--- title: Frequently Asked Questions --- ## What is the Cooperative Cloud? The Cooperative Cloud is a platform built by and for worked-owned technology cooperatives which proposes a shared social and technical infrastructure for the operation and management of free software applications. ## What about ? ### Cloudron - 👍 Lovely web interface for application, domain & user management - 👍 Bigger library of applications - 👍 Built-in SSO using LDAP, which is compatible with more applications and often has a better user interface than OAuth - 👍 Most applications are actively maintained by the Cloudron team - 👎 Moving away from open source. Free version has a 1-application limit - 👎 Based on Docker images, not stacks, so multi-process applications (e.g. parsoid for Mediawiki) are a non-starter - 👎 Difficult to extend applications - 👎 Only supported on Ubuntu - 👎 Upstreams free software communities aren't involved ### YunoHost - 👍 Lovely web interface for application, domain & user management - 👍 Bigger library of applications - 👍 Awesome backup / deploy / restore continuous integration testing - 👍 Supports hosting applications in subdirectories as well as subdomains - 👍 Doesn't require a public-facing IP - 👎 Upstreams free software communities aren't involved - 👎 Often not idempotent: uninstalling applications leaves growing cruft ### Ansible - 👍 Includes server creation and bootstrapping - 👎 Upstream free software communities aren't publishing Ansible roles - 👎 Lots of manual work involved in things like application isolation, backups, updates ### Kubernetes - 👍 Helm charts are available for some key applications already - 👎 Too big -- requires 3rd party tools to run a single-node instance ### Docker-compose - 👎 Manual work required for process monitoring - 👎 Secret storage not available yet - 👎 [Swarm is the new best practice](https://github.com/BretFisher/ama/issues/8#issuecomment-367575011) ### Doing it Manually - 👍 Simple - just follow upstream instructions to install and update - 👎 Loads of manual work required for application isolation and backups - 👎 Array of sysadmin skills required to install applications - 👎 Hard to share configurations into the commons