--- title: Back-up and restore an app --- We'll use the example of a [`coop-cloud/wordpress`][wordpress] app deployed at `blog.example.com`. ## Backing up ``` abra app wordpress_blog_example_com backup --all ``` This will download backups of the Wordpress files (plugins, themes, and uploads) and database (posts, settings and users) to the default backup directory, `~/.abra/backups`. You can also back up just the files: ``` abra app wordpress_blog_example_com backup app ``` or just the database: ``` abra app wordpress_blog_example_com backup db ``` !!! warning Not all types of apps know how to do backups yet -- if you see a message like `ERROR: 'nextcloud' doesn't know how to do app backups`, then extra code is needed in that app's `abra.sh` -- you might be able to add this yourself based on [`coop-cloud/wordpress` `abra.sh`][wordpress_abra.sh], otherwise please open a new issue (in this case for [`coop-cloud/nextcloud`][nextcloud]). ## Restore You can restore data into a running application. This is useful to restore an app to a previous state, to migrate an app from one Co-op Cloud server to another, or to help move an app to Co-op Cloud initially. Using the same example app above, you can restore files: ``` abra app wordpress_blog_example_com restore app blog_example_com_app.tar.gz ``` and/or the database: ``` abra app wordpress_blog_example_com restore db blog_example_com_db.sql.gz ``` (there isn't yet a command to restore files and database data at the same time) [wordpress]: https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/wordpress [wordpress_abra.sh]: https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/wordpress/src/branch/master/abra.sh [nextcloud]: https://git.autonomic.zone/coop-cloud/nextcloud