# This script is intended to be run by `doitlive`[0], so it deliberately doesn't # log the commands it's running -- as `doitlive` will display them. You can also # run this using `bash.sh`, in which case it might be helpful to uncomment the # `set -x` line below to see what this script is doing. # # [0]: https://doitlive.readthedocs.io/ #set -x export ABRA_DIR=/tmp/abra_demo mkdir -p $ABRA_DIR curl https://install.abra.autonomic.zone | bash -s -- --dev abra server add demo.autonomic.zone calix 222 abra server demo.autonomic.zone init abra app new traefik --server demo.autonomic.zone --domain demo.autonomic.zone --app-name traefik_demo abra -n app traefik_demo deploy --no-domain-poll abra -n app new gitea --server demo.autonomic.zone --domain git.demo.autonomic.zone --app-name gitea_demo --secrets abra -n app gitea_demo deploy