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module Pages.App_String exposing (Model, Msg, Params, page)
import Html exposing (Html, a, button, div, h2, h5, i, img, li, p, span, text, ul)
import Html.Attributes exposing (alt, class, href, src, style)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Http
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Json.Decode.Extra as Decode exposing (andMap)
import Markdown
import Regex
import Spa.Document exposing (Document)
import Spa.Generated.Route as Route
import Spa.Page as Page exposing (Page)
import Spa.Url as Url exposing (Url)
page : Page Params Model Msg
page =
{ init = init
, update = update
, view = view
, subscriptions = subscriptions
type alias Params =
{ app : String
type alias App =
{ name : String
, category : String
, repository : Maybe String
, versions : Maybe (List String)
, icon : Maybe String
, status : String
, slug : String
, default_branch : String
, website : Maybe String
, description : Maybe String
type alias Model =
{ url : Url Params
, status : Status
, readme : String
type Status
= Failure
| Loading
| Success App
init : Url Params -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init url =
( { url = url, status = Loading, readme = "" }, loadApp )
default_image : String
-- FIXME: change to absolute URL, if this works?
default_image =
type Msg
= MorePlease
| GotApps (Result Http.Error (List App))
| GotText (Result Http.Error String)
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
MorePlease ->
( { model | status = Loading }, loadApp )
GotApps result ->
case result of
Ok apps ->
-- TODO better way of getting a single app?
apps_filtered =
List.filter (\app -> app.slug == apps
case List.head apps_filtered of
Nothing ->
( { model | status = Failure }, Cmd.none )
Just item ->
( { model | status = Success item }, loadREADME item )
Err _ ->
( { model | status = Failure }, Cmd.none )
GotText result ->
case result of
Ok content ->
-- update model.content with the loaded README
-- remove HTML comments
pattern =
maybeRegex =
Regex.fromString pattern
regex =
Maybe.withDefault Regex.never maybeRegex
( { model | readme = Regex.replace regex (\_ -> "") content }, Cmd.none )
Err _ ->
( { model | status = Failure }, Cmd.none )
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
view : Model -> Document Msg
view model =
{ title = title model
, body = [ body model ]
title : Model -> String
title model =
case model.status of
Loading ->
"loading Co-op Cloud Recipes"
Failure ->
"error - Co-op Cloud Recipes"
Success app -> ++ " Co-op Cloud Recipes"
body : Model -> Html Msg
body model =
div [ class "pt-3" ]
[ case model.status of
Failure ->
div []
[ div [ class "alert alert-danger" ]
[ p [] [ text "Unable to load app data" ]
, button [ class "btn btn-danger", onClick MorePlease ] [ text "Try Again!" ]
Loading ->
div [ class "d-flex align-items-center", style "height" "89vh" ]
[ div [ class "spinner-border m-auto text-light" ]
[ span [ class "sr-only" ] [ text "Loading..." ]
Success app ->
div []
[ div [ class "row" ]
[ viewApp app model.readme ]
viewStatusBadge : App -> Html Msg
viewStatusBadge app =
status_class =
case app.status of
"1" ->
"2" ->
"3" ->
"4" ->
_ ->
span [ class ("card-link badge " ++ status_class) ]
[ text ("Score: " ++ app.status) ]
viewApp : App -> String -> Html Msg
viewApp app readme =
icon_url =
case app.icon of
Just "" ->
Just i ->
Nothing ->
repository_link =
case app.repository of
Just link ->
a [ class "card-link", href link ]
[ i [ class "fab fa-git-alt" ] []
, text "code"
Nothing ->
text ""
website_link =
case of
Just link ->
case link of
"" ->
text ""
_ ->
a [ class "card-link", href link ]
[ i [ class "fas fa-home" ] []
, text "homepage"
Nothing ->
text ""
div [ class "col-md-6 col-sm-10 mb-3 offset-md-3 offset-sm-1" ]
[ div [ class "card" ]
[ div [ class "card-header" ]
[ a
[ class "btn btn-sm border border-secondary card-link"
, href (Route.toString Route.Top)
[ text " back" ]
, span [ class "card-link badge badge-secondary" ] [ text app.category ]
, viewStatusBadge app
, repository_link
, website_link
, img [ class "card-img-top", src icon_url, alt ("icon for " ++ ] []
, div [ class "card-body" ]
-- render Markdown with no special options
[ div [] (Markdown.toHtml Nothing readme)
, div [ class "card-footer" ]
loadApp : Cmd Msg
loadApp =
{ url = ""
, expect = Http.expectJson GotApps appListDecoder
loadREADME : App -> Cmd Msg
loadREADME app =
repository_link =
case app.repository of
Just link ->
a [ class "card-link", href link ]
[ i [ class "fab fa-git-alt" ] []
, text "code"
Nothing ->
text ""
-- FIXME use live Gitea link
{ url = "" ++ app.slug ++ "/raw/branch/" ++ app.default_branch ++ "/"
, expect = Http.expectString GotText
featuresDecoder : Decode.Decoder String
featuresDecoder =
-- get features.status if it's there
[ [ "status" ] Decode.string
, Decode.succeed ""
appDecoder : Decode.Decoder App
appDecoder =
Decode.succeed App
|> andMap (Decode.field "name" Decode.string)
|> andMap (Decode.field "category" Decode.string)
|> andMap (Decode.maybe (Decode.field "repository" Decode.string))
|> andMap (Decode.succeed Nothing)
|> andMap (Decode.maybe (Decode.field "icon" Decode.string))
|> andMap ( [ "features" ] featuresDecoder)
|> andMap (Decode.succeed "")
|> andMap (Decode.field "default_branch" Decode.string)
|> andMap (Decode.maybe (Decode.field "website" Decode.string))
|> andMap (Decode.maybe (Decode.field "description" Decode.string))
appListDecoder : Decode.Decoder (List App)
appListDecoder =
Decode.keyValuePairs appDecoder
|> buildApp
buildApp : List ( String, App ) -> List App
buildApp apps = (\( slug, app ) -> { app | slug = slug }) apps