# rsshub > An open source, easy to use, and extensible RSS feed aggregator, it's capable > of generating RSS feeds from pretty much everything. * **Category**: Apps * **Status**: 0 * **Image**: [`diygod/rsshub`](https://hub.docker.com/r/rsshub), 4, upstream * **Healthcheck**: No * **Backups**: No * **Email**: No * **Tests**: No * **SSO**: No ## Quick start * `abra app new rsshub --secrets` * `abra app config ` * `abra app deploy ` For more, see [`docs.coopcloud.tech`](https://docs.coopcloud.tech). ## Tips & Tricks ### Instgram scraping Use the provided username/password env vars. ``` # instagram #COMPOSE_FILE="$COMPOSE_FILE:compose.instagram.yml" #IG_ENABLED=1 #IG_USERNAME= #SECRET_IG_PASSWORD_VERSION=v1 ``` We used to Tor proxying but then the accounts started getting blocked due to each request arriving from a new IP address (exit nodes). So, it ie best to rely on caching and reducing access.