--- title: Troubleshooting --- ## SSH / connection problems Assuming: - Hostname: `coopcloud.example.com` - User: `username` - Port: `222` ### Step 1: Can you SSH to the server normally? Does `ssh username@coopcloud.example.com -p2222` work? If not, run through your standard oh-no-why-doesn't-SSH-work troubleshooting 🍀. ### Step 2: Can you run remote Docker commands over SSH? Does `ssh username@coopcloud.example.com -p2222 docker ps` work? If not: - Is the remote Docker daemon running? - Is your user in the `docker` group? ### Step 3: Does your Docker context work? ``` [user@hostname ~]$ DOCKER_CONTEXT=coopcloud.example.com docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ``` If you get an error message instead: - Use `abra server ls` / `docker context ls` to double-check the SSH connection details - Try removing the context with `docker context rm coopcloud.example.com`, then re-add it