See the [Gitea command-line documentation]( for more options. Make sure not to forget the `-c /etc/gitea/app.ini`.
You most certainly want to be able to access your repository over SSH. To do so, make sure you uncomment the right lines in the configuration for `traefik`.
abra app config YOURTRAEFIKAPP
There uncomment or add these lines:
Then redeploy traefik:
abra app undeploy YOURTRAEFIKAPP
abra app deploy YOURTRAEFIKAPP
You might need to wait a bit. To check if it worked, you can run
telnet 2222
Once you have added a public SSH key, you can check that you can connect to your gitea server with
ssh -T -p 2222
Note that gitea should be configured to listen to port 2222, i.e. `GITEA_SSH_PORT=2222` in the gitea config.