--- name: "🍳 Recipe Template" about: "This template helps pre-populate Recipe data so that Maintainers can get started as easily as possible cooking the Recipe you're wishing for. Please fill in as much as possible!" title: "App Name" labels: - wishlist --- # App Name [App Name](https://website-or-sourceode.org) app description goes here... * **Category**: Apps * **Status**: N/A, alpha * **Image**: [`owner/app-name`](https://hub.docker.com/r/owner/app-name), 2, 3rd-party * **Healthcheck**: No * **Backups**: No * **Email**: No * **Tests**: No * **SSO**: N/A ## Basic usage 1. Set up Docker Swarm and [`abra`](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/abra) 2. Deploy [`coop-cloud/recipe-name`](https://git.coopcloud.tech/coop-cloud/recipe-name) 3. `abra app new app-name --secrets` (optionally with `--pass` if you'd like to save secrets in `pass`) 4. `abra app config YOURAPPDOMAIN` - be sure to change `$DOMAIN` to something that resolves to your Docker swarm box 5. `abra app deploy YOURAPPDOMAIN` 6. Open the configured domain in your browser to finish set-up