TYPE=funkwhale DOMAIN={{ .Domain }} LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV=production SECRET_DB_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 SECRET_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY_VERSION=v1 # If you have any doubts about what a setting does, # check https://docs.funkwhale.audio/configuration.html#configuration-reference # The number of web workers to start in parallel. Higher means you can handle # more concurrent requests, but also leads to higher CPU/Memory usage FUNKWHALE_WEB_WORKERS=4 # Replace this by the definitive, public domain you will use for # your instance. It cannot be changed after initial deployment # without breaking your instance. FUNKWHALE_HOSTNAME={{ .Domain }} FUNKWHALE_PROTOCOL=https # Log level (debug, info, warning, error, critical) LOGLEVEL=error # Depending on the reverse proxy used in front of your funkwhale instance, # the API will use different kind of headers to serve audio files # Allowed values: nginx, apache2 REVERSE_PROXY_TYPE=nginx # Number of worker processes to execute. Defaults to 0, in which case it uses # your number of CPUs Celery workers handle background tasks (such file imports # or federation messaging). The more processes a worker gets, the more tasks # can be processed in parallel. However, more processes also means a bigger # memory footprint. # CELERYD_CONCURRENCY=0 # which settings module should django use? # You don't have to touch this unless you really know what you're doing DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=config.settings.production