--- title: Organisers --- Welcome to the organisers guide! Organisers are folks who focus on the social work in the project. Speaking for the project at talks, helping new tech co-ops & collectives join, keeping an eye out for funding opportunities, seeing what things come up in the community chats, etc. It's important work.
- __Organisers Handbook__ One-stop shop for all you need to know to organise in the community :sparkles: [Read Handbook](/organisers/handbook){ .md-button .md-button--primary } - __Say Hello First__ If you like what you see, but are not sure how to best contribute :speech_left: [Get In Touch](/get-involved/){ .md-button .md-button--primary }
We're still working out what it looks like to do this kind of work in the project. If you like the idea of this kinda of work and/or are already doing it, please send patches to improve this documentation :rocket: