TYPE=mailu # Main mail domain, NOT main web domain (if they are different) DOMAIN=example.com LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV=production # Run `docker stack ls | grep traefik | cut -f 1 -d " "` on the target machine to get that one TRAEFIK_STACK_NAME=traefik_example_com # Custom settings used by certdumper_post.sh and Traefik WEB_DOMAIN=example.com ACME_JSON=${LETS_ENCRYPT_ENV}-acme.json # Mailu settings # https://mailu.io TLS_CERT_FILENAME=$WEB_DOMAIN/certificate.crt TLS_KEYPAIR_FILENAME=$WEB_DOMAIN/privatekey.key REDIS_ADDRESS=db # Set to a randomly generated 16 bytes string SECRET_KEY=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX # Subnet of the docker network. This should not conflict with any networks to which your system is connected. (Internal and external!) SUBNET= # Hostnames for this server, separated with comas HOSTNAMES=$WEB_DOMAIN # Postmaster local part (will append the main mail domain) POSTMASTER=admin # Choose how secure connections will behave (value: letsencrypt, cert, notls, mail, mail-letsencrypt) TLS_FLAVOR=mail # Authentication rate limit per IP (per /24 on ipv4 and /56 on ipv6) AUTH_RATELIMIT_IP=60/hour # Opt-out of statistics, replace with "True" to opt out DISABLE_STATISTICS=True ################################### # Optional features ################################### # Expose the admin interface (value: true, false) ADMIN=true # Choose which webmail to run if any (values: roundcube, rainloop, none) WEBMAIL=snappymail # Dav server implementation (value: radicale, none) WEBDAV=none # Antivirus solution (value: clamav, none) ANTIVIRUS=none # Scan Macros solution (value: true, false) SCAN_MACROS=true ################################### # Mail settings ################################### # Message size limit in bytes # Default: accept messages up to 50MB # Max attachment size will be 33% smaller MESSAGE_SIZE_LIMIT=50000000 # Message rate limit (per user) MESSAGE_RATELIMIT=200/day # Networks granted relay permissions # Use this with care, all hosts in this networks will be able to send mail without authentication! RELAYNETS= # Will relay all outgoing mails if configured RELAYHOST= # Enable fetchmail FETCHMAIL_ENABLED=False # Fetchmail delay FETCHMAIL_DELAY=600 # Recipient delimiter, character used to delimiter localpart from custom address part RECIPIENT_DELIMITER=+ # DMARC rua and ruf email DMARC_RUA=admin DMARC_RUF=admin # Welcome email, enable and set a topic and body if you wish to send welcome # emails to all users. WELCOME=false WELCOME_SUBJECT="Welcome to your new email account" WELCOME_BODY="Welcome to your new email account, if you can read this, then it is configured properly!" # Maildir Compression # choose compression-method, default: none (value: gz, bz2, lz4, zstd) COMPRESSION= # change compression-level, default: 6 (value: 1-9) COMPRESSION_LEVEL= # IMAP full-text search is enabled by default. Set the following variable to off in order to disable the feature. # FULL_TEXT_SEARCH=off ################################### # Web settings ################################### # Path to redirect / to WEBROOT_REDIRECT=/webmail # Path to the admin interface if enabled WEB_ADMIN=/admin # Path to the webmail if enabled WEB_WEBMAIL=/webmail # Website name SITENAME=mymail # Linked Website URL WEBSITE=https://$DOMAIN ################################### # Advanced settings ################################### # Log driver for front service. Possible values: # json-file (default) # journald (On systemd platforms, useful for Fail2Ban integration) # syslog (Non systemd platforms, Fail2Ban integration. Disables `docker-compose log` for front!) # LOG_DRIVER=json-file # Docker-compose project name, this will prepended to containers names. COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=mailu # Number of rounds used by the password hashing scheme CREDENTIAL_ROUNDS=12 # Header to take the real ip from REAL_IP_HEADER= # IPs for nginx set_real_ip_from (CIDR list separated by commas) REAL_IP_FROM= # choose wether mailu bounces (no) or rejects (yes) mail when recipient is unknown (value: yes, no) REJECT_UNLISTED_RECIPIENT= # Log level threshold in start.py (value: CRITICAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG, NOTSET) LOG_LEVEL=WARNING # Timezone for the Mailu containers. See this link for all possible values https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones TZ=Etc/UTC # Authentication token for API requests #API_TOKEN= ################################### # Database settings ################################### DB_FLAVOR=sqlite ################################### # Mailman settings ################################### # COMPOSE_FILE="compose.yml:compose.mailman.yml" # MAILMAN_POSTFIX_OVERRIDES=1 # MAILMAN_CORE_VOLUME=lists_example_com_mailman-core # MAILMAN_CORE_NETWORK=lists_example_com_internal ################################### # SASL account -> MAIL FROM mappings for more liberal MAIL FROM relaying # return-path: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/actionmailer-rack-upgrade-2/2.3.15/ActionMailer/Base # logins and MAIL FROM ownership: http://www.postfix.com/postconf.5.html#smtpd_relay_restrictions # there is an open ticket with a further discussion also https://github.com/Mailu/Mailu/issues/1096 ################################### # COMPOSE_FILE="compose.yml:compose.senderlogins.yml" # SENDER_LOGINS_POSTFIX_OVERRIDES=1