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High Performance Object Storage, AWS S3 alternative

  • Category: Utilities
  • Status: 2, beta
  • Image: minio, 4, upstream
  • Healthcheck:
  • Backups: No
  • Email: No
  • Tests: 2
  • SSO: No

Basic usage

  1. Set up Docker Swarm and abra
  2. Deploy coop-cloud/traefik
  3. abra app new minio --secrets (optionally with --pass if you'd like to save secrets in pass)
  4. abra app config YOURAPPDOMAIN - be sure to change $DOMAIN to something that resolves to your Docker swarm box
  5. abra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN
  6. Open the configured domain in your browser to finish set-up. Login is the content of access_key and password is the content of secret_key.


Unfortunately, abra cannot parse the upstream versioning format without some custom development work (see this for more) that has not been done yet. In the meantime, you need to upgrade the tags yourself.