TYPE=karrot # For more information about these options # see https://docs.karrot.world/self-host/options DOMAIN=karrot.example.com COMPOSE_FILE="compose.yml" SITE_NAME=karrot dev SITE_LOGO=https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31616/36565633-517373a4-1821-11e8-9948-5bf6887c667e.png SECRET_DB_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 SECRET_SECRET_KEY_VERSION=v1 SECRET_SMTP_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 # account id for maxmind (for GeoIP) # uncomment if using maxmind account # make sure to add the maxmind_license_key secret too #COMPOSE_FILE="$COMPOSE_FILE:compose.geoip.yml" #MAXMIND_ACCOUNT_ID= SECRET_MAXMIND_LICENSE_KEY_VERSION=v1 FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_SIZE=10m # postal,smtp,console EMAIL_BACKEND=console # only set these when using EMAIL_BACKEND=smtp # SMTP USER and EMAIL_FROM are usually the same #EMAIL_FROM= #SMTP_USER= #SMTP_HOST= #SMTP_USE_SSL= #SMTP_USE_TLS=true #SMTP_PORT=587 # only set these when using EMAIL_BACKEND=postal #POSTAL_API_KEY= #POSTAL_API_URL= #POSTAL_WEBHOOK_KEY= # only if you have configured incoming emails #EMAIL_REPLY_DOMAIN= # For web push set this, and the vapid private key secret # You need to generate a valid vapid keypair # You can generate one by running: # docker run --rm codeberg.org/karrot/generate-vapid-keypair #VAPID_PUBLIC_KEY= #VAPID_ADMIN_EMAIL= #SECRET_VAPID_PRIVATE_KEY_VERSION=v1 # for video calls #MEET_LIVEKIT_ENDPOINT= #MEET_LIVEKIT_API_KEY= #SECRET_LIVEKIT_API_SECRET_VERSION=v1 # You probably don't need to touch these SITE_URL=https://${DOMAIN} LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV=production CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS=${SITE_URL}