diff --git a/docs/maintainers/handbook.md b/docs/maintainers/handbook.md index cc5ffbd..d38ca22 100644 --- a/docs/maintainers/handbook.md +++ b/docs/maintainers/handbook.md @@ -466,3 +466,24 @@ When using this length specifier, `abra` will not use the "easy to remember word" style generator but instead a string of characters to match the exact length. This can be useful if you have to generate "key" style values instead of passwords which admins have to type out in database shells. + +## How are recipes added to the catalogue? + +> This is so far a manual process which requires a member of Autonomic. This is +> a temporary situation, we want to open out this process & also introduce some +> automation to support making thie process more convenient. Please nag us to +> move things along. + +- Publish your new recipe on the [git.coopcloud.tech](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud) listing +- Run `abra catalogue generate -p` +- Run `cd ~/.abra/catalogue && make` + +These minimal steps will publish a new recipe with no versions. You can also do +the [recipe release publishing dance](https://docs.coopcloud.tech/maintainers/handbook/#how-do-i-release-a-new-recipe-version) +which will then extend the `versions: [...]` section of the published JSON in the catalogue. + +Recipes that are not included in the catalogue can still be deployed. It is not +required to add your recipes to the catalogue but this will improve the +visibility for other co-op hosters & end-users. + +In the future, we'd like to support [multiple catalogues](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/organising/issues/139).