#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$PAM_USER" ]; then echo "did not receive PAM_USER env var" exit 1 fi if ! id "$PAM_USER" &>/dev/null; then # NOTE(3wc): This generates a stable UID for the user based on the username; # without it, UID→username mapping changes on every container restart, which # creates file ownership issues and prevents RStudio from working. # See https://github.com/WASHNote/washnote-apps/issues/67 uid=$(echo "$PAM_USER" | md5sum | grep -Eo "[[:digit:]]{3}" | head -n1 | sed -E 's/^0+//') uid=$((1000+uid)) adduser --uid="$uid" "$PAM_USER" --disabled-password --quiet --gecos "" fi exit 0