diff --git a/docs/abra/upgrade.md b/docs/abra/upgrade.md index 8d909b2..ef7e0b1 100644 --- a/docs/abra/upgrade.md +++ b/docs/abra/upgrade.md @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Make sure to back up your `~/.abra/servers` configurations first for safety. - `abra` has a new SSH implementation which enforces SSH host key checking. You may run into connection issues as a result of this code churn, please see [this entry](/abra/trouble/#ssh-connection-issues) for help navigating a fix. -- CLI flag/args handling has been made more flexible. We're workign within the constraints of an upstream library issue but have hopefully made it easier to mange passing flags to commands with `abra`. See [this troubleshooting entry](/abra/trouble/#command-line-flag-handling-is-weird) for the full review. +- CLI flag/args handling has been made more flexible. We're working within the constraints of an upstream library issue but have hopefully made it easier to mange passing flags to commands with `abra`. See [this troubleshooting entry](/abra/trouble/#command-line-flag-handling-is-weird) for the full review. - A number of short style flags have been re-mapped and/or added. This is again related to an issue with the upstream CLI library which sometimes understands short style flags as long style flags. E.g. `--ch` instead of `-ch` for `--chaos`. As a concrete example, `--ch` is now `-C` on `abra app deploy`.