# coopcloud.tech [![Build Status](https://build.coopcloud.tech/api/badges/coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech/status.svg?ref=refs/heads/main)](https://build.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/coopcloud.tech) > https://coopcloud.tech Splash page for the project. ## Hack You'll need to get the latest extended Hugo release. See [the Github releases](https://github.com/gohugoio/hugo/releases). ```bash $ hugo server ``` ## Deploy me manually to the prod site Need to have a docker context that points to swarm.autonomic.zone. To have permissions to push the image, need to use `docker login` using the creds in the pass store at `logins/dockerhub` ```bash docker build -t thecoopcloud/coopcloud.tech:latest . docker push thecoopcloud/coopcloud.tech:latest DOCKER_CONTEXT=autonomic-swarm docker stack deploy -c compose.yml coop_cloud_site ```