# monitoring-ng Yet another monitoring stack ... This time its a all-in-one grafana/prometheus/loki/node_exporter/cadvisor/promtail stack. It's based heavily on the [monitoring-lite](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/monitoring-lite) stack, but has everything in one recipe included now. So you can deploy monitoring instances to only gather metrics / logs (node_exporter/cadvisor/promtail) and also deploy instances with the full monitoring stack (grafana/prometheus/loki) with the same recipe and just different .env configuration. - **Category**: Apps - **Status**: 2, beta - **Image**: [`grafana/grafana`](https://hub.docker.com/r/grafana/grafana), 4, upstream - **Healthcheck**: 3 - **Backups**: 1 - **Email**: 3 - **Tests**: No - **SSO**: 1 ## Setup a Metrics Gathering Where gathering.org is the node you want to gather metrics from. 1. Configure DNS - monitoring.gathering.org - cadvisor.monitoring.gathering.org - node.monitoring.gathering.org 1. Configure Traefik to use BasicAuth * `abra app config traefik.gathering.org` uncomment ``` # BASIC_AUTH COMPOSE_FILE="$COMPOSE_FILE:compose.basicauth.yml" BASIC_AUTH=1 SECRET_USERSFILE_VERSION=v1 ``` - Generate userslist with httpasswd hashed password `abra app secret insert traefik.gathering.org userslist v1 'admin:'` make sure there is no whitespace in between `admin:`, it seems to break stuff... - `abra app deploy -f traefik` 1. `abra app new monitoring-ng` 1. `abra app config monitoring.gathering.org` for gathering only the main `compose.yml` is needed, nothing more. 1. `abra app deploy monitoring.gathering.org` 1. check that endpoints are up and basic-auth works - cadvisor.monitoring.gathering.org - node.monitoring.gathering.org ## Setup Metrics Browser 1. Configure DNS - monitoring.example.org - prometheus.monitoring.example.org - loki.monitoring.example.org 1. Setup monitoring stack - `abra app new monitoring-ng` - `abra app config monitoring.example.org` Uncomment all the stuff - `abra app secret insert monitoring.example.org basic_auth_admin_password v1 ` this needs the plaintext traefik basic-auth secret, not the hashed one! - `abra app secret ls monitoring.example.org` - `abra app deploy monitoring.example.org` 1. add scrape config to prometheus - `abra app cmd monitoring.example.org prometheus gathering.org` - or manually ``` cp scrape-config.example.yml gathering.org.yml # adjust domain # mkdir scrape_configs abra app cp monitoring.dev.local-it.cloud gathering.org.yml prometheus:/prometheus/scrape_configs/ ``` * check that all configured targets are up: https://prometheus.monitoring.example.org/targets | Service | Authentication | Domain | | ------------- | ------------------ | --------------------------------- | | Grafana | Email / SSO | monitoring.example.org | | Prometheus | traefik basic-auth | prometheus.monitoring.example.org | | loki | traefik basic-auth | loki.monitoring.example.org | | Cadvisor | traefik basic-auth | cadvisor.monitoring.example.org | | Node Exporter | traefik basic-auth | node.monitoring.example.org | ### Logging from a docker host to loki server without anything else ``` $ docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions $ echo '{ "debug" : true, "log-driver": "loki", "log-opts": { "loki-url": "https://:@loki.monitoring.example.org/loki/api/v1/push", "loki-batch-size": "400" } }' > /etc/docker/daemon.json $ systemctl restart docker.service ``` ## Post-setup guide - configure prometheus/loki/alertmanager as data sources in grafana under `Configuration > Data sources` - for loki, you need to set a "Custom HTTP Header": `X-Scope-OrgID: fake` - configure the SMTP mailer under `Alerting > Contact points` - edit the default contact point, choose "Alertmanager" as type & `http://alertmanager:9093` as URL - use the "Test" button to send a test mail. It should fire a request at the alertmanager & that should send a mail - `abra app cp` your `scrap_configs: ...` into `/prometheus/scrape_configs` & log into your prometheus web UI to ensure they're working - load your dashboards in manually under `Create > Dashboard` - from your dashboard panels, choose `Edit > Alert` to create alerts based on those panels --- THX to the previous work of @decentral1se @knooflok @3wc @cellarspoon @mirsal