVICE}.json" files = list_files(snapshot, SECRET_PATH) secrets = {} for f in files[1:]: path = f['path'] if Path(path).name.startswith(SERVICE) and f['type'] == 'file': secret = dump(snapshot, path).decode() secret_name = path.removeprefix(f'{SECRET_PATH}{SERVICE}_') secrets[secret_name] = secret binary_output = json.dumps(secrets).encode() tarinfo = tarfile.TarInfo(name=filename) tarinfo.size = len(binary_output) file_dumps.append((binary_output, tarinfo)) with tarfile.open('/tmp/backup.tar.gz', "w:gz") as tar: print(f"Writing files to /tmp/backup.tar.gz...") for binary_output, tarinfo in file_dumps: tar.addfile(tarinfo, fileobj=io.BytesIO(binary_output)) size = get_formatted_size('/tmp/backup.tar.gz') print( f"Backup has been written to /tmp/backup.tar.gz with a size of {size}") def get_formatted_size(file_path): file_size = os.path.getsize(file_path) units = ['Bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB'] for unit in units: if file_size < 1024: return f"{round(file_size, 3)} {unit}" file_size /= 1024 return f"{round(file_size, 3)} {units[-1]}" def dump(snapshot, path): cmd = restic.cat.base_command() + ['dump'] if SERVICE: cmd = cmd + ['--tag', SERVICE] cmd = cmd + [snapshot, path] print(f"Dumping {path} from snapshot '{snapshot}'") output = subprocess.run(cmd, capture_output=True) if output.returncode: logger.error( f"error while dumping {path} from snapshot '{snapshot}': {output.stderr}") exit(1) return output.stdout if __name__ == '__main__': cli()